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University units, such as the prohibition of Chinese enterprises recommend candidates for academicians

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University units, such as the prohibition of Chinese enterprises recommend candidates for academicians

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University units, such as the prohibition of Chinese enterprises recommend candidates for fellow academician | | vote-buying _ news

Yesterday afternoon, on the ongoing Conference of the academicians, China Academy of engineering, the first examined and adopted the draft revised statute of the Chinese Academy of engineering. The Constitution provides that in future, universities, enterprises and other units will not be allowed to nominate fellow candidates, Academy of engineering and the Academy of engineering commissioned only nominations for learned societies, including the Association for science and technology in May. In addition, for violation of scientific ethics, misconduct and other unqualified, academician of CAs, will be "discouraged" or even directly from the removal of fellow members.

It is understood that consideration of the Statute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday, on the Academy nomination, voting and exit systems, have also made similar changes to the Statute and Academy of engineering.

 The nomination

-Articles of amendment

Corporate universities cancel nomination

It is understood that the provisions of the original Statute of the Chinese Academy of engineering, academician candidates than this may be nominated directly by the academicians, all relevant engineering scientific and technological research, design and construction, run institutions, learned societies, universities, enterprises, or according to the prescribed procedures recommended after selection of relevant departments, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, nominate candidates.

Newly revised Constitution clearly stipulates that academician candidates can only be nominated by the two ways, one is directly nominated by the academicians, while deleting the "cooptation, number each member nominated candidates to two; three academician of the Division of not less than the nominated candidates to effectively" provisions. Pathway II is commissioned by Chinese Academy of engineering academic society recommends nominations.

A member of the Academy of engineering introduced, related academic societies refers to is in the Association for science and technology, Scientific Association in the country have learned, and many learn from academician in charge, around the Institute can recommend to cast, nominations of candidates.

It is understood that the fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences elected will retain only direct nominations and related academic groups nominated nominated both ways according to prescribed procedures.


Increase selected links to vote on all

In addition, the election of academicians, all academicians of the new Constitution has also increased the "final selection" section, specifically provides that lists of candidates shall be submitted to the plenary should vote voting fellow of hospital ... Final selection taking Chinese, received more than half of the valid votes cast in favour of the candidate elected. It is understood that the new "final selection" link is thought to be more difficult to elect new academicians, but it will also allow Member fellow of the full exercise of democratic rights, to further strengthen checks on the quality of candidates.

Several articles of academicians quite satisfied, so the votes, however, regulation framework thing, many specific details still need to be further developed. According to a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences described, consideration of the draft revised statute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday in the nomination, selection, exit the changes and changes in the Constitution of the Chinese Academy of engineering are similar. But as of yesterday, a little after 5 o'clock in the afternoon, statute of the journalists has not been adopted by the news.


Member of misbehavior will be discouraged

It is understood that in the original Constitution, been academician exit mechanism provided, academician of as foreign nationals, that is voluntarily relinquishes the title of academician; fellow of acts in conflict with the law or the loss of scientific ethics, according to prescribed procedures to revoke its academician titles of fellow academician himself resigned from the title.

This amendment added to the Constitution, "persuaded" the express, "when fellow individuals in violation of scientific ethics, misconduct, when the affected group of academicians and engineering reputation and urged them to withdraw from the Academician force."

It is understood that the new "leave" provisions, mainly on account of an individual Member's behavior did not constitute a crime, less extent of academician revoked title, but had severe impact on the reputation of Member groups and Academy of engineering. Discouraged and academician revoked title of specific procedures will also be on in-depth research, be detailed and clear in the relevant provisions.


Retired fellow of the new regulations is not involved

Fellow academician retirement has long been regarded as the reform challenge. Academicians and allowed to retire, only pharmacologist, Qin Boyi one academician of Chinese Academy of engineering. But the road to retirement than you think, so smoothly, Qin Boyi started playing retirement report 2004 more than 70 years old, and after playing a few times, specially in the year 2005 by the Central Military Commission.

But Qin Boyi experience difficult to copy. Media reports said in November last year, academician Shen Guofang of 80 years of age, to a lifetime's work of China's forestry universities expressed interest in retiring, but has not been ratified.

