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Forbidden City murder case tracking: staff in machete killing in Damascus two leaders

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Forbidden City murder case tracking: staff in machete killing in Damascus two leaders

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Forbidden City murder case tracking: workers with machetes killed two leaders of Damascus | Palace murders _ news

The National Palace Museum "South" in the eastern part of the forbidden city, near the Donghua gate, yin said this is a wooden, cyan, primary growth, covering green glazed tiles on the roof, fewer Jiaqing, Emperor Daoguang, Feng and other many other Crown Prince lived here, also known as the "elder brother".

Today, it is the National Palace Museum exhibition.

Sunny winter, past dealings, read treasures, weapon-loving Hu Jianzhong, indulge in courtly wine Ma Jige, there has been playing around with Imperial Palace Qin Zheng Zhibiao worked together for many years here. They can be described as contemporary, "three sages of the bamboo forest", or even "South of the three sages".

On October 25, 2013, in the deep South, Zheng Zhibiao pulled out a long knife, stabbing into the exhibition Division two leader Hu Jianzhong and Ma Jige body.

  Rose step by step genius

Zheng Zhibiao, 50 years old, graduated from the Central Academy of fine arts painting Department, from master Yao Youduo.

Before the incident, my son matriculated, the wife was promoted to Vice President of a University, they will also Citroen with Mercedes-Benz GLK300. In the words of Lady Zheng Muyang, "then think they too happy, happy and afraid of what's going on." Victim is the son of Ma Jige entered Beijing ranks among the top three high school, Hu Jianzhong as a career expert, already planning retirement. During the interview, whether the families of the victims, or Zheng Zhibiao family, repeating the same question, "why?" "Why silent moderate Zheng Zhibiao destroy three families? Why so happens most thick culture atmosphere in the Palace murders?

Talk about this case, round-faced urbanity of Zheng Zhiyong never "brother" term, but called "Zheng Zhibiao," "Zheng Zhibiao is recognized as a handsome, tall, when younger, as Japan stars. He painted very well, better than I am. ”

Zheng Zhibiao is homes Zheng's example, a genius who rose step by step. Ms Yang Cheng Tianjin's famous painting master, father Ying Fan's invitation, was the Managing Director of Nankai University's Department of Oriental art. Under the influence of the family, Zheng Zhibiao junior admitted to the high school of Central Academy of fine arts after graduation. High school-middle school was probably the most difficult exams thousands of applicants and hire 80 per cent each year. He has since left Tianjin, came to the imperial city.

Despite the family, but Zheng then the situation is not good. "At that time we both wages add up to less than 100 Yuan, to a field school for high school students with a teenager's younger brother, is very difficult", but the mother was under the impression, Zheng Zhibiao, cheerful upward. He got along well with my classmates, and has been a class cadre, hung the keys to go to school every day, with strong influence of filial piety.

Zhengjia tradition, father to his principal. When the parent in the Cheng, Zheng Zhibiao, father talk, not in my heart. After his father died, and Zheng Zhibiao Exchange objects are in the House, he and his brother 8 years apart, unable to go.

In 1980 the Academy after graduation, Zheng Zhibiao admitted to the Central Academy of fine arts painting Department. That ink painting Department, only four students in a class, but seven people, all masters level.

At the Central Academy of fine arts, who says he saw his paintings well-established, Reiki. "Unfortunately, points to the forbidden city after graduation, waste professional. "Mr Cheng said. Family heart, "the biggest mistake of his life is to choose the National Palace Museum, which is the starting station and the terminus of Zheng Zhibiao tragedies in life"-but do they?

  13 row

After 1988, Zheng Zhibiao almost every day to set foot in the forbidden city "13 row". Forbidden city under the forbidden city Publishing House here.

"13 row" surrounds the Ning Shougong, quiet and elegant, but also muqi, which was built by Emperor Qianlong, retired here after his Overlord, "big faint in".

