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Deputy General staff of the people’s Liberation Army: the banner of pacifism does not accept other countries flag riot

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Deputy General staff of the people’s Liberation Army: the banner of pacifism does not accept other countries flag riot(解放军副总参:不接受他国打着和平主义旗号闹事)

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Deputy General staff of the people's Liberation Army: the banner of pacifism does not accept other countries all but rioting | Hagel | crowns _ in news

  Establish the view of security in Asia Pacific a better future

  --Wang Guanzhong Deputy Commander at the 13th at the Shangri-La dialogue speech

(June 1, 2014)

Xiexieqipuman Dr

Ladies and gentlemen:

Thanks to the organizers for inviting me to attend this Shangri-La dialogue. La symbolizes beauty, Enron, harmony, abundance of Arcadia. Living in such a peaceful and better world, it is the common aspirations of peoples of the Asia-Pacific. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the concept of maintaining peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region, China, policy and practice.

Shortly before the fourth session of the Asian-African Summit held in Shanghai, China, and XI Jinping, China's President, at the meeting to present a common security, security, integrated security, cooperation on sustainable security Asia security concept that is both a profound summary of the historical experience of Asia, as well as good expectations for the future development of Asia, has won wide recognition in Asian countries. Asia is at a critical period in the development of today, Asia is increasingly becoming a community of interests, the community of common destiny, responsibility. Stability in Asia and world peace; Asian revival is a blessing for the development of the world.

China's security is closely linked with Asia's security. China advocates establishing security concept in Asia, also faithfully practice the Security Outlook in Asia with countries to build, share, win-win road to Asian security. China is building strength, positive force for peace and security in Asia, positive energy.

China adheres to peaceful development. This is adhering to its own historical and cultural traditions of China, their longer-term historical experience and historical lesson of the rise of great powers in the world, according to the new conditions of the times, proceeding from the fundamental interests of China, the strategic choices made by China's development strategy for long-term, permanent. China adheres to the open and cooperative development, win-win development, and by maintaining a peaceful international environment to develop itself, and promoting regional and world peace through its development and drive for a harmonious Asia of enduring peace, common prosperity and a harmonious world. China never hegemony, does not seek hegemony, never pursue expansion. China adheres to peaceful development is China's biggest contribution to Asian security. The great achievements of China's peaceful development are extremely important positive factor for promoting security in Asia.

China, holding high the banner of fairness and justice. China advocated, national regardless of size, and wealth, and strength, are equal, are has autonomous select social system and development road of right, should in mutual reference in the complement each other, against interference others interior; are has equal participation area security affairs of right, should in mutual respecting in the strengthened collaboration, against any national seeks monopoly area security affairs; are to respecting and care each other reasonable security concerns, in mutual inclusive in the enjoy common security, against strengthened for third party of military League, and Oppose the use of force or threat of force, against the expense of the security of other countries seeking its own absolute security.

China advocates dialogue and cooperation principles. China believes that countries should communicate through dialogue, enhance strategic mutual trust and reduce mutual suspicion, in harmony-and continue to strengthen cooperation, expanding areas of cooperation, innovation and cooperation, cooperation in seeking peace, promoting security through cooperation. Countries should respect each other's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, through consultations and negotiations to resolve disputes peacefully.

Promote the safe development of China tackled. From China's perspective, development is the basis for security, and security is a condition for development, development is the greatest security to address security issues in Asia, "master key". China good, safe and rich neighbourliness around foreign policy, carry out the Kiss, Cheng, Hui, capacity around the diplomatic concept of actively promoting regional economic cooperation and security cooperation, interaction, and manpower to maintain traditional and non-traditional fields of security. In 2013, China's contribution to world economic growth rate close to 30%, with the annual contribution to Asia's economic growth rate has exceeded 50%. China will take sustainable development promotion of sustainable security, and States together to create lasting prosperity and peace in the region.

Ladies and gentlemen,

China always pursues a defensive national defense policy, the Chinese army and strive to make contributions to safeguarding regional security.

We are actively developing military relations with Asia-Pacific countries. With the unprecedented Active exchanges and cooperation in Asia-Pacific countries in military affairs, and 13 neighboring countries establishment of bilateral defense consultative mechanisms for dialogue in recent years, with Asia-Pacific countries over more than 50 lianyan joint training, and good momentum of high-level exchange of visits, professional exchanges and personnel training, formed all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level pattern of Asia-Pacific military exchanges. In particular we continuously enrich the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia in the security content, promoting the construction of new military relationship between China and strengthen India military friendly cooperation in fields such as other powers, give full play to the armament of the important role of cooperation to safeguard regional security.

