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Beijing 87 high school Super 60% hundred meters inside cigarettes

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Beijing 87 high school Super 60% hundred meters inside cigarettes

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Beijing 87 high school Super 60% hundred meters inside cigarette smoking | |-sales _ youth smoking | news

On May 30, 2012, Beijing guangqumen middle school students will smokers put on around the world, conduct performance. Figure/CFP

Beijing junior high school student smoking survey data

According to recently released in Beijing outside the school investigation revealed on the sale of tobacco products within 100 metres, four districts and counties of Beijing among 87 schools, 80% over the sale of cigarettes, middle school students can easily buy cigarettes. In order to allow kids to buy cigarettes, even unpack it out to sell some businesses.

Present situation of young people easy access to cigarettes, announced in April this year, the Beijing Municipal tobacco control regulations (draft) had offered, "primary and secondary schools around 100 meters located ban the sale of cigarettes", and is intended to prescribe penalties, violators could face a maximum million-dollar fines.

  Super 70% outside convenience stores sell cigarettes

Recently, the new exploration in the development research center of the Beijing municipal health school survey on sale of tobacco products within 100 metres.

Survey survey in Dongcheng, Chaoyang, Huairou, Miyun County four districts and 87 high schools around the sale of tobacco products within 100 metres of dense, lay within 100 meters of a tobacco sales by 58 points, two-thirds.

Survey statistics show that these schools within 100 meters of a total of 169 outside grocery stores, convenience stores, of which 128 homes for sale of tobacco, three-fourths.

According to the investigator's pictures, at the third high school in Huairou district, out of school less than 20 meters, there are two sales points; the hongluo Temple high school, a supermarket sales even with the school of architecture building "together as one".

  Businessman unpacking selling cigarettes to students

It is reported that the Investigations Department, Chaoyang District, Beijing field epidemiology workshop completed, they recruited student investigators, dressed in school uniforms walked into each cigarette retailers to buy cigarettes.

Experience shows that student investigators near the school most easily can I buy cigarettes and tobacco. 104 in 128 home sales point, students are able to successfully purchase tobacco. The proportion accounted for by four-fifths.

Surveys also found that some tobacco sales and even opened a pack of cigarettes will be sold by the fragmented, so children spend a few cents can buy a cigarette, the smoke is also very popular among the students.

"The students buy cigarettes" phenomenon, experts said Beijing CDC, which may be related to Beijing's economic level is relatively high, student allowance relative plenty relevant. Also shows Beijing performing "prohibition of sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors," there is a lack of. The Beijing News reporter Wen Ru


"Around the school to ban smoking" on the proposed method

This reporter learned that, "in primary schools to ban tobacco sales outlets established within around 100 metres" requirement, is expected to write to the Beijing Municipal tobacco control regulations (draft), and is expected to establish penalties for the first time.

According to solicit opinions on the draft in mid-April showed that Beijing intended is prohibited in schools and other minors and entrances around centralized location within 100 meters of tobacco products sales outlets. If you break the rules, sellers of tobacco products were first required correction within a fails to redraft is punishable by a fine of up to 5000 Yuan RMB 10000 Yuan.

In addition, Beijing has proposed legislation to require the sale of cigarettes not selling tobacco products to minors, it is difficult to determine whether an adult, should be required to show identification. Meanwhile, "prohibition of sale of tobacco products through automatic vending machines" are also expected to approach.

  Visited more than 1 school m 5 sale of tobacco products

Venue: affiliated high school of University of chemical technology

Yesterday afternoon, reporters located near Hui Xin bei Jie, Chaoyang District, near the attached Middle School of Beijing University of chemical technology, gate to the West and NATO are sold at 100 m the smoke point. Among them, from a school about 100 meters North of fhe, sale of cigarettes in three places in a row, respectively, Wang Ke long supermarket/convenience store, a main grain and oil, as well as a small supermarket "mingyan wine" stores, three walls are filled into the shop sold cigarettes.

