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Dragon Boat Festival traditions are forgotten, eat and swim into the Festival theme

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/1 10:21:58 Browse times: 232 Comment times: 0

Dragon Boat Festival traditions are forgotten, eat and swim into the Festival theme(端午节传统习俗被人淡忘,吃和游成过节主题)

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Dragon Boat Festival traditions be forgotten to eat and swim into Dragon Boat Festival holiday themes | |-dumplings _ news

Xinhuanet, Wuhan, June 1 (reporters Liao Jun and Zhu Wenchen)-Dragon Boat Festival three day holiday this year, Wuhan citizens Ann plans it all, Changyang and family fun. "Finally met holiday feast was second, important family gather to rest. "Miss Wong said.

And Ann, a large number of "post", "$literal" focus of Festival generally focuses on two points: eat what rice dumplings and holidays where to go. In 2008, the Festival became a national statutory holiday. in 2009, Zigui, Hubei, Huangshi, miluo County, Hunan province, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province joint four-Dragon Boat Festival to declare China as world intangible cultural heritage.

As the four major traditional Chinese festivals, dragon formed a variety of folk, such as Pei sachet, Portal hanging Hat Yai, Acorus calamus, realgar hanging bag, wearing wudu Tigers clothing, captivated by calamus, realgar and cinnabar of wine-drinking, bathing blue soup, dragon boat races, offering rice dumplings, eating dumplings, etc. Today, the Dragon Boat Festival traditions have long been forgotten, and cultural events in more and more light, "eating" and "travel" became the Festival's only theme.

"Over the activities of the Festival gave you what is best remembered"? Eat a variety of dumplings "," dumplings are so good, "" MOM can cook the dumplings, the school canteen selling dumplings, dumplings made by the company "... ... Reporters visited many universities in Wuhan, the answer is mostly "rice".

A number of "$literal" the College student said, everybody knows the origin of Dragon Boat Festival from textbooks, but little is known about many practices of the Festival, but has not participated in the Dragon Boat Festival activity for many years. Huazhong agricultural University student Liu told reporters that their impressions of the Dragon Boat Festival in the books as a kid getting light, just know that Qu Yuan, dragon boat races, eating dumplings, everything else is forgotten. Is the simplest tsungtzu, no one will be at home.

Some people say that setting the Tuen Ng Festival holiday's original intention was to draw attention to the importance of traditional culture, it seems, the status quo from the mind shrinks away. Instead Ocean festival attracted such as Valentine's day, Christmas day, the commercial growing of traditional festivals, cultural tastes increasingly pale.

Vice President of International Association of festivals China President Peng Xinliang said Dragon Boat Festival holiday atmosphere gradually fade out first is decided by the nature of the festival itself. Relative to the Chinese new year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon-customs now live farther apart. "

"After the opening, along with the Western developed market in their culture. Them in the form of film books and other products to enter China, accepted by young people, and festival itself did not keep up with the process of China's modernization of traditional culture. "Peng Xinliang said.

Folklore experts say that during the Dragon Boat Festival period, is the effective carrier of the cultural heritage of folk activities, advocating and educating members of the public should be actively involved in a wide variety of folk activities, carried out through these activities, promote the culture of Dragon Boat Festival, the return to the spirit of Qu Yuan's patriotism, for the people, good. In addition, cultural scholar by digging close to real-life elements in the culture of Dragon Boat Festival, wake up people's understanding of traditional culture.

16:11 on June 01, 2014 The website(端午节传统习俗被人淡忘 吃和游成过节主题|端午节|粽子_新闻资讯

  新华网武汉6月1日电 (记者廖君 朱文辰)今年端午节三天假期,武汉市民王小姐早就计划好,和家人到长阳游玩一下。“好不容易遇到假期,过节都是其次,重要的是家人聚在一起休息。”王小姐说。










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