Our extensive participation in regional multilateral cooperation in defense and security. Active participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Asian-African Conference, the ASEAN defense ministers to expand, the ASEAN Regional Forum, China-ASEAN defense and security cooperation mechanism, common struggle against terrorism, extremism and separatism, humanitarian disaster relief and rescue, maintenance of safety of maritime and terrestrial channel, security architecture to promote common interests of regional countries. Not long ago, we successfully held the West too naval Forum, amendments together with the parties and adopt new rules of maritime accidents met, made efforts to avoid sea accident.

We are committed to properly handle disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. China has 14 neighbouring countries through friendly consultations in 12 States had settled the land border issue, Viet Nam completed demarcation in Beibu Bay. Meeting of the border units of the Chinese army has 64 border talks, 2013 meeting held talks with neighbouring countries over more than 2000; around actively maintain maritime security and stability, and Viet Nam was held 16 joint patrol in Beibu Bay. In 2002, China and ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and confirmed common territorial and jurisdictional disputes by sovereign States directly concerned through friendly consultations and negotiations, the principle of peaceful solution. China actively supports the implementation of the Declaration of the army, to promote the "South China Sea code of conduct" consultation process, safeguard security and stability of South China Sea. China strongly defended its sovereignty and the legitimate interests and reasonable, it is dedicated to direct the parties to bargain, with the greatest sincerity and patience to adhere to the peaceful settlement of disputes. China has never threatened any country by force of arms, never actively stirring up trouble, of course, we will not accept other States under the banner "positive peace" banner, such as picking a rioter, disrupting for selfish ends.

I wanted to leave my speech now, Abe and Mr Hagel's speech during the Conference to say a few words in my opinion. My lecture just wanted to say that China's ideas and philosophy, and made no attempt to argue with anyone. But listening to their speeches, I had to leave my speech, say a few comments.

Mr Abe's talk, this time attending a foreign friend said to me: "you've got to stay calm! "After Hagel speech, this foreign friend said to me:" you still stay calm! "He told me, a country's future results, not rhetoric, but in terms of practical action. "I think this friend is really cared about me, there is great concern in China, he said, a future outcome, not rhetorically said nothing, but in terms of practical action, said very well, that's true. However, I will probably be to tell the friend said apologies. Although two advice you gave me, but I'm going to say a few words. My few words, rarely, unlike Abe and Chuck Hagel, with main space to accuse China of their speech. I has two points consider: a is we China has sentence slang, called for "to and not to indecent assault also", people said has we, we also have has a response; second, I also consider to Shangri-La Conference called dialogue will, dialogue will is everyone mutual discussion, you said you of views, I said I of views, we mutual exchange, truth will in discussion, and controversy in the appeared out. Since Abe and Mr Hagel said their perceptions of China, and as a discussion, I also talk about their views of two speakers.

In my view, outside the presence of the Chinese delegation and the delegation of Chinese people there and I feel the same way, there are many foreign friends and me have the same feeling, this feeling is Abe and Mr Hagel's speech is a provocation to China. A foreign friend of mine told me that, Mr Abe as Prime Minister, Mr Hagel as Defense Minister, but also the leadership of the two countries, on such an occasion for China to make such groundless accusations, was unthinkable. My friend is right, it is completely beyond my expectations.

Abe and Mr Hagel's speech gives me the impression that they are echoed, they support each other, encouraging each other, taking advantage of spoke first at a fragrance to China launched provocative and challenging. Focus of Mr Abe's statement was aimed at China, whether or not his name, no matter how he packed, I think all the listeners will recognize that he is against China. Mr Hagel's speech focused on China, which is all hearing people can feel. Abe is Akari Samadhi, naming without naming, direct way, insinuating attacks against China. Mr Hagel more frank, he directly and openly blamed China. Gentlemen and their attitude, I'd prefer that Hagel's approach and attitude, you might as well have a direct talk. Mister Abe as Prime Minister of a country, Hong Kong organisers invited him give a speech should have been the purpose of the spirit of dialogue to promote peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region, put forward constructive views. However, Mr Abe, contrary to the tenets of fragrant, fragrant stir up controversy and trouble. I think that this behavior is unacceptable and does not meet the spirit of the dialogue. Mr Hagel's speech was very frank, he frankly exceeded my expectations. In my opinion, Mr Hagel's speech is a speech full of hegemony, is a speech full of threatening language, is a story of inciting, instigating insecurity up picking thing, fighting words of Asia-Pacific speech, speech is an article full of non-constructive attitude. Both Abe and Mr Hagel speech, reminded some of their actual behavior, we can see a question: who actually rioted in the initiative to pick something,? Who is actively picking fights and arguments? China has long in the matter of sovereignty over the territory and on the issue of the demarcation of sea borders, without first picking fights, after the start was something else, China before taking countermeasures. Whether bilateral occasions, or is it like "fragrant" so many international occasions, China had not taken the initiative to provoke controversy and disputes. Who first provoked controversy and strife this time? We all know very well. From Abe's speech and Mr Hagel's speeches, we can see another problem was who was aggressive? Is the United States and Japan stand together aggressive, rather than China. These words I added today, is passive, forced, minimum response. I'm going to go back to my speech.

