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Amount of judicial interpretation clearly Rob a crime plot standard take effect tomorrow

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/17 8:54:17 Browse times: 294 Comment times: 0

Amount of judicial interpretation clearly Rob a crime plot standard take effect tomorrow(司法解释明确抢夺刑案情节数额标准,明起施行)

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Judicial interpretation clearly Rob a crime plot the amount of judicial interpretation of the standards take effect tomorrow | |-robbing | amount _ news

China News Agency, Beijing, November 17 (Xinhua open Ouyang Yu) 17th release of the Chinese Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the handling of criminal cases of snatch several issues concerning the application of law. The judicial interpretation will be effective as of November 18, 2013.

Judicial interpretation clearly, robbed public and private property worth 1000 Yuan (RMB) to more than 3,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan, more than 200,000 to 400,000 yuan, should be separately identified as section No. 267 of the Penal Code "large amounts", "large", "particularly large amounts."

According to Justice explained, has including has due to Rob, and Rob or mob looting trained criminal punishment; a years within has due to Rob or looting trained administrative punishment of; organization, and control minor people Rob; in hospital Rob patients or its relatives property; Rob relief, and rescue, and flood, and special care and, and pro-poor, and immigrants, and relief paragraph property, case one of, "amounts larger" of standard according to 50% determines.

Justice explained that the plunder of public or private property, and cause serious injury to others or to cause others to commit suicide, shall be identified as section No. 267 of the criminal code, "other serious circumstances". Plunder of public or private property, causing death, should be identified as section No. 267 of the Criminal Code "in other especially serious circumstances."

Justice explained pointed out that, Rob public-private property amounts larger, but is not caused others sustained minor injuries above hurt, acts people Department first, pleaded guilty, and penitential, give up ill-gotten gains, and restitution, and has statutory leniency punishment plot, or no participation loot or was overpowers less, and not principal or victims understanding can finds for crime plot minor, not sued or from criminal punishment; necessary Shi, by about sector law be administrative punishment.

Justice explained that the driving motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicle seizure of property, with one of the following circumstances, shall be convicted and punished for robbery: when captured his forcibly seized because the victim does not let go; driving vehicle forced to squeeze, strike, or forcing others to plunder forcibly; knowingly causing human casualties caused by forcible seizure and allow slightly above the consequences of property holders.

After announcing the judicial interpretation, seizing criminal cases before the Supreme People's Court on several issues concerning the specific application of law also repealed; released prior judicial interpretations and normative documents is inconsistent with this explanation, to this interpretation shall prevail. (End text)

(Original title: China has to go through judicial interpretation of the criminal case of seizing 18th)

(Edit: SN064)November 17, 2013 China News Network(司法解释明确抢夺刑案情节数额标准 明起施行|司法解释|抢夺|数额_新闻资讯

  中新社北京11月17日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)中国最高人民法院、最高人民检察院17日对外公布《关于办理抢夺刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》。该司法解释将于2013年11月18日起施行。







(原标题:中国出台办理抢夺刑事案件司法解释 18日起施行)


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