Directly from the University campus into the forbidden city, Zheng Zhibiao in gentle words I was very stable mature, unlike novices. Many here revered leader for "Sir", men and women alike; between the edit you address him by name, but Zheng Zhibiao exceptions, the upper and lower size called him "old standards". A publishing house colleague who describes the "old physical size, when and where you are a leisurely look, a pair of glasses reveals a crafty and mischievous. ”

"Sly and mischievous" the Bohemian from the Academy of fine arts, Zheng Zhibiao calm by nature, but has picked up where the temperament. His main job is edit in the Publishing House Atlas, once he was carrying a black and white photos printed on A4 paper asked his colleagues: "the next phase of Westernization movement with this cover, right? "The Prince of Gong in the picture holding a rifle target shooting, this photo shows Prince Gong is too graphic, but fully supported Westernization movement! But then the next editor discovered he tricks: it was Zheng Zhibiao Copier concocted a fake photo.

Easy, but Zheng Zhibiao is stronger. He often did not live to continue to love complained he doesn't feel bad my electricity, finishing one night and the next night.

The limited nature of the work, in row 13, Zheng Zhibiao rarely shot during painting, painting only one open is drawn for the Publishing House of a billboard. He painted stop, jump on only a few days later a pottery camel Billboard. Leadership did not praise, but asked: "this is a hard thing?! "Zheng Zhibiao smiled and said:" a piece of cake, a piece of cake. "Leaders look at people and say:" cream of Academy of fine arts, painting, what are. "This kind of thing much, Zheng Zhibiao beginning gave boss shicaiaowu, antisocial impression.

  South III

South not far from row 13. In 2005, Zheng Zhibiao from publishing houses into the exhibit here (later Department).

"He worked with yachang took several prizes, said that block (book editor) has basically done first, wanted to try some new business. "One person familiar with Mr Cheng says.

From the 13 to the South, subject mobility leader Hu Jianzhong Zheng Zhi one hand operation. He was one of two people killed by Zheng in the future.

Hujianzhongbi Zheng Zhibiao 10 years before entering the National Palace Museum, as Director of the exhibition Department of the Imperial Palace, his goods and life is particularly familiar to the Royal compound, has presided over a number of exhibitions, addicted to the forbidden city which possess weapons research.

Hu Jianzhong Zheng Zhibiao and relationships very well, and the two men has been published jointly by many monographs. Individual differences, but they are not small, "Hu Jianzhong not to offend anyone," a Palace staff member said, "he is good, but very slippery, laughing and joking, we put all the people are very happy, often compared his young shoulders many people. ”

Third leads Ma Jige came to the "South", he was the second person killed by Zheng Wan knife after all these years. In fact, before entering the exhibition Department, two people had good relations, both live near, Zheng Zhibiao take Ma Jige on driving times from work.

Ma Jige vocational high school graduate, worked my way up the Imperial Palace, later style, painting, wine books published during the Qing dynasty. He started the forbidden city Publishing House, and three years later was transferred to the exhibition. He is known for carefully. "The forbidden city is a place where smart people, people educated, working smart, hardworking people like Ma Jige rarely," says one Museum employee told the magazine, "an exhibition, a large cart above it, a lot of pictures, Ma Jige one stroller, with a lot of people behind. The showroom, we have paintings, hung up and after, Ma Jige continue to cart towards the next showroom, not one of the trolleys. "Hard work let Ma Jige won the trust of Hu Jianzhong.

"The relationship between the three of them start was quite good," photographer Hou Yuanchao said, "2008 years when Zheng Zhibiao had with Hu Jianzhong and Ma Jige to Tianjin, I have sent the three of them. I tried several times to go to the National Palace Museum, Zheng Zhibiao took me to the old Office to chat, Ma Jige, sometimes come over and chat. ”

In the South, "three good" going in and out. Outsiders can only tempered glass separates from the treasures of antiques, but for those who treasure guardians, researcher, only illusion.

  Holding the treasure

In retrospect, Zheng Zhibiao 2005 should be the culmination of years of life. That year, Palace Museum, to celebrate the establishment of the 80 anniversary of the Imperial Palace and CCTV has produced 12 sets of large documentary forbidden city, Zheng as Executive Editor.

This single, is the CCTV Director Zhao Huayong, Director, Academy Award for best music at the invitation Su Cong (film composers of the last emperor), best cinematography Oscar-nominated cameraman Zhao Xiaoding (the hero of the ambush on all sides of the photo), there is Japan famous photographer stereographic, and so on. 2005 broadcast, TV stations from more than 100 countries and has purchased.

