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European scholars interpreted plenary

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European scholars interpreted plenary(欧洲智库学者解读三中全会)

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European scholars reading plenary: looking forward to share the development dividend third plenary | | | Europe _ China News

China News Agency, Brussels, November 16 title: European think tank scholars reading plenary: looking forward to share in China's development of "dividend"

China News Agency reporters Shen Chen

Communists held 18 plenary session in Beijing on November 9. Following the closure of the Conference, the PRC released 18th communiqué of the third plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the CPC, and the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision, Reuters, United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation, the financial times and other mainstream media in Europe is the first time a detailed report and analysis. Experts and scholars from think tanks in Europe through media reports, China will implement a comprehensive master plan and overall objectives of the reform have a more comprehensive understanding.

European think tank scholars and experts say about CPC 18 plenary session? For China's most ambitious reforms over the past decade "blueprint", European think tank scholars and experts are most concerned about those aspects? Former EU officials, madaliya and piaier·defuan, the Executive Director of the College of Europe Foundation and the Belgium senior fellow at the Brussels Institute of contemporary China studies dengken·fuliman gives their answer.

Perennial piaier·defuan of concerns in China, won't "missed" total of 18 plenary session, the news. He told news agency reporters, CPC 18 plenary session pointed out that the focus of China's deepening reform in the future, also painted a picture to the world "road map". Meetings that China will deepen reform of the system deployment will not only inject new vitality to China's economic development will also bring new opportunities to the world, which naturally includes the EU has close economic and trade exchanges with China.

Piaier·defuan former Director of Pascal Lamy, EU trade representative office, the EU North-South relations Secretary, Deputy Director of the Office of the President of the European Commission, the European Union trade Vice Minister level, knows quite a lot about Sino-EU economic and trade exchanges. In his view, the central areas of future cooperation is extremely broad, including green energy, urbanization, and other aspects. Communist Party leadership, the degree to which the future success of promoting steady economic growth in China, to some extent, affects the economic development of the EU.

Piaier·defuan pointed out that at present the most pressing problem is to narrow the income gap in China. He said: "bridging the income gap has multiple meanings, ranging from narrow the gap, and narrowing the urban-rural income gap to narrow the income gap between East and West. ”

The former EU officials that "narrowing the income gap" is critical because it will affect China's unity and stability. He said that China's stability is a prerequisite for stability in the world, the world needs a coherent China.

Dengken·fuliman and piaier·defuan's concern about the problem of how to bridge the income gap in China. He said that urban-rural dualistic structure and farmers ' property rights reform of the party's 18 third plenary session "blueprint" in the "plays". "Solving problems existing in rural economy, will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of China's future. ”

Dengken·fuliman noted that the urbanization construction in China will in the future become one of the major driving forces of economic development. And with it, urbanization will bring a series of challenges to the Chinese Government, employment, housing, transportation, the environment and public service issues will become clear. In this regard, needed for the future has a clear, sustainable urban development planning blueprint.

United Kingdom the FT pointed out that CPC 18 plenary session released China's most ambitious reforms over the past decade "blueprint", dengken·fuliman agrees. He said EU governments and businesses are very concerned about the Chinese Communists 18 plenary session. Because China deepen reform will benefit the European economy and EU companies. Reforms can not only bring long-term, stable economic growth in China will also further open up China's market, for European firms to share China's development brings "dividend".

European think tank scholars and experts will also remain focused on 18 Party Congress and the third plenary session a slew of reform plans. European think-tank friends of Europe hosting the China-Europa Forum held in Brussels on November 26. Friends of Europe revealed on its official Web site, are the main subjects of the Forum discussion total 18 plenary session and its publication in a series of reform plans. (End text)

(Original title: European think tank scholars reading plenary: looking forward to share the development dividend)

(Edit: SN098)November 17, 2013 China News Network(欧洲智库学者解读三中全会:盼分享中国发展红利|三中全会|中国|欧洲_新闻资讯

  中新社布鲁塞尔11月16日电 题:欧洲智库学者解读三中全会:期盼分享中国发展的“红利”

  中新社记者 沈晨













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