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Establishing system of law-related law petition involved in a lawsuit to end _ Sina news

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:55:35 Browse times: 291 Comment times: 0

Establishing system of law-related law petition involved in a lawsuit to end _ Sina news(建立涉法涉诉信访依法终结制度_新浪新闻)

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Establishment of law involved in a lawsuit petitioning system _ the end of law-related news


Network management weaknesses

Drawbacks of existing network management system to ensure network information and communication order, social stability and national security, has become a reality problem.

Plenary session decides to adhere to active use, scientific development and management according to the law, the principle of ensuring safety, and step up efforts to manage networks according to the law, perfecting the leading system of Internet governance. Aimed at integrating related functions, formed from the technical content, from the day-to-day security to Internet governance working together to combat crime, ensuring network safety and proper use.

Integrated security management

At present, our country faced external and internal pressures, needed to build a strong platform for integrated national security work. Establishment of the National Security Council, strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the State security, is a priority.

National Security Committee's main responsibility is to develop and implement the national security strategy, promoting construction of national security, the rule of law, develop a national security policy, study and solve major problems in national security work.

Integrated natural resource protection

Some outstanding problems existing in ecological environment protection in China, one reason is that ownership of all natural resources assets for all people is not in place, ownership rights are not implemented. In this regard, the plenary a sound national natural resource assets management system requirements.

Perfecting the natural resource monitoring system, uniform exercise of all land and space control responsibilities, asset ownership and the national State-owned natural resources natural resources managers independent of each other, mutual coordination and oversight.

All land within a Department which is responsible for territory space use control functions of unifying, harmonizing of landscape forest Lake restoration is necessary.

--XI Jinping, with regard to the comprehensive description of the decision on deepening reform

Accept online petition demands in here

Innovate the system of social governance

Innovating social governance, must focus on maintaining the fundamental interests of the masses, the maximum increase harmonious factors, enhance social development, improve governance, and comprehensively promote the construction of ping an of China, safeguarding national security, and ensure the people's well-being, social stability and order.


Improving social governance. Adhere to the system of governance, and strengthening the leadership of the Party Committee and Government played a leading role to encourage and support the participation of various sectors of the community, realization of governmental administration and social self-regulation, and the residents ' autonomy in the benign interaction. Adhere to the rule of law, strengthening the rule of law guarantees use thought of rule of law and the rule of law to resolve social conflicts. Insist comprehensive management, strengthening moral, normative social behavior, adjusting interests relations, coordinate social relations, to solve social problems. Insist on watershed management, address both the symptoms and the root, grid management, social service-oriented, integrated service management platform for grassroots and reflect all aspects and coordinating the people's interests at all levels.


To stimulate social organization. Properly handle the relationship between Government and society, and accelerate implementation of separating Government and community to promote clear powers and responsibilities, lawful autonomy of social organizations, play a role. Suitable for community organizations to provide public services and address matters of social organizations. Support and development of voluntary service organizations. Decoupled from the real deadline for the achievement of industry associations, chambers of Commerce and the Executive, focusing on cultivating and priority development industry associations, chambers of Commerce, technology parts, charities, community organizations in rural and urban community service category, upon the establishment of a direct application for registration according to the law. Strengthening of social organizations in China and overseas non-governmental organization management, guiding their activities according to the law.


Innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts. Sound social stability risk assessment mechanism in major decisions. Establishing clear demands, psychological intervention, conflict mediation, protection of rights of expression mechanism, so that the masses who can reflect, contradictions will disappear, rights guaranteed.

Reform the system of administrative reconsideration, a sound mechanism for administrative reconsideration cases, correcting illegal or improper administrative action. Improving linkage work of people's mediation, administrative mediation and judicial mediation system, and establish a comprehensive mechanism of mediation to resolve conflicts and disputes.

Reform of the system of letters and calls, online processing system, improve the mechanisms address the legitimate aspirations of the masses in a timely manner. Involved in a lawsuit petitioning into the orbit of rule of law relating to legal settlement, establishment of law-related law petition involved in a lawsuit to end systems.


Perfecting public security system. Perfect consolidated the authority of the food and drug safety regulators, covering the whole process of establishing the most stringent regulatory regimes, establish a system of traceability of origin and quality of food labeling system to ensure food and drug safety. Deepening production management system reform, establishment of troubleshooting, systems of governance and security prevention and control system to curb major accidents. A sound disaster relief system.

Strengthening comprehensive management of social security, innovation and solid social security prevention and control system, closely guarding against and punishing all kinds of illegal and criminal activities according to law.