Zheng Zhibiao that peak seems to be more and more scholars. CCTV network so far also has a dedicated website on the history channel and creative staff of the Imperial Palace. Each participant different styles of resumes, and a Readme, basic can be judged is providing "first draft". Zheng Zhibiao that bar wrote something like this:

"Between 16 and Palace Green Willow years kurong, diaolanyuqi, brilliant every year. Often associated with historians, who see, know there are lot of legends behind the walls of gongwei anecdotes ... ... Beginning with bullion end wars, paintings and calligraphy, curios, and only know its expensive, fresh know Jane, follow the heritage people, sleep see Antiquities such as the knowledge of the ancients, mixed blood. ”

Mixed furniture. Just managing editors Zheng Zhibiao falling into the doldrums start.

"In the middle of shooting, almost all the treasures of the National Palace Museum, he contacts one by one," said one person familiar with Zheng Zhibiao, "he as Executive Director, with photographers around. Courtyard of the National Palace Museum has traveled. "Hall of the Central back of the Dragon Chair, Qian Qing Palace of white marble stairs under the eunuch servants walking wicket, Chin Ann stone outside the Hall, Zheng Zhibiao had specifically requested a photographer to take pictures and write a small article.

"But in the end, Zheng Zhibiao psychologically changed dramatically. Outsiders may not know much the pressure of holding a treasure. He always has one concern: what I failed to do? "Zheng Zhibiao told acquaintances express such concerns.

He worries may not be his, more links to see during filming.

"For example, he found that some did not receive timely maintenance of floors and holding facilities, some of the fireproofing material was used for the non-fire-resistive material. ”

These problems long ago. In early 2012, famous Palace Museum after the theft, former Director of the State administration of cultural heritage, Shan jixiang, was transferred to the National Palace Museum, the new Dean, he and his colleagues asked all 32 departments and offices, referred to proposals involving cultural relics safety. In a published article, Shan jixiang, summed up the hidden dangers of fire, theft or earthquake hazard 7 large Palace security. For example, "some ancient buildings around fire hydrants not set", "due to reasons such as Office, holding warehouses less than 58 in the construction of temporary buildings" (killing incident at the canteen is one of), which is similar to Zheng Zhibiao.

Zheng Zhibiao contract exhibition work of those companies, it's construction team. He wanted to come with more culture.

"Due to system limitations, past the forbidden city basic self-maintenance work, namely, National Palace Museum organized force is engaged in the design, construction and management. "The National Palace Museum who wrote an article describing the Palace Museum in 2002 maintenance mechanism of protection before the project starts. Zheng Zhibiao construction team is that now these professional enough for protection and restoration of the Imperial Palace. Zheng Zhibiao believed Ma Jige and Hu Jianzhong was responsible for these and provide comments to the top at the National Palace Museum.

After that, Cheng, and Ma Hu threesome quickly go bad. "Old Hu may think that he is an old palace, came to the Ministry, can do to help themselves," Zheng Zhiyong said, "but do not expect him to be a man of ideas, not willing to follow. ”

"Zheng Zhibiao rules do not understand official, indicating that these problems were frozen after, don't give him substantial work. "One person familiar with Zheng said.

Zheng Zhibiao exhibition Division, was frozen, there is another way of saying, Zheng Zhi is working too slowly. "Zheng Zhibiao is a genius, but worked slowly, often came to opening or if you want to publish a book, he's not coming out. "Ma Jige and one close to the forbidden city employee said.


Whatever the reason, from 2011 onwards, Zheng Zhibiao at work was completely frozen up.

Zheng Zhibiao had unique ideas about this-seriously. Prior to that, he laid back, go out to dinner at noon, done live to go home early, but since that time, eight points less than a day he went to the National Palace Museum, to sit through work "every day there is no substantive work," Zheng Zhiyong said, "his mentality is such, it is a struggle. Aren't you bored me, I let you see me every day. ”

After being frozen, Zheng Zhibiao becoming silent. When I was in College, he wore jeans, is a simple Jersey dress now outside, wearing a lab coat, with sleeves. "He was a very handsome but dumb little man, who nodded back by camel. "Zheng Zhiyong said.

