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Wandering groups of urban fringe life survey

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 9:00:41 Browse times: 297 Comment times: 0

Wandering groups of urban fringe life survey(城市边缘流浪群体生存调查)

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Wandering groups of urban fringe survival survey: where is it cool in cold weather survival _ | | town | stray personnel news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 17 (reporters and and Li Qian and and and Wang Qiufeng)-with the coming of winter, some city streets are often curled up in corners of the visible homeless. Due to mobility, the human identification difficult, difficult to manage, such special groups of social assistance has been in an awkward position. Who, then, where cold, broke them to a bowl of hot soup, a coat? Wandering groups of urban fringe of a rescue mechanism and how perfect?

  Living on the streets, only to go home

Gao Xianquan, 59 years old, from Guangxi cenxi city, Chaoyang square in Nanning, Guangxi, pick through garbage for a living. Two years ago, in Guangdong to work 15 years failed to return the tens of thousands of dollars he had worked so hard to save money for a ticket home when Rob, all ID card with all their savings were pillaged and he became a man penniless and unable to prove their identity. Shelter assistance from Guangdong was he able to get back to Nanning. Due to old, helpless, Gao Xianquan opted to stay in Nanning pick through garbage to feed themselves.

While the Chaoyang square in Nanning city's most bustling business district, but Gao Xianquan squandered his busy every trash can flip back and forth in the square, you find a bottle is highly prized. "Paper catty 0.2 Yuan, bottles are catty 1.6 Yuan. "Gao Xianquan prices clearly remember, pick up a few more bottles meant he could eat the next day in a steamed bun.

People like Gao Xianquan Street in the city is not a lone case. On the streets of Nanning, Guiyang and other cities, people can always see them in rags or begging on the streets, or go through the trash, looking for people to throw away the scrap and food.

Relief management station, Nanning, according to statistics, the first ten months of this year alone, rescue stations helped more than 4,000 people. Master Lin Yuanlin estimated that as the weather gets colder, people came to the shelter for help will continue to increase.

For the upcoming winter, the Gao Xianquan worried: "my house is gone, I had nowhere to live, and I will be 60 next year, and workers had no energy, and no identification ... ..."

In response, Lin Yuanlin introduction, when the temperatures drop, Nanning city has launched emergency plans to increase inspection manpower on the streets, homeless received shelter assistance in distress, found that patients seek medical advice in a timely manner, some reluctance to accept rescue personnel, distribution of clothing and food for them.

  Predicament facing grass-roots relief agencies and rescue and anti-cheat

For the urban homeless, under current rules, government departments cannot compel them to accept help. In reality, the majority of vagrants and beggars have some income to survive, and some used the Odyssey, unwilling to accept it.

Meanwhile, street officers quite a mixed bag. Outside a shopping mall in Guiyang City, the "son" very sick "mother" on the street, a piece of white cloth over old man, says mother dying on the floor, begging passersby endures to give medical treatment for the elderly.

"As soon as they saw us inspections from the ground up and ran. "Guiyang salvation station Vice head of the station said Luo Fuyong, this type of professional deception vagrants and beggars, relatively high mobility up to snuff is invalid, encounter arbitrariness of mindless, stepped forward to persuade or are in danger of being attacked. These people think that shelter is broken "Giro".

Luo Fuyong introduction, many homeless even love them. As long as they remember home and would be willing to return home, aid stations will adopt the "stop" help buy homeless short distance train ticket back home. However, a number of "tramp" professional run ticket cheat, get the train ticket refunded money after, then continue to the next station deception. Despite the face shield with "Government aid, not no switching," "rescue ticket, transfer is not valid" or a watermark, but some professional liars can figure out Zhang Yin to erase and refund money.

Reporter also discovered that a lot of public sympathy for the homeless people of the city, but all these worries give them a helping hand. "Watch the news on a variety of racketeering, it can't easily tell them from approaching, felt guilty, but still misses the security key, if they are bad? "Nanning people miss Qiu said.

Luo Guoan Guangxi Academy of social sciences researcher believes that, in the real bailout process, society quite a mixed bag, how to identify people who really need help Rover rescue measures to test the wisdom of relevant departments city administration.

Southwest University of political science and law Professor Cheng Dean said, defrauding people for begging, relevant departments should improve the collection of income, insurance, medical identification and integrity of identification systems to achieve sharing of Government information, allows law enforcement agencies to information more accurate grasp of the floating population.

Luo Fuyong, next, in order to eliminate the phenomenon of running lie, they will give relief issued with "watermark" invoice, ticket window specified has the capacity to act on their own to lead, if refund, tickets will be returned directly to the relief agencies on the account.

  Help the homeless get through winter looking forward to force the parties to

Now is increasingly cold weather in northern China, the South will also graduate this winter. Although alien to the homeless and the glossy cities, but they also need space and security. Care for underprivileged groups reflect the level of civilization of a city. How to get them to be better protected, be placed before city managers to crack.

Luo Fuyong said shelter home alone, power is relatively weak, requires the participation of the community to create synergy through the grid management form a normal search and rescue. He explained that the current Guiyang has provided 32 units involved in the management of urban vagrants and beggars of rescue work, and lays down the specific duties of each House, clear objective assessment, in accordance with the principle of territorial management layer implemented, and identifies the public security, urban vagrants and beggars in the street the official has the obligation to persuasion and escort it to the shelter.

Cheng Dean believes that aid system designed to ensure that aid to the homeless is Essentia. He said, there are currently assistance system is still single, save the information incomplete, understanding and identification of the local source of floating population difficult, encounter cheats personnel professional street begging, just rely on the Government to raise the level of anti-spoofing "is not realistic". He suggested that a unified identification system, such as income, insurance, medical, to ensure mastery of the floating population information is more accurate.

Luo Guoan, and sources of income for some disability groups, appropriate endowment, five guarantees system in China, local governments should strengthen the group visits and placements to prevent them from living in a strange city, "only from the source, travellers ' interests can be better safeguarded. ”

(Edit: SN064)November 17, 2013 The website(城市边缘流浪群体生存调查:天冷地凉何处为家|城市|流浪人员|生存_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月17日电 (记者覃星星、李黔渝、王秋凤)随着冬天来临,一些城市的街头常可见蜷缩在不同角落的流浪人员。由于流动性大、身份识别难、难管理,这类特殊群体的社会救助一直处于尴尬境地。那么,谁能在天寒地冻之时给予身无分文的他们一碗热汤、一件棉衣?现有救助城市边缘流浪群体的机制又该怎样完善?























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