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Dongguan crime crackdown on prostitution, 4 months and 43 public officer is accountable

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/12 5:06:09 Browse times: 219 Comment times: 0

Dongguan crime crackdown on prostitution, 4 months and 43 public officer is accountable

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Dongguan 4 month crackdown on prostitution crime Dongguan, 43 public official accountability | | Dongguan, prostitution establishments _ Yellow crime-related news and information

People's daily Beijing, Dongguan city, Guangdong, on June 12, according to Government Web site since February 9, Dongguan to scrape the poison off the bone's determination and strength of the iron-fisted control, began a campaign of "prostitution" crime initiatives. As of June 10, the city's Kyoritsu "prostitution" 244 criminal cases were investigated and dealt with "prostitution" 442 public security cases, suspects 661 people, to deal with delinquent personnel 1293, suspected of acting as "umbrella" question of oversight, malfeasance or dereliction of 43 public official accountability, of which 14 were transferred to judicial organs for handling. Places of entertainment in the city now, "prostitution" basically eliminated in illegal and criminal activities, prostitution project successfully solved, achieved initial tangible results.

According to introduced, this year yilai, Dongguan put "involved yellow" problem as party of mass education practice activities of primary rectification problem, in city range carried out "four see four check four built" theme activities, in police team in the carried out "are wind Su JI law shoe vocational" education reorganization activities, launched netted in anti-vice operation in special action series News reported, and published thematic comments, and widely carried out social propaganda, guide city upper and lower deep awareness "involved yellow" illegal crime of severity and harm, and carried out combat regulation action of urgency and importance, Forming a United and make concerted efforts to crack down on "prostitution" campaign of positive energy and spirit.

Special action in the, Ministry of public security gate CCTV exposure of 11 between entertainment service places set off "focus strike" battle; on followed line seized of 8 between places set off "deep dug spread line" battle; on enrollment whoring website set off "network clear dirt" battle; on existing of "involved yellow" illegal crime for unannounced visits to strict check, has organization task force success detected has "2.9", and "2.25" and "3.25" series project; on February 9 yiqian investigation of case, and clues individually Combs pour check, Since February 9 cases each supervisor or to register with police for investigation, strongly do "main suspect not arrested left off, backbone and not of interest groups left off, the umbrella is not able to knock out no".

Meanwhile, public security departments such as the Department of culture, health, business, entertainment places in the city to carry out carpet, Dragnet, rolling central inventory. For operating without a license without a licence or range management should be banned for suspected "prostitution" crime will be investigated and dealt with according to law. At present, the total suppression of 61 places of entertainment, and revoke licenses of 10. Licensed certified 198 guest saunas in the city, 581 dance entertainment, 832 foot massage place full implementation of business regulation, and the development of acceptance criteria in accordance with the "applications on that day, the day of acceptance, acceptance of the day approved resumption of" work, carried out one by one to resume business acceptance. As of June 10, 1073 of acceptance, acceptance rate of 66.6% per cent. According to "a field by, a archives; a archives, a people" standard, on three class places for built document management, and troubleshooting Combs out focus regulatory places and focus regulatory personnel; introduced entertainment service places security supervision check work rules, will supervision check range expanded to dance entertainment, and Entertainment Entertainment, and sauna massage, and Mu foot, and Brigade industry, and beauty salon, 6 class places and other and camp 6 class project of places, refinement supervision check standard and quantitative punishment standard; will entertainment service places video monitoring signal real-time access to police system To achieve real-time monitoring of the key parts of the entertainment. Meanwhile, efforts to clean up the network of pornographic information, have dealt with "prostitution" Web site ()-358, "prostitution" of illegal information 118.

In the crack at the same time, Dongguan set up a long-term mechanism to develop rules on the implementation of visits in places of entertainment services such as the "1+4" policy document, formed to strengthen places of entertainment access monitoring, routine monitoring, rating, monitoring, multi-monitoring, joint monitoring, accountability monitoring unchangeable and resolutely prevent "prostitution" resurgence of rebound.

It is reported that the next, Dongguan will Center on the specimen and cure, continue to dig into umbrella, cut off the chain of interests, improvement of effective governance mechanism, the total eradication of "prostitution" problems of soil. Implementation of leading cadres and party members netted in anti-vice operation in work responsibilities, resolutely rectification Su Yuki and promoting leading officials at all levels selves. Implementation of the "1+4" policy documents, carry out building mechanisms, platforms, build system, build team "four construction" activities to promote the renovation to radical change, remove shift towards eradication. Strictly regulated places of entertainment files work, grasp each basic conditions of places of entertainment, and conduct quarterly cross-check between the Public Security Bureau, detect problems, problems of rectification. Accelerating the construction of video online, ensure that all restitution was three places access video surveillance security systems, sound and its steering mechanism on the Internet. Construction of places of entertainment law and order management systems, Department of information-sharing system, strengthening linkage functions day-to-day supervision of law enforcement. Wando concerned established "prostitution" harmful information discovery, monitoring and coordination mechanism for investigation, crack down on illegal and criminal activities of the network.

(Edit: SN091)14:25 on June 12, 2014 People's daily online

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