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Yunnan police launch campaign to strike hard storm for a period of one year

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/4 9:41:59 Browse times: 226 Comment times: 0

Yunnan police launch campaign to strike hard storm for a period of one year

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Yunnan police launch campaign to strike hard storm threatens | strike hard storm activity _ a year-long news

CNS, Kunming, June 4 (reporter Shi Guanglin)-4th, the Yunnan provincial public security organs launched a year-long campaign to crack down on violent terrorist activities, requires firmly cut off "three evil forces" smuggling channels both inside and outside, and resolutely eliminate the threat of storm activity risks, strong support for strong action against violent terrorist activities in Xinjiang, and ensure that terrorist acts are not in Yunnan.

The same day, Yunnan province held the province's campaign to crack down on violent terrorist activities by public security organs deploying meeting. Conference on Yunnan Province police organ carried out for a years of severe combat violence terrorist activities special action for has full deployment, requires levels police organ and all civilian police to firm set bottom line thinking, banner rule of law flag, and anti-terrorist flag and maintenance all masses fundamental interests of flag, put anti-violence terrorist struggle as current first class task, insisted "zero tolerance", and "out punch", according to "full police mobilization, and Commission caught control, Division, and served as tie" and "specimens and treatment, and integrated, spot group combines" of principles, Around "broken channel, and Qing hiding, and hit signs, and prevent controlled, and made atmosphere", main task, take super strong measures, carried out one buzz big, and momentum Meng of anti-violence terrorist activities special struggle, settlement a roots sexual, and based sexual, and associated sexual problem, quickly will violence terrorist groups and religious extreme groups of arrogant arrogance hit down, full upgrade against should violence terrorist activities of overall level, strongly maintenance Yunnan reform development of stable situation.

Special action, the Yunnan public security organs will co-ordinate all advantages of resources and power, based on the proactive, pre-emptive enemy campaign to keep offensive posture. Is the strengthening of key personnel, key issues and violence, extreme cases leads trying to find out, concentrated and focused. B is specially combined with the mass line, improving intelligence information early warning, prevention and prevention capabilities. Third, strict management to rein in violence and extremism staff, to prevent real harm caused. Four further complicated peace order issues, control and management of the dangerous and explosive goods, weak border region focus areas, key areas and key positions, including remediation, purifying the social environment, elimination of threat risks. Five is to severely punish criminals according to the law. Six key parts of social prevention, implementation of security preparedness and response measures, strengthen the construction of first time and maneuvering unit emergency power, and strict prevention and decisive handling violent terrorist attacks. Seven is to implement reporting of violent terrorist activities of the masses leads incentives, advocacy guide effectively enhance awareness of counter-terrorism, prevention and suppression of the broad masses, fully rely on and mobilize the masses, lay people's war against terror. (End text)

(Original title: Yunnan police launch campaign to crackdown on storm for a period of one year)

(Edit: SN098)13:26 June 04, 2014 China News Network

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