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Annual excavation of Nanjing Road shall be public announcements, new road 5 years can’t dig

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/4 9:36:10 Browse times: 227 Comment times: 0

Annual excavation of Nanjing Road shall be public announcements, new road 5 years can’t dig

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Annual excavation of Nanjing Road to publicize new road 5 years can't dig | information _ news

Nanjing's "big environmental cleaning, 100 days" special rectification action is in full swing, how to keep the results of the round to get them under control? Nanjing City Government has worked out a long-term mechanism for the establishment of good urban governance (hereinafter referred to as the opinion), from the city's environmental health, the appearance of the city, illegally built control, site management, urban transportation, river management, green conservation, starting with eight areas such as property management, introduction of 32 specific initiatives. Correspondent, Shi Fu Yangtze evening news reporter Chou Huidong

  Environmental health

  Advancing mechanized road sanitation maintains cleanliness of the streets, cleaning standards

Symptoms: for a long time, Nanjing mechanization level is not high, working in sanitation management fixed low, market competition issues such as inadequate, often main road swept clean, beijiexiaoxiang was not satisfactory.

Prescription: enhancing road cleaning, garbage collection, building fa?ade cleaning level of mechanized operations, major and minor roads all mechanized clean maintains cleanliness, the sweep rate of 80% per cent. Key trunk road, landscape Avenue introduced from a cleaning service, not less than 1 time per day washing, cleaning, 3 times 2 times watering, make sure pavement dust; access roads, lanes 16-hour cleaning. In the bustling streets and the implementation of "four sweeping" operational mechanisms, reasonable set of four time periods throughout the day for cleaning jobs, increase cleaning frequency. Promoting sanitation job market moderately improving sanitation jobs fixed price, all working all in the common trading platform for open bidding, a preferential elected an independent legal personality of sanitation enterprise specific jobs. On a district basis, provides affordable housing rental subsidies, rental, or form, solve the sanitation workers ' housing problems. Increase the intensity of construction of sanitation infrastructure, speed up the construction of construction waste, garbage disposal sites. Vigorously promote garbage classification, strengthen the management of food waste, implementation of the upgrading of a waste transfer station, improved garbage collection transit patterns, and improve the efficiency of disposal.

  The appearance of the city

  Standard advertising shop signs, peddlers, vehicle cleaning management

Symptoms: enrollment shops outdoor advertising against the rules, store brand confusion, disorderly, road management mobile stalls, such as the appearance of the city, "dirty, disorderly and poor" problem has always been urban management challenges.

The prescription: the scientific preparation of the outdoor advertising arrangement plan and implement critical control and partition management, rational designation of restricted areas, control areas and display area. Tender specification shop setting, strict implementation of the Nanjing city bidding card sets management approaches and the shops bidding set specification provides that specifications shops bidding card sets in the city. The combination of unblocking and standardize vendor management, on a district basis, select the appropriate location, advance grooming stall construction guide operating stalls and entering into the booth, fixed limit, strictly focused on law enforcement, sell reasonable designation of restricted area. Rational distribution of vehicle cleaning shop, strict management of vehicle cleaning, investigating the operation, out of operation, exceeding the scope of illegal road, environmental pollution and other violations. Board, blind road, bus stop on the sidewalk, street lighting poles, distribution cabinets, well built municipal facilities such as roads, sanitation, such as toilets, shell box, newspaper kiosk, fitness equipment, and other facilities, maintenance, improvement, new.

  Unauthorised control

  Strengthening the grid supervision to ensure that illegal construction of new growth

Symptoms: illegal construction management is a "long-standing", just slightly loosening the new unauthorised pop up again.

Recipe: build grids patrol and illegal construction management accountability, improving the sources found surveillance network, establish breach investigation co-processing platform, adding unauthorised maintained pressure to ensure that the new unauthorised zero growth. Implementation of the "split pipe simultaneously", have been torn down illegally built plot to step up inspections, focused supervision, resolutely resurgence of unauthorised rally in terms of planning requirements, implementation, already split plots using, improve landscaping, parking and other facilities around. Rationalize urban management, planning and other departments as unauthorised transfer and found that responsibility for construction of urban management, joint departments of land, planning and building collaborative mechanisms.

  Site management

  Delineation of the civilized construction focusing on regional road 5 new new years excavation

Symptoms: a dusty construction site, throwing drips muck car, constantly digging "zipper road", not only lead to waste of resources of the city, and seriously affect the environment and people's livelihood.

Recipe: ring road within the main city and suburban parts of the construction site as the site management of civilized construction in key areas, develop and implement higher standards of civilized construction, strengthen the supervision on construction site. Strengthening supervision of the construction site dust, the "daily", "ad hoc inspection" and the "assessment notification" system, ranking evaluation. Increased waste disposal management, implementation of waste transport, construction of joint approval system and check back at night. In East, North-East, South, South-West of the city respectively, site construction waste (mud) disposal site.

Strictly implement the "new five years excavating the new road" requirement, imposed on road excavation required every year in early planning, constructed step by step manner, be strict vetting checks. Determining road excavation per year and total excavation area than other rigid parameters for synchronization, as well as to the public, strict control of road excavation, reduce construction nuisance. Construction of pipe jacking method in principle, within a certain distance of excavation shall be repeated. In other words, you no longer use "guts tripe" excavation methods.

  Urban traffic

  Main city of 5000 sqm plot priority construction of car parks and other public facilities

Symptoms: traffic jams, "big city" increasingly clear that filled with car parking, parking facilities, bus depot construction lagging, which plague the Nanjing city traffic.

