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Website: judicial reform to ensure that legally independent and impartial exercise of judicial power

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 9:00:47 Browse times: 265 Comment times: 0

Website: judicial reform to ensure that legally independent and impartial exercise of judicial power(新华网:司法改革确保依法独立公正行使司法权)

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Website: to ensure independent and impartial jurisdiction according to the law on judicial reform | | | justice reform public prosecutor's Office _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 15 (reporters Chen Fei and and Yang Weihan and and Zou Wei)-released 15th CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform of the decision explicitly required, "the reform of the judicial system, promote the following local courts and procuratorates over the uniform administration of the province, establishing appropriate separation and Division system of jurisdiction to ensure consolidation of State laws are implemented correctly. ”

"This shows that the Party Central Committee has made efforts to resolve the judicial system under question, more emphasis on reform of top design. "By law, Chinese Academy of social sciences researcher Ji Xiangde said, for a long time judicial setting and administrative divisions of China set the high degree of overlap, the courts, the public prosecution service personnel is highly dependent on local, so local interference with the prosecution and trial of the case easier, affecting a fair hearing of the case.

Professor Chen Weidong of Renmin University law school, in an interview with reporters, noted that the judicial reform is to address the constraints of Justice mainly two institutional obstacles: one is localizing the judicial, and second, the administration of Justice.

"This reform is expected to exceed. "Chen Weidong said that although is managing change in the way it is systemic change. Of course it's going to take more concrete measures to follow up and implement the system.

"Over at the local courts and procuratorates, do not rely on local, Justice of the judiciary on a case which is guaranteed to be a major promotion. "Chen Weidong have confidence in the reforms.

Ji Xiangde also look forward to reform. He said, "should be cut off the courts in the areas of property associated with a local, comprehensive reform of the judicial system. Local authorities should not interfere with judicial process in various ways. ”

Chen Weidong also noted that "for a long time, courts and procuratorates in handling cases in the course of specific contractors contractors, the President of the Court, the public prosecutor's Office Prosecutor and other components of the CRIC, the Inspection Committee will determine patterns. This mode of administration of justice issues, and influence the course of Justice. ”

Decision stated that "reform of the system of the Judicial Committee, perfecting the presiding judge, the plenum case handling responsibility system, judge trial referee, responsible for. Clear orientation of courts function, regulating the relationship subordinate courts civil trial supervision. ”

"The undertaker from cases led to judicial authorities who have tubes, and misjudged the problem, it is difficult to determine the person responsible, it's hard to accountability. "Chen Weidong believes that to change this situation, launched the case handling responsibility system reform, promote sponsored accountability and accountability of the Prosecutor of the presiding judge.

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 The website(新华网:司法改革确保依法独立公正行使司法权|司法|司法改革|检察院_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月15日电(记者陈菲、杨维汉、邹伟) 15日公布的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》明确要求,“改革司法管理体制,推动省以下地方法院、检察院人财物统一管理,探索建立与行政区划适当分离的司法管辖制度,保证国家法律统一正确实施。”










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