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Reeducation to hang in Beijing detention center jail

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:59:08 Browse times: 349 Comment times: 0

Reeducation to hang in Beijing detention center jail(北京劳教场所改挂看守所监狱牌)

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Reeducation to hang in Beijing detention center jail | RTL | Wang Lijun | Ren Jianyu _ news

The day before yesterday, the central authorities decided to abolish reeducation-through-labour system. This decision changes of Beijing reeducation, organization, reporters yesterday to the city's many visits reeducation found that there are two places of detention in the city replaced the signs. As the brand of replacement, the functions of the labor camps into custody for breaking the law and sentenced to criminal detention, imprisonment and other places short of criminal offenders. However, with regard to detention staff of the human resources management, and the Beijing re-education through labour system transformation, current relevant departments have not yet responded.


Camp draw function change

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from the Beijing Municipal re-education through Labour Bureau was informed by the person, in fact, as early as 2009, judicial system reform, prisoners in Beijing dispatch becomes third detention center in Beijing.

In addition to changes in numbers, and original RTL functions within the field office, as occurred in July or August of this year the last prisoners left has changed. Management object from reeducation-through-labour personnel and transformed them into custody for breaking the law and sentenced to criminal detention, imprisonment of short sentences, such as the Commission staff, some labor camp to rehab, start for compulsory drug treatment or drug rehabilitation personnel provide detoxification services. It is understood that the reeducation and social forces, such as the joint in the future, in terms of community corrections you want to make a difference.

Subject to reeducation-through-labour field offices, located in Daxing District, Beijing's Tuanhe labour camp was launched in July this year also stepped down "reeducation" sign, hanging, "Beijing's Tuanhe prison two supervision districts" plaque.

Paradise River located in Daxing District, labor camps, two hanging sign at the main gate, a piece is "Beijing River Paradise by the reeducation-through-labor", another is "Beijing River paradise compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation."


Specifically how to change is still unknown

Abolishment of the reeducation-through-labour system wins national experts ' lively praise, saying it is a major progress in human rights protection in our country, is a major step forward in building the rule of law in China.

"Recent changes are too big," one civilian police engaged in reeducation-through-labour work for more than 10 years said, "everybody wondered after reeducation-through-labour system abolition, staffing, how do you?" But at the same time, quite a number of civilian police, said, "regardless of what happens, safeguard social stability objective will not change, cultivating talent won't be useless. ”

Reeducation-through-labour system abolition of personnel arrangements, municipal re-education through Labour Bureau responded that a temporary inconvenience replies on this issue. For media coverage of reeducation-through-labour system, "Beijing Municipal re-education through Labour Bureau delisted next month" message, municipal re-education through Labour Bureau personnel indicated that currently there is no news about this.


Labour camp prison police's psychological treatment

In the third detention center now located in Daxing District of Beijing, the original name was Beijing's reeducation-through-labour personnel dispatch, responsible for custody by prisoners. Along with the name change, its functions is also changing.

On November 14, 2013, the reporters walked into the three office visits, standard plastic runway, synchronised dorm interiors, no reminiscent long reviled by labor camps. According to staff, now being held here are for breaking the law, has been sentenced by the Court, serving a short sentence offenders.

In three counseling rooms, little harp being psychology corrective treatment. Small harp for repeated theft of bicycles, motorcycles were sentenced to terms of imprisonment for one year. One Beijing Municipal re-education through Labour Bureau analysis of psychological therapists are helping small piano, Sha questioned, he pointed to a small harp: "you see this in the sandbox, with high street, there is a rainbow after the rain, there are many tourists in the Park, this is a very good scene, so why would you put it? "I'm eager to go out in the daytime. "Small harp said," I'm here to recognize and to live with dignity, the road of life, there are many articles out there I'm never illegal job. ”

It is understood that for the social integration of prisoners after their release as soon as possible, three persons were taken into custody by reading building moral education centres, vocational training centers, counseling centers, and the acquisition of tools and instruments to help prisoners learn the skills. Up to now, the detention of about 500 men, drunk driving sentence. For the education of prisoners no longer drink drivers, outside the detention center also organizes them into studying, a variety of "refuse to drink drivers respect for life" legal popularization activities.