Recipe: strengthen the linkage of law enforcement of public security, urban management, collaboration management, according to the new Division of responsibilities, the public security traffic administration is responsible for the management of primary and secondary roads to stop, urban management Department is responsible for branch-street parking management. Increase the intensity of car park construction and management, optimize the perfect parking facility construction planning, combined with the urban village, old dangerous houses renovation, the main city of 5000 square metre plot guarantee of priority parking and other public facilities construction. Scientific design and construction of underground parking, parking facilities. New community, large traffic transfer site must follow the standard construction of parking facilities. According to the stroke to stroke, should be set to set principles, maximize mining pavement parking space in the city. Guide qualified agencies, enterprises, even parking. Develop support policies to encourage social forces to participate in the construction of parking facilities. Advance intelligent parking management. Strengthen the management of parking, the implementation of earmarking, the use of price leverage, controlling the main city park.

Bus station layout optimization, improving bus station system. In nearly three decades, the new bus stop 11, strive to approaching bus rate 85%; 55 new bus first and last station. Accelerate construction of public bicycles.

Strengthen the management of passenger transport market order, strictly investigate and deal with long distance bus station, taxis do not use meters, plus guests illegal acts such as refusing hire, crack down on all kinds of black cars operating illegally and purify the passenger transport market. Strengthen the construction of traffic facilities and maintenance. Traffic signs and marking, barriers, semaphores, monitors, transport facilities, reasonable layout, timely maintenance, improvement, new.

  River Management

  Create sewage treatment rate will reach towards the implementation of drainage 95%

Symptoms: the River through the city, black stink is still widespread.

Recipe: implementing River controlled source pollution-cutting, drainage standards created to improve the sewage collection and treatment capacity. "Twelve-Five" at the end, the city's sewage treatment rate reached 95% per cent. Drainage sewage regulation strictly, strengthen communities and enterprises and the drainage approval, to discharge into the city network monitoring of water quality, water quantity, and increased efforts to investigate and to irregular drainage. Increase the intensity of river control and custody, implement the "long river system" management; develop pollution-cutting, dredging, environmental governance, integrated treatment approach, keep the River clean to ensure good water quality. The enhanced port (ferry) comprehensive treatment to effectively combat operation, the ride was built without a license, stop lying, illegal operations and other illegal acts, maintain port (dock) in good order.

  Green conservation

  All new construction and renovation and expansion of the city road construction and construction of Greenway construction in sync sync

Symptoms: Green level is an important embodiment of urban environmental quality, at present the city's gardening market less, primary and secondary arterial Highway greening quality gap and other prominent issues.

Prescription: enhancing the landscaping of custody level, strict implementation of "green stamp" system, enhance urban green management, improve the quality of greening. Promoting marketization of green conservation, 2015 to achieve conservation bid jobs full coverage. Accelerating the construction of green channels, all new construction, expansion, renovation of the city roads, insisting on construction and construction of Greenway construction in synchronous design, synchronization, synchronization and acceptance. Key highways in the territory, in and out of city main entrance road, the floor (ground) rail transit, one or two levels of Greenway construction along the arterial highways and rural roads.

  Plot property

  Moving the implementation of property management under the purview of decentralized maintenance funds using auditing municipal administrative functions, such as

Symptoms: property management service level is not high, frequency management issues, particularly the old community management is notoriously difficult, involving complex factors such as management, funding sources, would require careful study, touch as soon as possible.

Recipe: implementation of property management right down, optimize the Division of urban functions, decentralized maintenance funds using audit, pre-bid record municipal administrative licensing functions, such as property management, organization-specific implementation of regional government is responsible for the area of property management, upgrading the street property regulatory functions. Upgrade property integrated service level, the establishment of integrated building management at the district level coordination body, work into the area of urban management, property management and social management systems; strengthen the property management and guidance, upgrade property to preserve public order, maintain cleanliness the greening level of play an active role of owners ' Committee. Strengthen community consolidated supervision, residential delinquency complaints registration system established and published in the community contact names and contact information of the various functional departments, accessible complaints timely disposal violations committed within the community, for the first time to resolve the dispute.


Published monthly ranking management at least once a year to report to the national people's Congress of the city urban management matters

The views on encouraging the public to participate in making specific provision requiring city administration initiative to invite deputies to the NPC and CPPCC inspections, Nanjing municipal level at least once a year to report to the municipal people's Congress, the municipal Committee of the CPPCC city administration matters; the district, street was built up to make similar annual work report of the NPC and the CPPCC city management system, accept the supervision of the NPC and the CPPCC. Strengthening urban management information exposed on a number of key urban management issues concerning people's livelihood, through publicity, seminars, demonstration, hearings and other forms, listen to the views, suggestions and expectations of the public.

In special rectification action in this round, Nanjing to the finger-pointing, some cadres of poor accountability, this level of urban management and rewards linked to supervision and evaluation mechanism will stick to it. The views put forward, to perfect the supervision mechanism of rewards and punishments, and annual appraisal of urban management, and economic and social development goals for the year assessment, bureaucracy-building assessment, selection and appointment of cadres appraisal linkage and promotion appraisals, objective assessment, management assessment, organic integration of assessment of public opinion. At the same time, rigorous performance assessment of implementation of the grid owners, prominent beijiexiaoxiang, suburban connections, waste management of hot issues such as review. Perfect system of urban management reviews, implementation of monthly reviews, goal sorted in public, ranking last digit continuously implement accountability; lack of rectification will be called upon to inform and hold the people accountable.

(Original title: every year excavating the number of roads to the public)

(Edit: SN098)06:10 June 04, 2014 Yangtse evening post

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