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Rates of tobacco use among junior high school students in China reached 6.9%, tobacco advertising influences

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/1 10:33:42 Browse times: 188 Comment times: 0

Rates of tobacco use among junior high school students in China reached 6.9%, tobacco advertising influences(我国初中生烟草使用率达6.9%,烟草广告影响大)

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Taiwan's rate of tobacco use among junior high school students 6.9% tobacco advertising affecting | Middle | smoking tobacco advertising _ news

Authorities wide nets Beijing, May 31 (reporter Feng Huiling) according to voice of the Yonge-Canton news, today is the World Health Organization launched the 27th world no tobacco day, set by the no tobacco day theme this year is "raising tobacco taxes to protect the younger generation". China CDC the latest survey results show that Taiwan's junior high school students ' tobacco use rate has been as high as 6.9%, a variety of factors combine to affect adolescents ' smoking behavior.

China disease control center director Wang Yu said the survey results are a source of concern.

Wang Yu: has 19.9% of students tries to using tobacco products, suck had cigarette of students in the, 13 age and zhiqian tries to had of, up to 82%, now of tobacco using rate in youth in the, in middle school students inside is 6.9% in past of 7 days within (using had tobacco), has 72.9% of students report in he around was smoking, investigation results displayed, 40% of middle school students themselves purchased smoke, this inside special important of is, is we by said of second article, 85% of suck cigarette of these students, When they went to buy cigarettes, not due to age and was turned down.

CDC tobacco control Office of China Associate Professor Xiaolin said that tobacco promotion and advertising on youth smoking behaviour most.

Xiaolin: actually in we of street Shang, often see tobacco monopoly shop of some facade, directly of tobacco advertising, TV Shang newspaper magazine outdoor also some promotion activities, these youth like of some activities, like ran cool of program in, he got some pale flavor of cigarette of publicity, we almost all of cigarette retail stores are has this similar Yu comes standard with of things, is placed because very beautiful attracted people, actually this is a is important of tobacco advertising of forms. In many international controls on smoke good of national, are has put this show has legal prohibited has, but we national now everyone are knows, tobacco retail stores throughout national, has how many home, they are is very very important of tobacco advertising sources, they also do many sponsored activities, like sponsored school, and hopes elementary school these activities actually very hidden, but up to of role is very big of.

Xiaolin said that tobacco advertising will change young people's attitudes towards smoking.

Xiaolin: he can be effective in encouraging young people to start smoking. We give you an example, like Japan, he carried out a number of marketing activities, marketing activities aimed at young girls, female smoking rates from 86 8.6%, it grew to 91 years of 18.2%. Effect rate is very large, especially for young girls, promotional advertising and youth smoking-attempting behavior actually has a lot of research, we've proved that there exists a causal relationship. United States a study shows that 34.3% of young people starting to smoke, can be attributed to advertising promotions, this is very scary. So we've got to a total ban on tobacco advertising, if youth exposure to tobacco advertising and promotion the more start smoking, the greater the risk, if you can keep out just such a measure, about reducing tobacco consumption will be about 7%, a tobacco control strategy is very significant.

Xiaolin said that adult behavior, of movie and different impact young people choose to smoke. Ease of access to tobacco, will greatly affect whether teenagers would choose to smoke.

Xiaolin: according to our latest survey, 60.2% junior high school one week can dominate about 10 bucks or so, 2011 we recognize when the survey, 50% people don't have to cost more than 5 dollars to buy a carton of cigarettes. The price for teens, is not a barrier. In addition, so cheap single sales. On top of that, some staff with the tobacco industry tobacco products free of charge to the children, encouraged him to try. United States when, in 2006, Needham changed the law, (ban smoking age) increased 18 to 21 years old, after which he immediately saw the high school smoking rate has dropped from 12.9% to 5.5%, very, very effective, so we really hope that China's existing laws can be effectively implemented, is it possible we are also raising the age of smoking to be banned.

(Original title: junior high school students ' tobacco use rate of 6.9% tobacco promotional advertising)

13:05 May 31, 2014 China broadcast network(我国初中生烟草使用率达6.9% 烟草广告影响大|初中生抽烟|烟草广告_新闻资讯










(原标题:我国初中生烟草使用率高达6.9% 烟草促销广告影响大)


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