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Website: household registration system reform aimed at overcoming barriers to urban and rural areas

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Website: household registration system reform aimed at overcoming barriers to urban and rural areas(新华网:户籍制度改革瞄准破除城乡壁垒)

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Website: household registration system reform aimed at overcoming barriers to urban and rural areas | | | towns _ urban and rural household registration news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 15 (reporter Zou Wei)-released 15th CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform of the decision, the reform of household registration system is a clear deployment and introduce "settled farmers into urban housing and fully integrated into the social security system in rural old-age pension and medical insurance with the participation of specification into urban social security system" and other ancillary systems. Experts say this means reform of household registration system have become even more prominent "multi-level and Omni-directional" also means our country on the road to justice has taken a firmer step.

Decision states that promote agriculture transfer of population urbanization, gradually moving eligible agricultural population into urban residents. Population management innovation, accelerate the reform of household registration system, open settled in towns and small cities limits, an orderly release settled in a middle-sized city limits, reasonably determine conditions settled in big cities, strictly control the size of mega-cities population.

"Overall, these references to reflect the idea more clear, comprehensive, systematic. "The strategy for national development and Research Institute, Renmin University Professor Duan chengrong said. Accumulated over the years is the problem of household registration system, based on the current situation and resource and environmental conditions of the city, "accomplish the whole task at one stroke" is not realistic, more operational programmes is "steady advance in the overall planning, implementation, separately."

In recent years, it increasingly clearer that the emphasis and difficulty in the reform of the household registration system is to spin off its interest gaps, reduce or even eliminate disparities, achieving the distribution of public resources and the Equalization of public services and welfare benefits. In this regard, decides to make a new planning –

"Steadily push forward urban resident population of full coverage of basic public services, settled farmers into urban housing and fully integrated into the social security system in rural old-age pension and medical insurance with the participation of specification into urban social security system. A fiscal transfer payments linked to the transfer of population urbanization of agriculture machinery, strict rational supply of urban construction land, increase the utilization of urban land. ”

"This is a very good system design, focusing on sustainable human development, solve the problem of rural population in town, for their identity transformed treatment of interest and there is a fallback guarantee, gradually eliminating inequities in urban-rural dualistic structure forming. "Said Duan chengrong, this is directly related to the success of the household registration reform and urbanization quality could improve.

Chinese people's public security University Professor Wang Taiyuan pointed out that, in addition to the social benefits and protection of these areas, you should also see a major bright spot was decided in terms of employment, education and other rights required had been raised by the reform and consummation of the system. "With household registration necessary, let people sees promoting the reform of the household registration system is multi-level and Omni-directional. Residents without distinction as to origin of household registration, you should have a fair chance, the right to fair and equitable rules, opportunities to share good in life, a dream come true. Toward this goal, it should be said that we are one step closer. ”

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 The website(新华网:户籍制度改革瞄准破除城乡壁垒|户籍|城乡|城镇_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月15日电(记者邹伟) 15日公布的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中,对户籍制度改革进行了明确部署,并出台“把进城落户农民完全纳入城镇住房和社会保障体系,在农村参加的养老保险和医疗保险规范接入城镇社保体系”等配套制度。专家表示,这意味着户籍制度改革更加凸显“多层次、全方位”,也意味着我国在通往公平正义的道路上迈出了更加坚实的一步。








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