We strive to deliver public safety products. Japan earthquake and tsunami, the Philippines "petrel" disasters such as typhoons occurred, the Chinese army has sent professional rescue force, Navy Hospital ships to participate in relief operations. Ever since the early 90 24 participated in United Nations peacekeeping operations, to the organically sent non-combat troops for the first time in Cambodia in 1992, security forces sent to Mali for the first time in 2013, Trojan sends peacekeeping military personnel and more than 25,000 visitors, is a permanent member of the UN Security Council to send military personnel of peacekeeping operations than any other country. Since the end of 2008, China has sent 17 batches of 45 movements ship to execute escort Mission in the Gulf of Aden, Somalia sea area, providing escort for more than more than 5,600 vessels, half of whom were foreign ships.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Chinese army will join other national armed forces, to make new contributions to promoting regional and world peace. In this regard, I would like to make the following initiatives:

First, deepen dialogue and exchanges, enhance strategic mutual trust. China will continue to work with regional countries to intensify the bilateral and multilateral security dialogue, welcomed the regional National Defense Department officials and scholars to participate in Xiangshan Forum held in Beijing in October this year. Areas of China will continue to strengthen the ASEAN defense and security dialogue, communication and consultation support to ASEAN community-building. Not long ago, Chinese State Councillor and Defense Minister Chang Wanquan have invited ASEAN countries to control longer than 2015 years China-ASEAN defense ministers special meeting held here. We look forward to this meeting achieved important results.

Secondly, enhancing security cooperation and boost common development. Construction of China and regional countries and 21st century Silk Road on the sea Silk Road economic belt two major cooperation initiatives, States of the region to promote common development with China brings new opportunities. Common development is inseparable from the security environment, "along the way" depends on the construction of two-wheel-drive for development and security. Strengthened the Chinese army is willing to work with the countries concerned in the fields of counter-terrorism, disaster relief and channel security of practical cooperation and security "along the way" along the common prosperity and development of all countries.

Third, the development of disaster relief cooperation, jointly cope with the challenges. Asia-Pacific is prone to disaster areas, areas. Malaysia Airlines recently lost aircraft search and rescue operations, underscoring the importance of strengthening regional cooperation for disaster relief. China and Asia-Pacific countries held in year 5 covering the military relief lianyan bilateral and multilateral joint training is also planned with Malaysia next year jointly hosting the Fourth ASEAN Regional Forum disaster relief exercise, to promote capacity-building in disaster response.

IV, prominent maritime cooperation, maintaining maritime safety. Marine carries the common interests of the Asia-Pacific countries to strengthen maritime cooperation, maintenance of safety at sea is the common responsibility of all countries. In the Russian between Navy repeatedly held joint exercises, recently in Tokai success held "sea joint-2014" exercises; Sino-US is deepening sea military security consultations, active promoting developed high seas waters sea empty military security acts guidelines; China Navy shortly will participate in "ring Pacific-2014" more country Navy joint exercises; China and Indonesia established Navy cooperation dialogue mechanism; China Government established 3 billion Yuan Yuan China-ASEAN Sea Cooperation Fund, will support sea joint search-and-rescue, and Helpline and other cooperative projects. China will continue to work with all parties through lianyan joint training at sea, ship visits, the establishment of maritime deepening liaison mechanisms and other forms of cooperation in maritime security.

Establishing security mechanisms, effective regulatory differences. Differences to the proper management and timely communication, eliminate misunderstanding miscarriage of Justice, is of important significance for maintaining regional security and stability. Countries such as China and Russia and the United States established the defense through the phone, also is working with the ASEAN countries to explore the establishment of defence through the phone. To respond effectively to disasters and emergencies, countries in the region should strengthen communication and coordination, and gradually establish a regional disaster and emergency warning and information-sharing mechanisms.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Peace is hard won, secure valuable. 70 world anti-fascism war victory anniversary, the next year, China will work with the Nations of the world committed to maintain victories of World War II and the postwar international order must not be allowed to fascism and militarism and brutal aggression of tragedy. Maintenance of Asia-Pacific security and stability, the great powers have important responsibilities, small countries can play a constructive role. As a responsible big country, China is willing to work together with the countries of the Asia-Pacific cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win, and create a bright future for the Asia Pacific region.

(Original title: full text at the Shangri-La dialogue, Wang Guanzhong, Deputy Chief of staff)

16:34 on June 01, 2014 China News Network(解放军副总参:不接受他国打着和平主义旗号闹事|哈格尔|王冠中_新闻资讯






















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