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Will minimize the Central micro-management in our country

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/15 13:00:13 Browse times: 303 Comment times: 0

Will minimize the Central micro-management in our country(我国将最大限度减少中央对微观事务管理)

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Micro-transaction management will minimize the Central | Middle | managing | Max _ news

November 15, CPC 18 plenary consideration through the comprehensive reform of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues full text of the decision today to advertise. The decision states that, further decentralization, deepening the reform of administrative examination and approval system to minimize Central Government micro-management.

The decision says, full and proper implementation of government functions. Further decentralization, deepening the reform of administrative examination and approval system to minimize Central Government micro-management, the market mechanism can effectively regulate economic activity, will be made with approval to retain items requiring administrative approval and standardize management, efficiency, directly facing the large amount of grass-roots, wide, by local management more convenient and efficient economic and social matters, decentralization of local and grass-roots management.

The decision says, the Government should strengthen development strategies, planning, formulation and implementation of policy, standards, and strengthening supervision of the campaign to strengthen public service delivery. Strengthening macro-economic control by the central government responsibilities and capacities, strengthening local government, market supervision, social management of public services, environmental protection and other duties. Government purchasing services, and all transactional management services, in principle, to introduce a competition mechanism, purchased through the contract, delegates, to community.

(Original title: plenary decisions: minimizing the Central Government micro-management)

(Edit: SN095)November 15, 2013 China News Network(我国将最大限度减少中央对微观事务管理|中央|管理|最大_新闻资讯

  中新网11月15日电 中共十八届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》今日全文播发。《决定》指出,进一步简政放权,深化行政审批制度改革,最大限度减少中央政府对微观事务的管理。





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