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Secretary of the Jiangxi provincial Governors asking for help seizes the knife to Save candidates the College dream

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/11 10:55:24 Browse times: 203 Comment times: 0

Secretary of the Jiangxi provincial Governors asking for help seizes the knife to Save candidates the College dream

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Secretary of the Jiangxi provincial Governors asking for help seizes the knife to Save candidates the College dream | | who seizes the knife to Save candidates _ news

  Jiangxi "seizes the knife boy" continued to be praised: stories by the General Secretary candidate "China good guy list"

Xinhuanet, Nanchang, June 10 (reporter Shen Yang)-two in Jiangxi "seizes the knife boy" stories continued to be praised in the community at present. Recently, the Governor of the Jiangxi provincial party Secretary Qiang Wei, Lu xinshe, given instructions and asked departments to actively help the two courageous heroes the College dream, and to publicize their heroic deeds and carry forward the core values of socialism. 10th, this reporter learned from the civilization Office of Yichun city of Jiangxi province, Jiangxi provincial civilization Office has recommended to the Central civilization Office, Liu Yanbing and Yi Zhengyong as "China good guy list" candidates.

Informed Liu Yanbing, and Yi Zhengyong heroic hero deeds Hou, Jiangxi provincial Secretary Qiang Wei, and Governor LU xinshe, social made instructions, requirements health sector active treatment Liu Yanbing, and Yi Zhengyong, let they early rehabilitation; requirements education sector active help Liu Yanbing, and Yi Zhengyong created conditions for entrance make-up, help they round University dream; requirements reported good, and propaganda good Liu Yanbing, and Yi Zhengyong of hero deeds, vigorously promote Socialist core values, let good deeds in society become.

Journalist login network the Chinese civilization, in June, China "the good list" voting page to see, with Yi Zhengyong Liu Yanbing appeared in the "good Samaritan" such candidates, vote number is the 102th. Civilization Office Director Wu Zhaopeng, Yichun city told reporters that the Central civilization Office, secretarial Secretary Zhang chaosheng, Yichun city, Jiangxi province work Zhang Tianqing please call civilization Office, Liu Yanbing, Yi Zhengyong courageous and heroic behavior praised, hoped that formed in the whole society to respect good fashion love heroes, the good are well rewarded.

At present, the decision to award Liu Yan Zong Zhi Wei, Jiangxi province soldiers "advanced elements of the good Samaritan, Jiangxi province, the honorary title of", and featured Chinese recognition of the good Samaritan Foundation. Commissioned by the Communist Youth League, the National Federation, head of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League also met with Liu Yanbing, Yi Zhengyong duo, Jiangxi, and to present them with the "star of hope" courageous young certificate.

(Edit: SN067)18:16 June 10, 2014 Xinhua NET

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