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Shandong Zhaoyuan city murder suspect’s wife and daughter exposed, has repeatedly attacked the police

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/1 10:36:41 Browse times: 228 Comment times: 0

Shandong Zhaoyuan city murder suspect’s wife and daughter exposed, has repeatedly attacked the police(山东招远血案嫌疑人妻女曝光,曾多次攻击警方)

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Zhaoyuan murder suspect's wife and daughter exposure have repeatedly attacked police | Zhaoyuan | McDonald's murders _ news

Network of qilu, Yantai, May 31 (Xinhua Maple) the afternoon of May 31, Zhaoyuan city public Security Bureau held a news conference, informed attention to the outside world "5·28" homicide Zhaoyuan, McDonald's restaurants. Police also played by McDonald's restaurant for the first time live picture taken from surveillance cameras.

Qilu network reporter noted that in the picture, you can clearly see a McDonald's restaurant managers came up to stop the gunman kills, while images of the suspect's wife and two daughters was also the first exposure.

  McDonald's restaurant, two waitresses came up to stop

Reporters noted, police released a live picture, 21:20:00, Manager of a female wearing a white coat was lying on the left side of the counter, after discovering video right there, she immediately got up and out of the counter at 21:20:04, 21:20:12, the Manager out of the monitor screen, I believe came to the scene of the attack.

21:20:26 seconds, another waiter followed the trend, wearing a dark shirt.

21:22:45 seconds, McDonald's Manager and the white shirt and wearing a dark coat attendant again entered the picture, the Manager has his right hand clutching his left shoulder, crowds at the scene described, the Manager was assaulted.

  Suspect's wife first had smashed the image counter

Police released the live video, qilu network reporter noted that in the front end after the failed, the suspect's wife, two daughters came to the counter, hit counter, facing the restaurant manager shouts.

21:25:56 second, the suspect was wearing a white coat daughter first appears on screen, her right side standing at the counter, pointing to McDonald's restaurant managers with the right hand, then 21:26:03 seconds, the suspect's wife also appear in the picture wearing a black coat, two men stood in the middle of the counter, pointed at the staff attitude arrogant.

Subsequently, at 21:26:05 seconds, suspect little girls dressed in white t-shirt holding a stick, appears on the screen.

  Suspect his wife and children had repeatedly blocked attacks police

21:26:06 second, the police arrived at the scene, opened the door of the McDonald's restaurant, four police officers to the incident area. 21:26:20 seconds, after the disposal saw the policemen on the scene, suspect in Zhang's daughter first left the counter and walked toward the police.

According to describe the police, civilian police to stop the process, the three female suspects in a bar and small boys of the civilian police were blocked. When police escorted skinhead suspects, little boys were 6 suspects prevented a female suspect in the process of being controlled by the police, there are still attacks the conduct of civilian police.

  Shandong province will carry out a three-month campaign to combat cults

Qilu network reporter learned that, this morning, the Shandong provincial public security department to convene thematic sessions, decision from June to August this year, organize the province's public security organs carried out campaign to crack down on cult crimes, dug a number of cult groups, headed knocked out a number of backbone, destroy their organizational systems and sources of funding to ensure people's life and property security.

(Original title: Zhaoyuan, McDonald's murder suspect's wife and daughter graphic female manager was beaten to the whole process of exposure)

21:05 May 31, 2014 Qi network(山东招远血案嫌疑人妻女曝光 曾多次攻击警方|山东招远|麦当劳血案_新闻资讯

  齐鲁网烟台5月31日讯 (记者 户枫)5月31日下午,招远市公安局召开新闻发布会,向外界通报备受关注的“5·28”招远麦当劳餐厅故意杀人案。警方还首次播放了由麦当劳餐厅监控探头拍摄的现场画面。






  嫌犯妻儿形象首次曝光 曾打砸柜台









(原标题:招远麦当劳血案嫌疑人妻女曝光 图解女经理被打全过程)


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