Staying active use, scientific development and management according to the law, the principle of ensuring safety, and step up efforts to manage networks according to the law, speeding up perfecting the leading system of Internet governance, ensuring that national network and information security.

Establishment of the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security.

Cadre auditing natural resources assets

Speeding up ecological civilization construction

Construction of ecological civilization, systems must be established a complete system of ecological civilization, implement the most strict protection system, damages the source system, the accountability system, improving environmental management and ecological restoration system, using the system to protect the ecological environment.


Sound property rights system of natural resource assets and use control systems. Of water, forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed land, beaches and other natural ecological space uniform registration of the formed affiliation clear, clearly specified powers and responsibilities, effective supervision of property right system of natural resources assets. Establishment of spatial planning systems, delimitation of production, life, ecology Control Limits space development to implement use control. Improve the system of economical and intensive use of land, water, energy.

National natural resources asset management, unified exercise of all natural resources for all asset owner duties. Perfecting the natural resource monitoring system, unified exercise of land and space use of all control functions.


Delineation of ecological protection of the red line. Steadfast implementation of main function region system, establishment of development and protection of land and space systems, in strict accordance with the major functional areas positioned to promote the development, establishment of a national park system. Establishment of carrying capacity of resources and environment monitoring and early-warning mechanisms, on land and water resources, environmental capacity overload and marine resources area to introduce restrictive measures. To limit the development of regional and national poverty alleviation and development in ecologically fragile focus counties canceled gross examination.

Explore the preparation of natural resources balance sheet, auditing of leading cadres implement natural resource assets. Lifelong investigating system for establishing liability for environmental damage.


Introduction of the resources paid use system and eco-compensation system. Accelerate pricing reform of natural resources and its products reflect the full degree of market supply and demand, resource scarcity, ecological and environmental damage costs and repair benefits. Who insist on paying to pollute the environment, who destroyed eco-pays principles, gradually extend the resources tax to take up a variety of ecological space. Stability and expansion of cropland, grazing grass range, adjust the farmland in seriously serious pollution and groundwater overdraft area, orderly realization of cultivated land, lakes and rivers to recuperate. Establish an effective regulation mechanism of industrial land and residential land and reasonable prices, raising the prices of industrial land. Upholding the principle of who benefited and who compensated, perfect to focus on ecological compensation mechanism of ecological functional area, build landscape ecological compensation system in the region. Development of environmental markets, promote energy conservation and carbon emission, emission rights, water rights trading system, established to attract social investment market system of eco-environmental protection, introduction of third-party management of environmental pollution.


Reform of the management system of eco-environmental protection. Establish and perfect the tightly regulated emissions of all pollutants the environmental protection management system, independent environmental monitoring and law enforcement. Establishment of integrated and ecosystem protection and restoration on land or sea, and regional linkage mechanism for pollution prevention and control. Perfecting management system of State-owned forest region, perfecting the reform of collective forest property right system. Timely disclosure of environmental information, improve the reporting system, to strengthen public supervision. Improving pollutants discharge permit system, introduction of a pollutant total emission control of enterprises system. Liability for ecological damage to the environment caused by the strict compensation system, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.


Online petition

Vice Chancellor of the University of politics and law Ma Huaide, China:

Online petition was in response to the development needs in the Internet era, will not lead to abuse them. Network petition was generated with the development of new technologies, taking full use of Internet to safeguard citizens ' complaint, report, mechanism of right of complaint letters and visits. This petition mechanism does not cause excessive visits, there will be corresponding procedures for screening out unsubstantiated or contrary to the legal petition requirements. Its greatest feature is the fully conforms to the network development of the times.

National security

China Qu Xing, Director of the Institute of international studies:

As the world changes and the improvement of China's international status and foreign attention on China also increased intelligence activity in all its forms more diverse, more plural. At the same time, all over the world, "three forces" activity, increasingly cruel means of terrorist attacks against innocent civilians. With the development of high-tech, frequency of visits, the intersection of interests, national security issues more complex. Required multiple departments can work together effectively to protect national security. So, on the existing mechanisms and establish a new coping mechanism. Establishment of the National Security Council, can be more effectively integrated in all sectors, and greater coordination.

Environmental protection

G20 and the development of emerging countries, Economist Zhang Qizuo, Director of the Centre for strategic studies:

In considering how to achieve economic growth at the same time, Governments at all levels must attach great importance to environmental, ecological, safety and even new debt indicators, all at the cost of environment, people's health, created "GDP", can no longer become the official promotion of "stepping stone".

(Original title: establishment of law-related law petition involved in a lawsuit to end system)

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 The Beijing News(建立涉法涉诉信访依法终结制度_新闻资讯













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