While bowing to everyone, but Zheng Zhibiao more proud. "He has a good photographic technique, I need someone to take pictures, they said to him: you help take photos of me? He'd be happy to, an event filmed and handed him $ 800, as soon as he turned. "Zheng Zhiyong said. In 2012, Zheng Zhibiao kids graduated from high school wanted to go to art school, "by virtue of his relationship, son, Central Academy of fine arts on his sentence. He just can't go. "

"I think that, as more than 40 men, Zheng Zhibiao no cause," a public security University psychology expert said of the interest in the case, "he thinks he's doing bad, he cannot bring myself to ask his peers, especially students. ”

After Zheng Zhibiao arrested, lawyers have found Zheng Zhiyong wrote a resume for his brother, "I've been thinking about for a long time, can't figure out what's in it for more than 20 years he changes". Final Zheng Zhiyong handed to lawyers a copy of the books, edited books by Zheng Zhibiao on columns over the years, a total of 86 volumes, this is Zheng Zhibiao resume after graduation.

In the forbidden city to carry on, Ma Jige, Hu Jianzhong to death isn't the only thing Zheng Zhibiao choices. Auction houses, printing companies and his classmate's Studio digs him, but is rejected by him.

Zheng Zhibiao are suffering from diabetes, he also suffers from it. "Before he was a bit unpleasant, we can sit together and cheer drink eat meat solutions. Diabetic patients stay away from meat and wine, life 80% is gone. Only smoke. ”

He even started growing wheat. That wheat long in the South of the yard under the elm, Zheng Zhibiao day care, watering, weeding, fertilizing, harvesting. Brother, take the children to the forbidden city, uncle very happy, cut with a knife a few wheat, tied together and for the kids to play.

Away on resentment not just in a few wheat, before, Zheng Zhibiao were posted with good-natured, Sunshine label, but after freezing, he became more and more heartless.

"Office one at a time, looking for his colleagues," a museum employee said, "this guy is gone, Zheng Zhibiao subsequently called him to the South East on a vacant lot, said to pick a fight with him. As he finished the sentence with a colleague and I went straight, think it's just all ignore him! After that, the man apologized to be dropped. ”

There are two cycles to work, Zheng Zhibiao walking on the road, out to a colleague. Dozens of meters have been riding, who immediately jumped, carts came back and went to greet him. The colleague said, think he Moody and don't want to offend him.

The dark side of the heart grows.

The end of 2012, routine summary appraisal at the end of the National Palace Museum, Zheng Zhibiao in own wrap-up wrote on sentence: a year with nothing, do nothing. Subsequently handed over to Hu Jianzhong. "Hu Jianzhong called him over, saying you wrote, I cannot comment under," a museum employee said, "I'll give you a new form, you must rewrite. "Zheng Zhibiao did not change, go direct.

Subsequent conflicts intensify, Zheng Zhibiao found Hu Jianzhong intends to harass him, not working for him, and year-end to set him up, gave an exam. He Hu Jianzhong. "Hu Jianzhong said that I'm going to retire, this is something you can't find Ma Jige, who is Director of the successor," said Palace staff said, "Zheng Zhibiao Ma Jige found to the personnel office, to tune out the comments from the personnel department, was rebuffed. Probably was, Zheng Zhibiao finds him in Hu Jianzhong, Ma Jige helped destroy. ”

"From then on, he began to practise Nunchucks," said a museum employee. Zheng Zhibiao to the Office early every day, practicing for an hour. Museum staff training a lot, mostly in Tai Chi, only Zheng Zhibiao practicing nunchaku.

"Judging from the present material, Zheng Zhibiao is an idealist, and extreme paranoia," said a University of public security criminal psychology experts, "such people have setbacks like hard up until the wall. Most people in both impulses have had thoughts of killing but only extreme paranoid who put into practice. ”

The beginning of 2013, Zheng Zhibiao purchased two Damascus scimitar (also known as the Crescent-scimitar), which gave Hu Jianzhong. Zheng Zhibiao and Hu Jianzhong is cold steel enthusiast. Zheng Zhibiao home collection of all kinds of knives. Hu Jianzhong out excessive cold steel monographs. Hu Jianzhong after receiving machete very happy without saying thank you but when Zheng Zhibiao in the hands of a machete, after 10 months into his body.

Early in June 2013, Zheng Zhibiao started to clean up the Office, "he liked, need it packaged to take home," know one informed source told this newspaper the National Palace Museum, "the rest of the stuff, including his collection of fine cigars for many years, give the colleagues from the yard. "The colleagues he packed his things are very strange, he said, see what I like going out of business sale, anyway, he didn't have to.