About 100 meters on the West side of the school, Hua Hin next to the supermarket, as well as of tobacco and liquor shop also sells cigarettes. These 5 tobacco sales and the counter, tobacco monopoly retail licenses are affixed with logo.

"Students tend to buy both types of smoke. "Tobacco store a male shop assistant introduction, 10 Yuan a pack of Yuxi and Honghe welcomed by students, because the price is cheaper.

Wang Ke long supermarket convenience store checkout hangs at "no smoking" and "ban the sale of liquor to minors" sign, next to the tobacco product counter. "Students often come to buy. "According to the salesperson introduced from time to time there will be some middle school students wear uniforms here after school to buy cigarettes, boys are also women.

The salesman noticed students smoked cigarettes except for 10 bucks or so, and there are also more than 20 Yuan. "Students today have too much pocket money. ”

  Visited 2 schools across the smoke point of selling cigarettes to students

Location: Beijing 80th middle school

In baijiazhuang is located in Chaoyang District, near the 80 secondary schools, only one street away on the opposite side of the school there are two points of sale of tobacco products. Reporters saw yesterday, both cigarette selling point of an almost directly opposite the school, diagonally opposite.

Two points of sale of tobacco products "smoke" word mark is obvious – a red background, white text legibly marked with large signs on "alcohol, tobacco, tea, cold drinks"; another is a 24-hour convenience stores, but alone the window hangs a large "smoke".

Both the clerk at the store said, generally for customers buying cigarettes, they will not interfere, "we could not pipe if he wants to buy and how it all can be bought, how do we do business can withstand. "Interviewed yesterday admitted the head of a tobacco shop, herself had once been selling cigarettes to students. He said that even saw each other wearing school uniforms, know are middle school students, generally wouldn't be questions asked.

  Visit necessary road smoke 3 school clusters

Venue: affiliated high school of national people's Congress of Chaoyang campus

Reporters also found that school gates within 100 metres there is no smoke, but students must go through on the way home from school, and can easily come across cigarette retail outlets.

NPC attached Middle School of Chaoyang campus located near shaoyaoju, neighborhood on the West side is the Beijing-Chengde Expressway, Tu Cheng road, North of the line south of Line 10 through extension cords on the main road there are no businesses, no sale of tobacco products.

But reporters found that the school's number of students after school, Tu Cheng road, rode their bikes along the North West. This road bike ride in less than 5 minutes, street has begun to "downtown" up and can see a cluster of small shops. In this region, along the road of tobacco and alcohol sales points added up to at least four or five.


Tobacco "accessible" lure students smoking

New Probe into the former Vice President of the China Academy of Sciences, said Wu Yiqun, Deputy Director of the Research Center for health development, for minor groups such as elementary and middle school students, to control the dangers of tobacco, it is necessary to curb tobacco for minors "accessibility". Otherwise, in upbringing of minors results in considerable allure.

Wu Yiqun, a number of newly released "youth tobacco usage report" clearly shows that smoking status should pay close attention to minors. Juvenile smoking status in China showed that the related laws, regulations and Government notices, announcements of any real purpose, the competent authorities have not carefully monitored.

Around the school who sold cigarettes to Regulation? Wu Yiqun thinks, and that involves multiple aspects to the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, schools. First licensing, review of tobacco point-of-sale is the responsibility of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. License card imaginable, still operating without license, promotional sculpture is visible, as a performing Member of the leading group for tobacco control tobacco monopoly Bureau should be strictly regulated. Meanwhile, schools and parents as guardians of the primary and middle school students, shall perform the duties of guardianship, to prevent conduct harmful to the health of minors, creating a smoke-free campus and family environment. The Beijing News reporter Wen Ru

(Original title: Ultra 60% hundred meters inside cigarettes 87 middle school)

(Edit: SN010)02:50 on June 11, 2014 The Beijing News

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