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Conducive to curbing corruption of cadres housing the residence, to avoid waste of resources

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:55:18 Browse times: 247 Comment times: 0

Conducive to curbing corruption of cadres housing the residence, to avoid waste of resources(官邸制利于遏制领导干部住房腐败,避免资源浪费)

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Conducive to curbing corruption of cadres housing the residence to avoid the waste of resources _ | | | houses of leading cadres at the residence news


The decision made: norms and strictly implement the leaders ' working life protection system are not allowed to occupy the houses and office buildings, are not allowed to exceed the standard equipped with Office space and living accommodation. Explore implementing the residence system.


Residence of property owned by the State

What is the "official residence"? China administrative system reform Research Association Secretary-General, said in an interview with the Beijing News Mr. Wang yukai, residence in a nutshell, it is within the mandate of the country to provide some level of official residence. Property right of residence is the country, officials of the only term I use, expiry of leave unconditionally.

Background "lying on the street" corruption prevention

The CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decisions set forth to explore the background of the implementation of the residence system is?

Last month, the CPPCC Guangdong special research "to strengthen and improve macro-economic control, improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth", the Bureau Ou Weidong, Deputy Director of Guangdong Province suggested a nationwide survey of real estate, he admits to "do hard, would offend people."

National School of administration, Xu Yaotong, Professor believes that the nation "adjust" is hard and people, the key reason is that one of the leading cadres of the three corruption "on the corruption on the street" housing corruption.

Inspection Department released figures: in 2011, nationwide investigated and dealt with in violation of regulations for housing, sale and purchase of housing and other low-income housing party cadres 2,349, involving housing 6,398.

In addition, in recent years the number of corrupt officials when Lok Ma, found huge amounts of real estate. Former Director General of Zhejiang Provincial food and drug administration, such as the Honorable has 84 apartments, Shandong province Vice Governor Huang Sheng real estate 46 sets of Puxian in Shanxi's coal Bureau, former Director of Hao Pengjun 36 sets of premises, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of the original Tao Jiaoxing 30 sets of premises, former Governor Yang Weihong in Chuxiong Prefecture in Yunnan province has 23 sets of premises ... ...

Said Xu Yaotong, after 1994, housing reform, how to solve the houses of leading cadres, and becomes a big problem, "often relocation of our leaders, it is not possible to a new duty station, bought a House, so the senior cadre House also is implementing welfare distribution, which some units and some people find the power rent space."

Explore the mansion-2000 prototype

China administrative system reform Research Association General Secretary Mr. Wang yukai said, the State has long been aware of cadres housing corruption problems. Early in 2000, State organ Affairs Authority, and CPC Central Committee directly under the organ Affairs Authority on has issued in Beijing Central and State Ministerial cadres housing system reform implementation views under, which clear has provincial cadres of housing specifications and currency rooming of elements, a species degree Shang, the file has has residence system of prototype, "for governance housing corruption, up to has must role, but cadres offsite mobilization comparison frequently, so housing corruption wind no thoroughly brake live".

Mr. Wang yukai of the housing reform has been discussed housing corruption investigation, he thought about was divided into three phases: first some leading cadres "owned land to build" name, build more housing, and the subsequent terms some leading cadres to affect market price difference at low prices to "buy" housing at present, leading cadres have been violations accounted for, through "official" Villa. "For example, the people's daily reported in 2008, eastern shore of liujiang River in liuzhou, Guangxi, makes for four leading high-end residential communities, each set of more than 300 square meters, the price per square metre is equivalent to around half of the price."

"No matter the what stage, from the leaders in the housing development process on the issue of corruption, it seems that there has been collusion between market and power", said Wang Yukai.

What good is implementing the residence system?

Experts believe that "residence" in developed countries for many years, practice has shown that this initiative can be effectively restricted housing corruption. Said Xu Yaotong, at present China's officials housing system cured, is not conducive to the sustainable use of resources. Explore implementing the residence system, to avoid waste of resources. Zhuli Professor National School of administration in an interview with people's network reporter commented, residence of specification for help leading cadres ' housing problem. Mr. Wang yukai said, the establishment of "residence" as an important system of government reform, fighting corruption of cadres housing.

Implementation of the leading cadres must first clean up the existing housing

Experts believe that the implementation of "residence" must have the two premises: cleaning up existing houses of leading cadres, to find out the floor; establish cadre House open system, the introduction of supervision by the masses. "First to fanfare to cleanup cadres of existing housing", Mr. Wang yukai said, currently, cadres housing corruption forms both complex and widely, only figuring out base, to classification settlement, "cleanup of a standard is, on more accounted for housing of, deadline check and return, late not back of, while to by market rent standard, doubled rent; on the is discipline monitored stepped in, established housing corruption asked accountability system, on late not back of giving discipline Government disciplines disposition".

Mr. Wang yukai think, "residence system" of introduced, rely on cadres housing system whether open, "to developed and to social open different level cadres of housing standard; while, in established cadres housing situation regularly check registration system of based Shang, timely open cadres acquisition, and built, and trading, and rentals housing of actual situation and sources, related information, guarantees masses on cadres housing of informed right, only introduced masses supervision, ' residence system ' only does not motions".

"The residence" on our part or a new thing. Experts believe that the four matching system establishment: "the residence" construction standards and sources of funds; "the residence of the" relationship between tenure and ownership; violating disciplinary responsibility; "the residence" subject qualifications and conditions, namely the "residence" applicable where administrative level?

"What level of cadres, can own a residence, which needs careful research", said Xu Yaotong, United States and other countries of residence, apply only to heads of State and Governor, "in these countries, residence is not just official residence, but also show the national image of corporate sites, officials at the residence reception activities such as a banquet." In his view, the residence qualification should be strictly limited, "can only be a very small part of the officials, if the quantity, while national finance cannot afford, and formed ' privileged ' symbol".

The Beijing News reporter Wang Shu

(Original title: conducive to curbing the residence houses of leading cadres, corruption)

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 The Beijing News(官邸制利于遏制领导干部住房腐败 避免资源浪费|官邸|领导干部|住房_新闻资讯



  ■ 名词解释



  背景 “摆在大街上的腐败”难防治







  探索 官邸制2000年现雏形






  实施 须先清理领导干部现有住房





  新京报记者 王姝



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