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Guangzhou officials bribed million hit career on trial

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Guangzhou officials bribed million hit career on trial

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Guangzhou officials bribed million hit career trial: claiming to have order | Zhong Xiangdong | corrupt | trial _ news

Million heavily hit career cloud, former Deputy Mayor to stand trial

Attachment to Zhong Xiangdong, Baiyun district, was charged with accepting bribes of over 2 million bribe the boss Super million, its remorse in court from ex-wife

Express News reporter Guo Haiyan reports "have a healthy atmosphere in order ... ..." immersion officialdom for a dozen years, Zhong Xiangdong, the political scholar rather mixed feelings. Yesterday, the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court, Zhong Xiangdong was accused of taking bribes of more than 2 million bribe the boss Super million, 150,000 yuan of corruption, discipline begins with the post of Deputy Director of the Office of Guangzhou University and finally, Baiyun district, Deputy District, when most professional education.

Bribed the former Party Secretary of 1.07 million

Baiyun anti-corruption storm last year, the original district Party Committee Standing Committee and Executive Vice Governor Zhong Xiangdong, along with former Party Secretary Gu Wenyao, Wu Jinming, former members of the political party, former Deputy Mayor Liu Jiansheng became four "distressed old white cloud", which took turns in formality because.

Yesterday, Zhong Xiangdong appears in the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court on the dock, was charged with taking bribes, embezzlement, bribery of three crimes, bribery amounts of 2.078 million Yuan RMB, GBP 6000.

Statistics show that Bell, 49, from Jiangxi province, from Guangzhou University offices went into politics, affinity attachment clouds enter Baiyun officialdom went a dozen years, successively as Director of tonghe, Baiyun district, street, Baiyun district Baiyun district, Bureau Secretaries, Committee, Member of the Organization Department, finally become the Baiyun district authority, Executive Vice Mayor, became a municipal authority level cadres.

Smooth career behind, hidden "mystery". Prosecutors allege, Zhong Xiangdong as promotion, from 2003 to 2007, bribing Gu Wenyao total 1.07 million Yuan more than once. Yesterday, the allegations made, the Zhong Xiangdong showed no objection.

Disclosure of trial, Zhong Xiangdong during the transposition of Baiyun, want to stay was an official. A professor with the introduction of, and Gu Wenyao to establish contact. Subsequently, Zhong Xiangdong in occasion of Gu Wenyao would like to buy a House, to find a real estate agent from RBI, so two of them close up.

 Bribes helped four subordinates promotions

Zhong Xiangdong succeeded after the Baiyun district Secretary for education on, more affiliate money seeking attention.

It is alleged that before the Spring Festival in 2006, Zhong Xiangdong during his tenure as education Secretary, Baiyun district,, renhe town, Baiyun district, received when he was in charge of educational work of party Committee members had a leather bribes sent 50,000 dollars in cash.

Period from 2006 to 2013, Zhong Xiangdong Zeng Mouhong provides help on the mobilization and promotion of cadres, and before the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival each year 15 times before accepting Zeng Wei-Hung came from bribes in cash, per 10,000 yuan, totaling 150,000 yuan. Eventually, Zeng Wei Hung-officer to the Education Bureau of Baiyun district Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Deputy Secretary.

In addition, the prosecution pointed out that Zhong Xiangdong is also to receive several times when he was Director of the Jing Brook Street cards sent Feng Moudong bribes worth 60,000 Yuan RMB, GBP 6000; acceptance of Health Bureau of Baiyun district Party Committee Secretary Luo Mouhong cash bribes sent 5000 Yuan.

 Lot of bribery involving educational projects

In addition to his subordinates, Enterprise merchant is Zhong Xiangdong, another large source of accepting bribes, and education projects. It is alleged that from 1998 to 2013 period, Zhong Xiangdong from the Presidency, Baiyun district, Guangzhou University, Deputy Director of the Office of the Standing Committee of the Board, Deputy District Office during Matsuda Industrial Corporation in cooperation with the Guangzhou university town, zengcheng Matsuda Institute and the hospital in the town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou University assist on matters such as recruitment, and has repeatedly received cash bribes to send Ma Mouzhen, Chairman of songtian College amounted to 460,000 yuan.

From 2004 to 2006, Zhong Xiangdong, Baiyun district, served as education Secretary during the occasions, receiving blue Dove, Guangzhou science and technology limited company Chairman Zhang Xinhua came from bribes in cash total of 450,000 yuan and Zhang Xinhua in the Baiyun District School House project benefit.

Baiyun District Education Secretary during the Zhong Heng feng, General Manager of industrial, Baiyun district, Guangzhou, Baiyun district, Guangzhou Pui ying secondary school Wo Chen Zhihong made campus, helping Yen Lotte construction projects such as schools, and has repeatedly received cash amounted to 595,000 yuan Chen Zhihong delivered.

In addition, Zhong Xiangdong was accused of taking bribes to send property developers amounted to 28,000 yuan in cash and $ 280,000 worth of mahogany furniture. Committee Organization Department, Baiyun, also is alleged to have used his position and work together with the charge of Baiyun District Office of the leading group for the construction of rural grass-roots party organization Department Vice Minister Feng Zhidong (dealt with), with fictitious expenses against the retrieving of the grass-roots funding of 150,000 yuan for the purchase of gift cards, for their personal use.

Honor regrets leaving his ex-wife

Because the alleged disciplinary offence for up to 15 years old, said Zhong Xiangdong yesterday to a number of questions: "the mind is not clear, I can't remember. "Even for bribery amounts, have held repeated allegations of the indictment.

Zhong Xiangdong facts pleaded guilty of the allegations. Final presentation stage, Zhong Xiangdong said: "I was yijieshusheng, but Serendipity took to the road to politics. Have a healthy atmosphere in order, but in the end did not resist the attack so sugarcoated that the party for disloyalty, to parents of impiety. Thanks ex for me at this time to take care of comfort family, regret leaving you, want to have a chance to return later. ”

(Edit: SN048)04:40 June 07, 2014 Golden Goat excursions, Express News

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