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British media said China in the past year at least 180 people died in the storm case

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/15 9:08:20 Browse times: 218 Comment times: 0

British media said China in the past year at least 180 people died in the storm case

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British media said China in the past year at least 180 people died in the storm case | | Xinjiang _ the China storm case news

"Global times, Qiu Yongzheng" Xinjiang Urumqi intermediate people's Court on 13th open trial "Beijing 10·28 serious cases of violence and terrorism" suspects. Earlier, the official website of the people's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has issued the case information: on October 28, 2013 at 12 o'clock, serious cases of violence and terrorism in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 3 were driving a Jeep into the Chang an Street sidewalk, 2 people killed and 40 others were injured. Suspect ignition induced by gasoline vehicle burst into flames. After the incident, police has arrested 8 suspects. On May 30 this year, Urumqi people's Procuratorate with the crime of organizing, leading and participating in terrorist organizations and crimes endangering public security by dangerous means to the above 8 suspects are prosecuted.

United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on the 13th, the attack is "Beijing, the first such event occurred over the years." Reported that over the past year, at least 180 people were killed in similar attacks in various parts of China. The Chinese Government blamed the attacks of extreme radical Islamist and separatist movements in Xinjiang region.

The global Times reporter noted, Xinjiang's Public Security Department has recently stepped up efforts to hammer strike suddenly and violently feared: June 13 trial day, Xinjiang's ILI Kazak autonomous prefecture held a press conference, informed of the recent investigation of 10 party members and cadres spread violation of party and State guidelines and policies, undermine national unity and freedom of expression cases, of which 2 cases involved dissemination of cult. Persons involved including yili Prefecture Government Office party member batuer·duwamaiti, Qapqal County Water Conservancy Bureau retired cadre Wang Rongfang, etc. Reporters noted that 10 people working in different industries and sectors as well as cadres of ethnic minorities, there are Han cadres.

The 4th of this month, said the people's Procuratorate of Urumqi, according to the autonomous regional special action to crack down on violent terrorist activities plans, city attorney investigation supervision Department quickly organized the ad hoc group, so that cases of "accepting completed, at the latest on the day on the day of no more than 48 hours." On June 5, Tacheng, Xinjiang, Urumqi, Aksu, oblast, people's Court of Kashgar, hotan and other 23 81 accused publicly, respectively, to the crime of organizing, leading and participating in terrorist organizations, intentional homicide, arson and sentenced the defendants to death, life imprisonment and imprisonment. 9 people have been sentenced to death, 3 persons were sentenced to death, suspended for two years.

Quick Punch punishing storms in Xinjiang drew international media attention. Agence France-Presse reported on the 12th, the exiled "Muslim Uighurs" organization claims that Xinjiang's instability and insecurity because of "cultural repression of the Chinese Government" and "tough security measures", and Han Chinese immigration to the "unfair social and economic development." However, Agence France-Presse, also said that the Chinese Government claims Xinjiang because of insecurity caused by terrorist groups, the Chinese Government is working to improve the standard of living of the local population. Agence France-Presse, also claimed that the news control in Xinjiang "very harsh" and many messages "unable to confirm". In this regard, the reporter has a different experience of the global times, in fact, in Xinjiang in recent years greater influence upon the storm event, foreign reporters can always "first time" appear in Xinjiang, I do not know, AFP reporters on "press control is very strict" experience comes from. State officials in charge of the media also confirmed that: "these journalists came faster than China, and would quickly show up in the incident. ”

Reuters 12th in recent weeks, Xinjiang police in the arrest and trial of storm news, quoted a Hong Kong University of science and technology scholars daiwei·zhaweige as saying: "building a fairer system is the real cure for preventing the spread of extremist ideology. China is now in a very difficult and need long-term and short-term solutions. ”

However, the local people's views seem to be greatly different from Western media. Xinjiang West law firm 13th Wu Jianmin told the global Times newspaper said: "the judgment on these critical molecules, reflecting from the central to the local, on fears the storm had taken rigorous judicial means such crackdown in accordance with the current situation in Xinjiang. ”

Xinjiang Academy of social sciences in retired cadres tayierjiang·muhanmode said that when he saw the "concentrated in Xinjiang sentenced a number of violence-related cases" news, "spirits of many." He said that since the storm threatens molecules want to undermine social stability and hinder the economic development of Xinjiang, and tarnish the image of Xinjiang, then the State laws will be responsive to public opinion against their terrorist arrogance.

River investment co said Jiang Qingyun, Chairman of the Chinese-Americans, Xinjiang, fears the storm of public trial to let him have a dripping feeling: "this is a big deal, is too important for people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, not just people in Xinjiang and all good people in the world are very much in favour of this one great thing. "He wanted to strike hard campaign playing down this road. Xinjiang branch of China Southern Airlines staff said Zhang JI, as long as the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to unite and keep to violently punish highhanded, will be able to ensure social stability and the lasting peace and stability in Xinjiang.

07:40 June 14, 2014 The World Wide Web

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