11:10 A.M. on October 25, 2013, Zheng Zhibiao station located south of the exhibition Department of the Office of the yard door, looked across the cafeteria. South of strip-shaped, there are five small yard, wall, red door red mullions, and is not open to the public. This is the mystery spot in the eyes of tourists. Innermost is the exhibition Department Office, right next to the ancient utensils. Canteen in one corner of the courtyard, next to the toilet.

Zheng Zhibiao is behind a large elm tree, elm tree there are he of the wheat has been harvested, leaving the stubble. At this point, Director of the exhibition Department of the former Hu Jianzhong walked out from the dining hall. Hu Jianzhong runs out after dinner, always used to go to the bathroom, then go to the card room on the other side of the yard, and his colleagues playing cards.

Hu Jianzhong Zheng Zhibiao yard door, nodded. Zheng Zhibiao took a step, he took down Hu Jianzhong's shoulder, shouting, "old", Hu Jianzhong said, "Oh, John. "Zheng Zhibiao followed Hu Jianzhong also went inside.

A minute later, Zheng Zhibiao came out from the toilet, walked into the cafeteria. Exhibition Department Director, Ma Jige was sitting in the cafeteria the outermost table to eat, at the same table with four other colleagues, two women. Zheng Zhibiao wound up behind Ma Jige, patted him on the shoulder, will be going off to his horse's face, as if to say something. Shortly thereafter, Zheng Zhibiao left hand cover Ma Jige mouth hand pulled out a 30 cm Crescent-scimitar, Ma Jige back even stabbed twice. Then got up and out of the dining room.

After Zheng Zhibiao, Ma Jige immediately lay down on the yellow table, big mouth outside the mouth to spit blood. Two female colleagues immediately screamed, other colleagues began calling 120.

11:20, exhibition Department, a staff member walks into the men's room and saw there was blood everywhere, shouting, "had an accident! ”

After leaving the canteen, Cheng did not panic to escape, but walked into the exhibit yard, first door on the left his Office. Close the door, turn on the computer, began to send message to a few friends. He wrote that he killed two men are a warning to the community. Mail recipients do not include his family, not even his wife. After you sent the message, Zheng Zhibiao pulled out a machete, his neck cut off twice, then stab to the stomach.

Hu Jianzhong, 8 knives, died on the spot. Ma Jige and Zheng Zhibiao to Concord hospital, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Ma Jige declared dead. Zheng Zhibiao being rescued. After the rescue, Zheng Zhibiao told police about the first thing to give you trouble.

Although it took six months, before the deadline, the case still has not entered the indictment, Sinorama calling Beijing Dongcheng District Public Security Bureau propaganda Department is responsible for the case, said that he was unable to provide any further information on the case.

The previous day, Ma Jige bought a pair of new sneakers for the son, the next day, the son knows the father passed away, new sneakers take off and put on old sneakers, he preferred to dwell on October 24. Zheng Zhiyong is mother to build up a network of information barriers, up to now, Yang still don't know son killed a man, fight only to know that my son and got caught into it.

In ancient times, when the Palace there are many blood, now very rare. Zheng Zhibiao, Ma Jige, Hu Jianzhong continues to share within the walls of the historical tragedy. Zheng Zhibiao eventually didn't break out of that wall, in the closed Museum of "field", he arbitrarily enlarge the heart of cold surface, up to their cause.

On December 18, 2013, the National Palace Museum painting and calligraphy Department employees rushed to the South in the morning, countersunk inventory pictures. The courtyard, Zheng Zhibiao wheat has been quietly shoveling out, some weeds doggedly came out of nowhere. Seal sticker in his Office on the other side, it says, "on December 18. ”

At 10 o'clock, everyone was alerted by a shrill hissing. Looking out of the window and found yard full of police, the source of the sound-Zheng Zhibiao ankle bracelet. Zheng Zhibiao has ceased to be brothers in the eyes of the "handsome", his hair graying, natural expression, see pay tribute to colleagues nodded slightly.

Zheng Zhibiao walked to the bathroom, identified by the police, has been renovated and has a spin and then around the canteen has been removed. Was killed in Ma Jige room cluttered with a number sign, one marked "snack Bento".

Source: Vista world

(Edit: SN098)09:47 June 04, 2014 Qilu evening news network

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