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China United States Australia reach a new military agreement questions and answers

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/15 9:08:37 Browse times: 202 Comment times: 0

China United States Australia reach a new military agreement questions and answers

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China United States Australia reach a new military agreement questions and answers (video) | | foreign military aircraft "exceptionally close" _ news

  Q: recently, Iraq security tensions in China have any comment on that? Chinese citizens and institutions in Iraq are affected?

A: the Chinese side is very concerned about Iraq security situation recently, support the Iraq Government's efforts to maintain security and stability, wants Iraq to restore security, stability and normalcy as soon as possible.

The Chinese Government attaches great importance to maintaining security and the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions in Iraq. Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Embassy has requested Iraq to take effective measures to protect the personal safety of Chinese citizens in Iraq. Iraq tensions in the near future, the Foreign Ministry and the Iranian Embassy has issued security reminders, it is recommended that recent Chinese citizens temporarily not to travel to Iraq, follow closely the security situation of Chinese citizens in Iraq, improve safety, away from the war zones.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Embassy will continue to follow closely the developments in Iraq, to take all necessary measures to maintain the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions in Iraq.

  Q: Iraq rebels occupied Mosul and Tikrit, and China's views on the militant group is what? United States Government declared its support for Iraq against the militant groups, China is what? The gang of armed kidnapping Turkey Consulate in Mosul who China has any comment?

A: yesterday, I already expressed China's stance on the issue. Chinese Government pay close attention to the current Iraq security situation, strongly condemned the terrorist activities directed against diplomatic institutions and civilians that occurred in Mosul, the relevant authorities should immediately and unconditionally release the hostages.

We support the Iraq Government's efforts to maintain security and stability. For a long time, China has Iraq provided various forms of assistance, would like to continue to Iraq provided all the help. Wants Iraq to restore security stability and normalcy as soon as possible.

 Q: the United States and Australia recently agreed a new military cooperation agreement, United States can assure its mission in Australia's military bases stationed more troops. How do you evaluate China?

Answer: the Asia-Pacific are members of the Asia-Pacific, the Asia-Pacific region to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in line with the common interests of all parties. Hope that cooperation between the countries concerned to serve peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region to play a positive and constructive role.

  Q: the UN climate change Summit will be held in September this year, China is expecting of the Summit? Whether to participate?

A: the Chinese side welcomes the United Nations Summit on climate change held in September this year, saying it is conducive to international cooperation in the field of climate change, condensed political will of the parties, and to promote a global response to climate change and the process of achieving sustainable development. We hope that the international community take the Summit as an opportunity to continue to adhere to the "common but differentiated responsibilities" conventions such as the principle of balance between the various elements such as mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology, focusing on the difficulties faced by developing countries in tackling climate change.

China is trying to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and actively respond to climate change. We are willing to work together with countries together to make a contribution to tackling climate change.

 Q: Afghanistan's second round of the presidential election will be held on 14th. China have any comment on that?

A: China appreciates Afghanistan electoral body for the second round of the presidential election have done considerable preparatory work, wants elections held smoothly and successfully, and for Afghanistan to achieve peace, stability and development, and lay a solid foundation. China attaches importance to developing the strategic partnership, willing to work together with the parties concerned, to continue to support Afghanistan in rebuilding peace and national reconciliation process for the realization of Afghanistan and in the region work towards lasting peace and common development.

 Q: Japanese officials today on the Chinese military and Japan military "exceptionally close," said China's videos, photos, published on the website of different representations to the Japanese side, the Japanese side asked the Chinese to take down video. In addition, China says Japan military aircraft military aircraft is less than 30 meters from the Chinese side, but Japan says it is completely incompatible with the facts. China had any response?

Answer: according to recent Chinese military "exceptionally close" Japanese warplanes, yesterday I here have shown that China's position. China's Defense Ministry has dealt with this incident as well as the site details, and has released videos and photos. Facing the hard facts, the Japanese side was also stated in that case, I have only three words to describe, that is outrageous, frivolous, unreasonable. We demand the Japanese side to immediately stop all actions and verbal provocation.

(Edit: SN091)18:53 June 13, 2014 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

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