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Second policy response in Hunan Province alone: about 270,000 women or fertility, and

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:59:33 Browse times: 260 Comment times: 0

Second policy response in Hunan Province alone: about 270,000 women or fertility, and(湖南回应单独二胎政策:约27万妇女或再育,,)

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In response to a separate second policy in Hunan: about 270,000 women give birth and fertility | | second | alone _ second news

Red NET Changsha, November 16 (Xinhua Tang Yuping Dong Lei correspondents) yesterday, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision made: "stick to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two kids, and gradually perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development. "Today an exclusive interview with Xinhua, Hunan provincial population and family planning Commission Director Zhan Ming, he said it was because our country into the 21st century maternity policy important adjustment of sound, is the demographic development of the country's important strategic decisions. System of population and family planning in Hunan province will carefully study and implement the spirit of Central in the decision, perform their duties in accordance with the central demands, adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, and gradually perfecting family planning policies.

Build a well-off society in the process, in accordance with developments in the population situation, prevailing throughout the country couples who are both only children to have two-child policy based on the launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two children, gradually improve fertility policy, plays a very important role.

First, adjust the perfect maternity policy conform to the masses expect, conducive to the development of social harmony and stability. Along with the economic and social development and improve people's living standards, urban and rural residents in fertility desires change dramatically, "many descendants and good fortune" traditional attitudes gradually fading. In accordance with the requirements of the decision, and to adjust and improve fertility policy towards national unity of will and the will of the masses, narrowing the urban-rural, regional, ethnic differences in fertility policy to promote balanced urban and rural development, promoting the sex ratio at birth to return to normal levels. Gradually perfecting family planning policy will further highlight the human-oriented idea, improve household population structure, significantly enhanced domestic ability for guarding against risks, and old-age care features, better promote family well-being and social harmony.

Second, the adjustment improve the fertility policies conducive to the stabilization of moderately low fertility, population balanced long-term development. Since entering the new century, the national women's total fertility rate steadily falling, which now stands at 1.5 per cent. As economic and social development, national income growth, health care and social security systems tends to sound, especially urbanization has improved continuously, women's total fertility rate could fall further. Gradually perfecting family planning policy, in line with the law on population and development, conducive to the stabilization of moderately low fertility, slow the population peaked too soon after declining momentum conducive to long-term balanced population development and the long-term development of the Chinese nation.

Third, the adjustments improve fertility policies conducive to maintaining a reasonable amount of labor and infrastructure, promote the sustained and healthy development of economy. 2011 15-59 working-age population in China reached 941 million peak, 2012 fell to 937 million, this trend, by 2030 China's working-age population can remain more than 800 million people, but young people among the working-age population decline, international comparative advantage in labor resources has subsided. At the same time, notable acceleration of population ageing, in 2012 the proportion of the elderly population aged 60 and over has reached 14.3%, end of 2013 total elderly population will reach 200 million, 2025, 2030 will reach 300 million and 400 million. To maintain the current family planning policy does not adjust, after decades of sharp decline in the working-age population, the proportion of the elderly population is too large, is bound to seriously affect economic and social development and international competitiveness. Gradually perfecting family planning policy was to respond effectively and actively mitigate long-term effects of population structural problems, maintaining a healthy workforce size and structure, delaying the ageing of the population. These decisions transforming the pattern of economic development, promote sustainable and healthy development of economy new advantages, preparing more favourable conditions of the population.

"Second child alone" policy when implemented in Hunan? Zhan Ming said, the decision was made last night in the middle of official release, landing in Hunan still need to complete the necessary statutory procedures, for example, in the Hunan province on population and family planning regulations articles on fertility policy needs to be revised. Provincial population and family planning Commission will be carefully studied and implemented the party's 18 the spirit of the third plenary session, in-depth understanding of the profound meaning of the decision, with the decision of spiritual guidance in the reform of family planning work. Provincial population and family planning Commission will be recommended to the provincial government, and procedures relating to the prompt start of Hunan province, Hunan province, brought to the provincial people's Congress to modify the relevant elements of the population and family planning regulations, and convergence of relevant policies, actively promote individual couples to procreate two-child policy in Hunan province as soon as possible in accordance with law, sound, solid and orderly implementation.

Zhan Ming said that according to estimates, in Hunan province in line with "stand-alone" condition and there is a will is capable of reproductive women of childbearing age about 270,000 people, accounted for 3.83 per thousand of the total population of the province. That segment of the population growth will bring about the increased number of birth, but little impact on trends in population development and structure.

(Original title: Hunan "second child" policy convergence around 270,000 women or fertility)

(Edit: SN086)November 16, 2013 Red NET(湖南回应单独二胎政策:约27万妇女或再育 |生育|二胎|单独二胎_新闻资讯

  红网长沙11月16日讯(记者 董雷 通讯员 唐玉萍) 昨日《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出:“坚持计划生育的基本国策,启动实施一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策,逐步调整完善生育政策,促进人口长期均衡发展。”今日记者专访了湖南省人口和计生委主任詹鸣,他表示这是我国进入21世纪以来生育政策的重大调整完善,是国家人口发展的重要战略决策。湖南人口计生系统将认真学习贯彻中央《决定》精神,按照中央要求履行职责,坚持计划生育基本国策,逐步调整完善生育政策。







(原标题:湖南将做好“生二胎”政策衔接 约27万妇女或再育)


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