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Individual executive pay millions of State-owned enterprises, ministries Minister annual salary of a hundred thousand of

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:57:10 Browse times: 318 Comment times: 0

Individual executive pay millions of State-owned enterprises, ministries Minister annual salary of a hundred thousand of(个别国企高管薪酬近千万,各部委部长年薪十几万)

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Individual ministries of the Executive pay millions of State-owned enterprises Minister, earning a hundred thousand of | State executive remuneration | | salary _ news

Work outside the poem. Although 18 plenary session outlining the future path of reforming State-owned enterprises, but this does not mean that reforms in State-owned enterprises and enterprises have no barriers. Compared to the complexity of the ownership status, go to the administrative level, enterprises and the reform of State-owned enterprises are likely to first start from the simplest executive pay.

The China Business Journal reporter was informed that the Ministry of human resources and social security (hereinafter referred to as "one Department") led for enterprises and State Executive income survey has been completed. In the course of investigation, human and social enterprises and State-owned enterprise executives found a large imbalance in income, a phenomenon more prominent performances of listed companies in the financial sector, at the same time, there are also very few SOE executives receive salaries of millions of dollars.

At present, one Department has reported the summary of findings. Two independent sources confirmed to reporters, competent authorities are prepared to take a number of means to control the standard enterprises, State-owned enterprises executive compensation. For part of their income is too high for enterprises, State-owned enterprise executives, pay measures would be taken to bridge the Central enterprises, State-owned enterprise executives and civil servants, as well as enterprises, State-owned grass-roots staff's income gap.


At the beginning of this year, released by the State Council on deepening the reform of income distribution system focused on Division of labour notice of proposed "strengthening executive compensation management in State-owned enterprises. Appointed by the Chief Executives of State-owned enterprises the remuneration limits imposed high promotion pay deferred compensation and recourse to claw back system. Bridging the gap in State-owned enterprise distribution, executives pay increases should be lower than the average wage increases for enterprise employees. ”

That part of the reform by the Department, the Ministry of finance, the State-owned assets Commission, national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of supervision, the ACFTU is responsible.

One senior members of the Department who had told reporters that "executive compensation management in State-owned enterprises was a sensitive issue. ”

Delaying retirement, pensions in a dual-track process focuses on a range of issues such as, relevant enterprises executive pay "sensitive issues", one Department has been said.

This reporter learned that, from the beginning of May this year, one Department in conjunction with the relevant departments in the Mainland in recent ten provinces launched a State-owned enterprise executives compensation survey, present the results of this survey are close to finishing is complete, and will be escalated to a higher authority, as a basis for policy formulation.

Who participated in the survey to reporters at the local level, "said survey results a clear polarization. ”

"Some benefit bad state-owned enterprises, executives and their incomes are very low, effective State Executive income was very high. "These people said.

It is understood that research, the most surprising data came from the financial industry. "A listed financial company and State-owned holding, stationed its executives belonging to state-owned enterprises, and people in the system, close to millions of dollars of their income. "These people," said top financial sector executives. "Naturally, has become the focus of future reform of the financial sector.

In the financial sector, have the ability to control state-owned commercial banks. Refers to state-owned banks by the State (Ministry of finance and the Central Huijin company) regulated commercial banks directly. Currently: industrial and commercial bank, agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of communications, a total of 5.

Five Executive levels of remuneration are also subject to the relevant administrative departments statistical limitations, joint-stock Bank executives earning is not restricted. Joint-stock Bank safe bank market in 2012, top three executive pay amounted to 19.58 million dollars. Agricultural Bank of China this figure was 2.77 million Yuan and Bank of communications was 2.21 million Yuan, industrial and commercial bank of 2.93 million Yuan, CCB 2.81 million Yuan, Bank of China, 8.18 million Yuan.

It is understood that the investigation involves both second-level and third-level enterprises company, as well as by the head of the local State-owned assets supervision in State-owned enterprises.

  Executive pay cuts

According to people familiar with the assessment that "the findings and direct significance to future decision-making. "While in the man Department and the SASAC and moved forcefully in discussions, there have been an embarrassing situation. SASAC is currently developed for Central enterprises executives, the average annual salary of 700,000 yuan.

"Now, however, only a hundred thousand of dollars annual salary of Ministers of various ministries, the gap between the two is still very large. "People who have participated in the discussions said.

Special nature of Chinese State-owned enterprise executives and Government officials, in recent years, enterprises executives transferred to government positions are not new. Enterprises executives at an administrative level.

"Central enterprises executives and officials, but also party members, and remuneration of the leaders in the Government sector in sharp contrast. "Industry expert who declined to give his name said," with executive level representing pension, retirement and so on are protected, professional insurance. Can't enjoy the Red safe ' treatment, well-paid on the other side, this is unfair. ”

For discussion of SOE executive pay will influence decision-making by more senior government departments.

One Department's findings and recommendations, remuneration of executives of State-owned enterprises to develop in the future have a clear effect, pay cuts will be the main theme.

  Safeguard competitiveness

In the survey found that in Central enterprises, headquarters is formal salary management, but in the second-level and third-level branch, compensation management confusion, more prone to high salaries.

In fact, income distribution reform in the course of discussions, DESA and the Commission was working with people, and conducted in-depth discussions.

It is understood that in the last round of discussions on the State executive pay system, SASAC believes that universal salary at around 700,000 yuan enterprises executives, "compared to its management, work safety and other major responsibilities assumed by, not a very high salary of 700,000 yuan. Types with social enterprises, enterprises executives earning are not alarmingly high. ”

At present, the country has a number of enterprises into the world's top 500, "Central enterprises's mission is to represent the interests of the enterprises bigger and stronger, low pay and not competitive. "A close contact with the SASAC industry expert, told reporters," not only about fairness, without scruple enterprises bigger and stronger pressure. ”

Due to the development of enterprises and State-owned enterprises face national and international competition, so high about Executive income limit, on the competitiveness of enterprises is to discuss the impact of fear factor.

However, there is one expert from the Department of human and social, to refute the assertion that "enterprises now have two pay systems, one being market hiring, using market-oriented remuneration, there are outside risks. Another is within the pay system. ”

Indeed, a research institution has conducted research in the Bank, the problem is that "gives you a higher level of pay, is likely to leave the State-owned enterprises? "" Research turned out to be a person wishes to terminate the labor contract from State-owned enterprises. "The experts said.

"No people on the shore, take swimming in the ocean of money, big fish, little fish is mopping up. "The person said," this is not fair. ”

(Edit: SN098)November 17, 2013 China business(个别国企高管薪酬近千万 各部委部长年薪十几万|国企高管|薪酬|年薪_新闻资讯

































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