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Vietnam News Agency: the struggle, the ship continued strength around China platform

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/4 9:41:33 Browse times: 216 Comment times: 0

Vietnam News Agency: the struggle, the ship continued strength around China platform

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Vietnam News Agency: the ship continued strength around China platform fight | in | South China Sea _ the South China Sea conflict news

  Reference news net reported on June 4 , foreign media cited media reports that China and Viet Nam vessel again in the chase and crash near Xisha sea drilling platform, Viet Nam vessel damage, but fortunately no one was hurt.

According to Singapore the Straits Times website reported on June 3, Viet Nam State television released video shows, Viet Nam vessel was hit several times by Chinese maritime police vessel, ships get hit a few holes. In addition, Viet Nam indicated that monitoring to the Chinese side, "Hai Yang Shi you 981" rig move for a second.

However Chinese media reports, the incident on June 1 at noon, when Viet Nam corporate ships harassed "Hai Yang Shi you 981" China ships to Viet Nam boats fired water cannons, Viet Nam Coast Guard sent ships to support, were the other two Chinese vessels blocked those Viet Nam corporate ship then left the scene.

Reported by 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a Chinese maritime police vessel and Viet Nam Coast Guard vessel collided ships were seriously damaged and the boat tilted.

Viet Nam, State television said, the same morning, another Chinese maritime police vessel to Viet Nam a vessel water for 5 minutes, while the Chinese ships blocked Viet Nam maritime police vessel to protect.

In addition, Viet Nam coast guard said, monitored the "Hai Yang Shi you 981" drilling platform migration for a second, on June 1 to migrate Northwest more than 140 meters, was set up for the second time since migration. Coast Guard officials believe may be a normal exploration for oil and gas operations, may be ready to move away from the "Viet Nam waters."

Reports that after this China was erecting drilling platforms, vessels of the third serious collision, said Chinese boats in waters near a Viet Nam fishing boats collided, which subsequently sank.

Japan, Sankei Shimbun June 3 quoted Viet Nam, State media reported on June 2, the evening of June 1, China is a "brute force" drilling for oil in South China Sea, Viet Nam launches by China ship collision, the hull was hit 4 hole, was badly damaged.

Viet Nam State media broadcast a patrol vessel heavily skewed video. Reports suggest that Viet Nam formation stimulation anti-Chinese sentiment in the country.

Reported in the area, Viet Nam "enforcement activity" repeatedly by the Chinese Government "interference". To this end, Vietnam sent patrol boats to escort, but patrols were also Chinese attack.

According to the Vietnam News Agency reported on June 2, the Viet Nam representative of the Ministry of agriculture and rural development fisheries inspection Bureau revealed that Viet Nam fishing boats seized on June 2 from the Chinese side "Hai Yang Shi you 981" drilling platform about 6 knots to 8 nautical miles continue to struggle for high-strength, asking China to withdraw the rig "Viet Nam waters."

Reports, when Viet Nam fishery inspection vessel in the distance 7 nautical miles to the rig when 9 nautical miles to the Chinese side in their advocacy work, China dispatched the coast guard boats, tugboats and other vessels fierce blocking, Bell, hit and use water cannons to Viet Nam fishery inspection power water spray. Vietnam remains steadfast in fighting activity, asking China to evacuate rigs "Viet Nam waters."

Reported that the Chinese ship quantity is still about 120 vessels. China also used many aircraft to further strengthen surveillance activities. Viet Nam fisheries inspection force China 5 aircraft were observed flying over the sea around rig.

Representative of the fisheries inspection Bureau revealed that about 50 vessels Viet Nam fishing vessels to continue fishing and "recovered" fishery struggle against China's "illegal" erecting drilling platforms.

According to another report, on May 26, was hit by a Chinese fishing boat sank in Viet Nam fishing boat the morning of June 2 was successfully salvaged and pulled back to shore, carry out technical inspections and maintenance.

Singapore the Straits Times said on June 1, comes as China and Vietnam in disputed waters on the Chinese might get sticky on the drilling platform when Viet Nam Defense Minister Feng Guangqing recently said that Viet Nam will take Beijing to international courts as a last resort.

At the Shangri-La dialogue, Feng Guangqing demand that China immediately withdraw the rig, he said, is still hoping to settle their disputes through dialogue.

Feng Guangqing said: "we still have room for peaceful dialogue. We will only (access to justice) as a last resort. "A few days ago, a Viet Nam fishing by Chinese ships collided the sea drilling platform sank.

Reported that Feng Guangqing seems to be the view of Viet Nam at odds, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Earlier, dung said in an interview, Hanoi is prepared to take legal action. They are thinking about when to take the best.

Experts say that if this does not resolve the issue, drilling platforms would give Viet Nam in the formulation of strategic plans for the future change the rules.

United States Asia expert Ms Glaser at the Center for strategic and international studies said, "Viet Nam has long been divided into two groups. The hope that two-way communication with China to deal with all the problems; the other is to seek outside help. Viet Nam territory facing the challenge has the potential to significantly change the balance of power between the two factions. ”


(Original title: the ship in the South China Sea "enhanced" harassing the Chinese side)

(Edit: SN091)09:56 June 04, 2014 Reference news

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