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Yaan, Sichuan Communist Party Chief Xu Mengjia deposed, Ye Zhuang as

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 9:01:05 Browse times: 309 Comment times: 0

Yaan, Sichuan Communist Party Chief Xu Mengjia deposed, Ye Zhuang as(四川雅安市委书记徐孟加被免职,叶壮接任)

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Yaan, Sichuan Communist Party Chief Xu Mengjia was dismissed Ye Zhuang took over (figure), Secretary of the Sichuan yaan | | | Xu Mengjia _ news

Ya principal responsible comrades of post adjustment

Sichuan news net message the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee decided that comrade Ye Zhuang as Secretary of the CPC Committee members in yaan city and member of; from comrade Xu Mengjia China ya ' an city and member of the Committee.

  Ye Zhuang biographical sketch

Ye Zhuang, male, of Han nationality, born in April 1958, guangan in Sichuan who graduated from Fudan University, Department of physics II, University culture. Sichuan provincial people's Government Secretary General, representatives of ten national people's Congress of Sichuan province, members of the ninth Sichuan Provincial Committee, CPC Secretary of ya. In September 1976, in March 1982, joined the Communist Party of China.

1976.09-1978.02, dianjiang County Business Council of children's school substitute teacher in Sichuan province;

1982.01-1985.06, Institute of nuclear industry Beijing fifth technicians, Secretary of Communist Youth League;

1985.06-1989.04, Executive Director, Director, Director of Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection cadres;

1989.04-1991.08, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection two disciplinary officer, Deputy Department;

1991.08-1993.07, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection two-room, four-room;

1993.07-1994.01, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection four room level (Chair);

1994.01-1998.01, Director of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection of four unit (: 1996.03 per cent, transposition of Fengdu County in Sichuan province Vice Governor);

1998.01-2000.08, Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection;

2000.08-2002.04, enterprise work Committee Deputy Secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Working Committee on discipline;

2002.04-2003.08, enterprise work Committee Deputy Secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee;

2003.08-2004.02, Sichuan neijiang municipal Committee, Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor;

2004.02-2005.07, Sichuan neijiang municipal Committee, Mayor;

2005.07-2005.08, neijiang, Sichuan province Party Secretary, Mayor;

2005.08-2008.01, neijiang, Sichuan province Party Secretary, Director of the municipal people's Congress;

2008.01-2009.12, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee, Director of personnel, Party Secretary of Sichuan province, series Director;

2009.12-2013.1, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee, Director of the Sichuan provincial Department of personnel, the Office of human resources and social security, Party Secretary, provincial Secretary for the civil service (part-time); [3]2010.01-2013.01, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee, Director of Sichuan provincial party Secretary, the Office of human resources and social security, Secretary for Sichuan provincial civil servants (concurrently), [4]

2013.01-2013.11, Director of the General Office of the provincial Government of Sichuan provincial people's Government Secretary General,

2013.11-, Secretary-General, the Director of the General Office of the provincial Government of Sichuan province, the Communist Party Secretary of ya (source: Windows of ya)

(Edit: SN064)November 17, 2013 Sichuan news net(四川雅安市委书记徐孟加被免职 叶壮接任(图)|四川雅安|市委书记|徐孟加_新闻资讯


  四川新闻网消息 中共四川省委决定:叶壮同志任中共雅安市委委员、常委、书记;免去徐孟加同志中共雅安市委书记、常委、委员职务。


















  2009.12—2013.1,四川省委组织部副部长,四川省人事厅厅长、 省人力资源社会保障厅党组书记,省公务员局局长(兼);[3]2010.01—2013.01,四川省委组织部副部长,四川省人力资源和社会保障厅党组书记、厅长,四川省公务员局局长(兼);[4]




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