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Storm-induced substation tripped, Hebei Langfang widespread power outages

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/1 10:39:09 Browse times: 239 Comment times: 0

Storm-induced substation tripped, Hebei Langfang widespread power outages(暴风雨致变电站跳闸,,河北廊坊发生大面积停电)

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Storm substation tripping caused by widespread power outages occurred in Langfang, Hebei | | blackouts _ the storm news

"Storm substation tripping caused by widespread power outages occurred in Langfang, Hebei province" around 9 o'clock tonight, Langfang, Hebei short periods of stormy weather, causing the local circuit in the article 220,000-volt substation tripped, now apart from the development zone of Langfang City area, wenan, bazhou appears more widespread power outages, local power companies are working to repair, is expected to restore power for half an hour. (CCTV reporters Xie Binchao)

22:07 May 31, 2014(暴风雨致变电站跳闸 河北廊坊发生大面积停电|暴风雨|停电_新闻资讯

  【暴风雨致变电站跳闸 河北廊坊发生大面积停电】今天晚上9点左右,河北廊坊地区发生短时间的暴风雨天气,导致当地一条双回路220千伏变电站跳闸,目前除开发区之外的廊坊市区、文安、霸州等多地均出现大面积停电,当地电力公司正抓紧进行抢修,预计半个小时可恢复供电。(央视记者谢宾超)


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