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Xinyang, Henan in response to demolitions women set themselves on fire resistance: law removed

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/11 10:56:54 Browse times: 235 Comment times: 0

Xinyang, Henan in response to demolitions women set themselves on fire resistance: law removed

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Xinyang, Henan in response to demolitions women set themselves on fire resistance: law dismantled ablaze demolitions | | xinyang self-immolation _ news

CNS, Xinyang, June 11 (reporter Wu Yang)-for media exposure "demolitions women set themselves on fire resistance of xinyang industrial city", a Henan xinyang City Industrial Park CMC briefing note said by e-mail to reporters, the Government dismantled according to law.

Official note said: mobile phone industry Park belongs to the city, the focus of the project, is planned to cover an area of 5000 acres, mainly for the construction of mobile phone production base of machine production, software development, as well as the core components. Ever since the construction of the projects signed settled in xinyang, the municipal party Committee, municipal Government attaches, requisition procedure legal, reasonable compensation, receive the cooperation and support of the overwhelming majority of the people on the ground, has now moved down Hu 35 Hu involved. Yang Guangbing refuse to move on to compensate for the standards are too low to make way, directly affect the progress of the project, resulting in huge economic losses.

Official description pointed out that: Yang Guangbing home old House about 366 square meters, which main room about more than 200 over square meters, Shack more than 100 over square meters, according to xinyang city, Government on issued xinyang city, urban levy land ground attached real and athletes compensation fee standard of notification (letter political paper (2011) 22nd,) Yang Guangbing home old House can have demolition compensation paragraph more than 400,000, another has in recent years private take mess built, Rob take rush of illegal building 3 at about 444 square meters, are for Shack and board room, bundled asking price 1 million. Promote land acquisition and relocation, offices and cadres repeatedly to their regulations and policies, many times to do its work, its demolition of illegal buildings, Yang are refused to break 1 million do not dismantle.

The note says, the morning of June 5, Pearl road subdistrict office of land planning and management of its ordered dismantled instruments, limiting its on the afternoon of June 5 demolition is complete. Yang had not been heeded. In offices and village Committee staff do its work with no fruit, June 6, at 9 o'clock in the morning, Pearl Street decided to organize Office staff and village committees to Yang Guangbing legally dismantled the illegal construction in the region of the project (for which you have previously ordered dismantled instruments), curb area sidaluanjian, the boat rush to illegal construction abuses. In accordance with the law prior to the demolition, the Office and the village went to his home to do ideological work, Yang Guang's wife said this village face, makes a further, less compensation by 900,000, King of Laozi came and I don't roll. And mood excited, loudly raves, not heard appealed to, while staff not note, will himself and Qian days back home of daughter Yang Tingting and daughter-in-law, and granddaughter 4 people since lock in old house yard within, on staff said, outside of House (refers to illegal room) now you how split are regardless of, until you to wants to split I old house less has 1 million, who to are not on.

Situation description is description has incident at of situation: in illegal room demolition process in the, Yang Guang soldiers of wife Wang Min handheld gasoline bottle bypass old house Hou of illegal room in and riding sat in illegal building room of Windows Shang, down poured gasoline, threatened to set himself on fire jumped, led to demolition work once interrupted, zhihou Yang Guangbing daughter-in-law said its mother has clothing pesticide (site confirmed has pesticide bottle residues), for insurance security side, we suspended has law demolition work, withdrew personnel and mechanical. To ensure their safety and prevent the situation from expanding, we call the "110.120.119" call, the abovesaid departments alarm immediately after the police arrived at the scene and disposed of, to rescue Yang Guang's wife, quickly adjustable quilt 1, while staff downstairs hand in shield blanket measures to prevent them from jumping, while its ideological work by the police and fire personnel. In rescue process in the, Yang Guang soldiers of wife will poured has gasoline of broken cloth surrounding in daughter Yang Tingting of neck Shang, and put lighter AC a its daughter, himself with wire surrounding live himself of neck, riding sat in illegal room of Windows Shang, half body has in room outside, handheld chopper mood excited to on himself of wrist cut, and raves to its daughter Yang Tingting "ignition, and ignition", its daughter mood very excited, while persuaded personnel not note with lighter will surrounding in himself neck Shang poured has gasoline of broken cloth points with, caused body clothes fire, Field workers quickly stepped forward as quickly as possible to put out the fire, and carried the wounded to ambulances immediately rushed to the hospital, Yang Guang's wife was rescued and sent to hospital for a check from the Windows (have been raves).

Official note stressed that compensation is the core problem that caused this event. According to the survey, Yang Guangbing House finds a legitimate area of approximately 366 square metres, housing demolition charges can be obtained more than 400,000 yuan. Meanwhile, xinyang industrial city resettlement policies, may be far less than the construction cost to its purchase price of houses, his family simply took out more than 160,000 yuan of compensation fee 210 square metres of housing can be provided. After the incident, the Office immediately to abort the GBM soldiers dismantling illegal buildings within the law. At present, are going all out to treat the injured.

(Edit: SN067)21:39 on June 11, 2014 China News Network

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