Beijing reeducation-through-labour

Beijing Municipal re-education through Labour Bureau was established in February 2000, under the jurisdiction of corrections personnel dispatch, new river camp, Tuanhe reeducation, xinan reeducation, paradise River camp, women's labor camp, juvenile reeducation, shuanghe labor camp. At present, approximately 2000 civilian municipal re-education through Labour Bureau.

The Beijing women's corrective labour institutions

Built in 2001, and put into use in early 2002, bears female detention officers in the city hosting, management and education correction.

Beijing's Tuanhe re-education through labour

Located in Daxing District, main reception, nuisance, sexual misconduct and other types of property for adult male prisoners.

Beijing xinan reeducation-through-labor

In huangcun town, Daxing District South, responsible for female prisoners, drug-related prisoners and male prisoners daily management and handling of indigent migrants.

Beijing shuanghe reeducation through labour

Located in Heilongjiang province, formerly shuanghe farms. In 1981 was repossessed by the Beijing Municipal re-education through Labour Bureau, responsible for asylum by reeducation-through-labor officers, held in Beijing.

Beijing juvenile reeducation-through-labor Institute

Located in the southern Daxing District, assume the education of juvenile prisoners to save the task.

Paradise River in Beijing reeducation-through-labor

In huangcun, Daxing District South, built in 1960, and before June 1, 2008, the main drug type, ordinary type and working women sick prisoners management education, responsible for 4 paradise River area reeducation protection tasks. On February 2, 2007, by the Ministry of Justice as one of the first drug rehabilitation pilot units. On June 1, 2008, according to the unified arrangements of the ministries, departments, paradise River camp assumed a quarantine treatment functions, became the capital's first compulsory isolated drug administration of justice system.

New River Beijing reeducation-through-labor management

Formerly Tuanhe farm, founded in September 1955, in January 2007, changed its name, is a set of detention officers management education, vocational skills training, shelters, medical examinations, medical care as well as the area in production management, community service, retired personnel, medical services, logistics services and other multiple functions in one integrated labor camps.

 -Expert opinion

Reeducation-through-labour institutions shall fix the place where

While the reeducation-through-labour system was finally abolished, but its abolition is not an easy task.

Vice President of China University of politics and law Ma Huaide, long-term concern human rights lawyer Li Fangping has pointed out that the reform of reeducation-through-labour system, the abolition of detention is not a very easy thing, reeducation-through-labour system essentially contrary to the constitutional and legislative provisions of the Act, and that this system has become the means of maintaining stability in the local government sector, difficulties of repeal is still very large.

In addition, given that the re-education through labour system has been around for more than 50 years, with whom reeducation, staff have also been equipped with corresponding to the place. Approval authorities nationwide labor camps, detention management and the staff of these agencies, departments, and all have been employed for many years. Removal of the re-education through labour system all at once, these placement agencies, departments and their personnel must be a big problem.


Road to RTL released the complaint to be determined

In September 2011, the village official in Chongqing Ren Jianyu online, attacked Mr Bo, Wang Lijun, who was labor Board decision in Chongqing re-education through labour for two years. In 2012, the thin, Wang Lok, in September of that year, Ren Jianyu free.

Two nights ago, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision published in full, informed Central decided to abolish reeducation-through-labour system, said Ren Jianyu was pleased. Ren Jianyu said detention changed his life forever.

During camp, met lots of attacking Bo Ren Jianyu, Wang Lijun was the detention of people, screen name "bamboo shoots" Fang Hong, because online sarcasm Wang Lijun, sentenced to re-education through labour. In September 2012, after Ren Jianyu free only to find that he and Fang Hong, thin, Kings forward just because a comic, Chongqing Peng Hong also is a detention, and things like that there are many people in Chongqing. They freed, have chosen to appeal, but so far there has been no progress.

Now, the reeducation-through-labour system was abolished, Ren Jianyu's complaint whether the road would go, is not known. Yesterday, some scholars and lawyers say whenever you want to appeal, you can continue to claim. Not because the reeducation-through-labour system abolished, complaints would not be performed.

This version writing Jinghua times, Zhang Jian

(Original title: hanging detention center jail Beijing reeducation modification)

(Edit: SN048)November 17, 2013 The Beijing times(北京劳教场所改挂看守所监狱牌|劳教|王立军|任建宇_新闻资讯

















































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