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Fishing boats sank in the waters of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, 4 crew members floated were rescued after a night

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:55:57 Browse times: 327 Comment times: 0

Fishing boats sank in the waters of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, 4 crew members floated were rescued after a night(浙江渔船舟山水域沉没,4名船员漂浮一夜后获救)

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Zhoushan Zhejiang fishing boats sank 4 crew rescued after a night floating in the waters | | | fishing _ in Zhoushan, Zhejiang news

Newspaper news 14th evening, a fishing boat sank in Zhoushan sea area, 4 crew missing. After local organizations of 16 vessels and night search and rescue, 9:50 A.M. yesterday, drowning four sailors were zly four fishing boat rescued and safely shengsi Islands.

Captain Zhu Quangen memories of the accident, when he and the crew from the waves, for instance when waters return Shengshan, wind and waves become very large, the waters poured into the ship. Zhu Quangen feels good and called for help, while the other three men wearing diving suits.

However, before Zhu Quangen put on diving suits, the ship sank completely.

Has a 3 square meters of foam floats on the ship floating in the sea. They were divided into two groups of four, Zhu Quangen isn't wearing a diving suit and another person lay in on the float, wearing diving suits, clinging for two floats in the sea, "diving suits, good thermal properties, allows us to keep up your strength. ”

Languish in one night, it was light. Passing ship No. 21557 zly and found them, Zhu Quangen, who rescued.

Soaked nearly 14 hours in the sea, Zhu Quangen, who is white, just lying on the deck. Later, they were lifted to a cab with heating. Zly No. 21557 crew gave them food, clothing and liquor.

After medical staff checked, at present, four bodies had been no big deal.

Our newspaper correspondents, Hu Yuanyuan Tang Jiawei

History of reporter after another

(Original title: floating night 4 crew members were rescued at sea)

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 Qianjiang evening news(浙江渔船舟山水域沉没 4名船员漂浮一夜后获救|浙江|渔船|舟山_新闻资讯

  本报讯 14日傍晚,一艘渔船在舟山海域沉没,4名船员失踪。经过当地组织的16艘船只一夜搜救,昨天上午9点50分,落水的四名船员被浙临渔21557号渔船救起,并被安全送达嵊泗本岛。







  本报通讯员 胡园园 唐佳唯

  本报记者 史朵朵



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