18 session presents fellows should have a retirement system, in both houses of the Congress, fellow retired as a focus to be looking forward to. However, the reporter interviewed a number of engineering informed that yesterday, the revision of the Statute does not mention fellow retirement.

 -Academicians views

You can avoid spending money selected academicians

"The biggest change in the nominations, are enterprises and other units can no longer nominate candidates, and even colleges and universities are also not allowed. "One fellow said, some units to make the unit's candidates were elected, would indeed spend activity, making connections, and so on," nomination after the channel is limited, this situation could have been avoided. "Academician can better prevent abuses in the nomination.

It is understood that there are localities or departments for their own interests, featured academician candidates for vote-buying. Were charged with accepting bribes of more than 47.55 million yuan of railway Ministry Secretary, Deputy Chief Zhang shuguang, Shang Gong says has spent 23 million dollars through the relationship of the Tribunal to participating academicians, led to a public outcry.

Chinese Academy of Sciences and the United States Academy of Sciences foreign associate of Zhou and has said publicly, if ministries, localities and units, the Institute may recommend, interests of the fight against doping, bringing administrative intervention, there are wasteful duplication problems.

 Violation of scientific ethics up to de-listing

In addition, engineering was added to the Constitution, "urging" the contents of an academician, told reporters, according to the new regulations, norms for academicians is also better, "light on science ethics, misconduct and other violations, could restrain him, serious direct have been removed from the. ”

It is learned that in recent years, "tobacco" academicians Jianping Xie 2011 for "harm reduction and lowering Coke rate of" research, he was elected as fellow of the Chinese Academy of engineering, textile engineering, environment and, causing no small controversy. In 2013 at national parliamentary session, CPPCC National Committee member, Vice President of Chinese Academy of engineering Pan yunhe said, according to the Constitution, Academy of engineering will not take the initiative to withdraw the "tobacco" academicians Jianping Xie qualify Engineering Institute has been doing to Jianping Xie discouraging work, but they do not accept it.

After the new regulations, tobacco academician Wu will also have to rely on.

 Academician worked no problem

For new articles in the does not mentioned of academician retired problem, engineering homes academician, and Sichuan University national bio material Engineering Technology Research Center Professor Zhang Xingdong accept reporter interview Shi said, retired and exit is two concept, academician retired not retired shouldn't owned engineering homes tube, "academician not from engineering homes led wage, he of work relationship also are in original units, academician just a honorary, and is lifelong honorary, engineering homes certainly can't provides academician of retired problem. ”

"The regulations do not raise this question, does not mean that academicians not to retire. "Zhang Xingdong said that now some units, departments, academicians, and age in particular, are still not allowed to retire," academician should be in accordance with State regulations, old age retirement units, if energy permits, individuals have the will, work for a few years is not a problem. ”

 Fellow selection criteria frequently spark controversy


As China's top academic institutions in science and technology and engineering sectors, the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of engineering technology and engineering sectors, the highest academic honor in China. At present, a total of 743 academician and 802, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering.

But in recent years, in selection mode, each time co-opted member selection criteria caused controversy and 10%, academician of "lifelong" does not exit once to induce public discussions.

9th Conference of the academicians of the opening ceremony, also stressed in his speech, the Chinese President, according to the academicians and the opinions of all sides, the 18 session of the party has proposed reforming the Academician system requirements, primarily to outstanding academic orientation, reducing unnecessary intervention, improve and perfect the fellow selection mechanism, distribution, age structure-part-time and remuneration, retirement and exit system.

Chinese Academy of engineering, one official said, this regulation is also the embodiment of the spirit of the Central.

Reporter understanding to, two homes articles of amendment main involving three aspects, a is co-opted work to attention academic oriented, as avoid administrative factors of interference, involves nominated candidates channel of change; II is perfect academician co-opted mechanism, improve academician of widely recognized degrees, involving election mechanism and program of change; three is sound academician exit mechanism, involving processing academician violations discipline behavior system of perfect,.

This edition interview Jinghua times, Chen Qiao General News Agency

(Original title: corporate universities are not allowed to recommend candidates for academician)

01:59 on June 12, 2014 Beijing times

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