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Our citizens visas for Italy 36 hours to get

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Our citizens visas for Italy 36 hours to get

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Our citizens visas for Italy 36 hours to get Li keqiang, | | Italy | visas _ news

AP President XI Jinping 11th meeting with Italy's Prime Minister Renzi.

XI Jinping said Italy enjoyed traditional friendship, the two peoples are very proud of their ancient civilization, appreciate and learn from each. Both to in involving each other core interests and major concerns problem Shang continues to mutual understanding and support, deepened political trust, strengthened reform concept Exchange, to 2015 years Milan Expo for opportunity, pioneering energy environmental, and can continued town of, and modern agricultural, field cooperation, carried out forms of culture exchange activities, expanded place and civil contacts and tourism cooperation, strengthened in major international problem Shang of communication and coordination, promoting world peace and development.

XI Jinping said in March this year, I travelled to four European countries and the EU headquarters with European leaders forge partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilized four and reached important consensus. We should jointly implement the EU 2020 strategy for cooperation and planning, promote the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership to achieve new and greater development. Second half of the year Italy will serve as the rotating EU Presidency, wants Italy to continue to play a constructive role in promoting China-EU relations development.

Renzi said Italy is willing to maintain high-level exchanges with China and strengthening the exchange of experiences of governance, deepening economic and trade cooperation, investment, science and technology, culture and other fields, will take more measures to facilitate bilateral personnel exchanges, especially exchanges of young students. Italy will continue to actively promote EU-China cooperation, mutual support and cooperation with China in international affairs.

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Li welcomed Renzi became Italy's Prime Minister to visit China shortly. Li pointed out that China will speed up the development of medium-and long-term plans to promote trade and enhance the level of bilateral trade and hoped that further relaxation of investment restrictions for Chinese enterprises to provide a better investment environment, legal security and facilitation measures, strengthening cooperation in the fields of education, culture, China supports and will actively participate in the 2015 Milan Expo.

Renzi said Italy is willing to further expand bilateral economic, trade, tourism, science and technology, urbanization, agriculture, food, culture, and other areas of cooperation. Italy welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in Italy, more Chinese tourists for sightseeing, will be facilitated.

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NET, according to the Chinese Government, Li keqiang, and Italy's Prime Minister after Renzi held talks jointly met the press.

Li said, during the visit, the two Governments issued a new Italian on a three-year plan of action to strengthen economic cooperation and overall planning and direction of bilateral cooperation in various fields, which I believe will boost their economic and social development and benefit the two peoples.

Li said, China will actively support and cooperate with Italy in October this year to host the tenth session of the Asia-Europe Summit and look forward to meeting in comprehensive planning, balanced to promote Asia-Europe cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural and other fields, strengthening Asian-European interconnection, to build markets in Asia and Europe and achieved positive results, for Asia-Europe cooperation and development of people "dividend".

Renzi said Italy is willing to work with China to step up efforts to implement the consensus reached between the two sides and new three-year plan on strengthening economic cooperation, deepen and expand cooperation in various fields so that bilateral relations can go faster and better. Italy welcomes and looks forward to the visit to Italy later this year, Prime Minister Li keqiang and attended the Asia-Europe Summit. Renzi also announced that Chinese citizens to visit visa processing times shortened to 36 hours.


European countries on visa Italy issued the fastest

Chinese citizens travel to Italy visa-processing time up to 36 hours, according to the Foreign Ministry's European Department official micro-blog to introduce, Italy EU visas in China's fastest-growing State.

In European countries, Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. According to statistics, the 2013 Italy Embassy and consulates were issued visas to more than 340,000 pieces, tourist visa more than 280,000 pieces.

Italy belong to Schengen countries, want to go to Italy need a Schengen visa. At present, holding a Schengen visa and can travel apart from United Kingdom and Ireland than all other European countries.

Italy tourist visa processing has been very fast. Italy in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have the visa application centre. Prior to this, in case of complete visa information, processing time for group travel visas in about 5 business days.

Schengen tourist visa facilities have greatly promoted the Schengen countries, and the increasing number of Chinese tourists traveling in Europe led to loosening of visa policies in European countries.

In September 2013, the Netherlands formally to simplify visa only for long-term (a stay of more than three months) visa to Chinese citizens is only required to the Netherlands Embassy and Consulate General in Shanghai and Guangzhou to apply for visas, others can be commissioned to submit an application.

Chinese tourists to Europe's other popular countries France, in January 2014 to implement measures for granting visas to Chinese tourists for 48 hours. It is understood that Germany is mulling to more Chinese applicants issued 3-5 of long-term multiple-entry visas.

While non-Schengen countries United Kingdom in 2013, have launched a number of visa simplification measures, some designated Chinese travel agencies are allowed to apply for United Kingdom visa, simply submit a European Schengen visa application form without submitting two separate application forms. From this summer onwards, United Kingdom in China will also be 24-hour "super senior" visa services. Beijing News reporter a little bit

(Original title: citizens can get visas for Italy 36 hours)

(Edit: SN010)02:30 on June 12, 2014 The Beijing News

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