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China: us not acceded to the Convention, Convention on the right to accuse China of

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China: us not acceded to the Convention, Convention on the right to accuse China of(中方:美未加入海洋法公约,无权拿公约指责中国)

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China: us-not acceded to the Convention _ has no right to accuse China of the Convention | Convention News

At the Shangri-La dialogue, China answered questions

--Wang Guanzhong during the question and answer session after the speech

China daily Singapore, June 1 (Xinhua Zhao Chengnan) Wang Guanzhong, Deputy Chief of the PLA on June 1 at the fourth plenary meeting of the Shangri-La dialogue, entitled the setting up of the Asia security concept and create a bright future of Asia-Pacific's keynote. Wang Guanzhong after the talks attended by foreign officials, experts and scholars on how to avoid unexpected emergencies and to enhance mutual trust, reduce differences, control crises, Sino-US relations, China's security concept in Asia, the South China Sea section 19 issues such as line, in this regard, Wang Guanzhong made a brief answer:

On the issue of crisis management and control, I am first a problem is in the context of globalization, unprecedented economic and military activities of the Asia-Pacific region and active. In this case, worrying occurrence took place. How to prevent this situation? All Asia-Pacific countries have a responsibility to make an effort. First of all, among Asia-Pacific countries at all levels, in particular in the top, regular communication, enhance strategic mutual trust, reduce misunderstanding miscarriage of Justice. In this regard, China has made great efforts. For example, I'm as Chinese military diplomat, have now become the "pilots", often continue to fly in the sky, with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as from foreign countries in the field of military security to Exchange, communicate with each other. Only in this fragrance is just a couple days, I had 10 bilateral meetings, work done is to exchange information with each other, enhance mutual trust, reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation.

Second, is to make the rules, so that when we met, there is a rule as the basis, which is very important. China is committed to working with Asia-Pacific countries to develop and adhere to all aspects of various fields, rules. From the standpoint of military security, China is committed to working with the United States in the field of military security establishment of two major mechanisms, the reciprocal notification mechanism is a major military action, other high seas areas and naval military security code of conduct. China and the efforts being made for the development of these two mechanisms. I can report that the two sides have made significant progress. Us and Russia is also developing guidelines relating to other countries in the Asia-Pacific region is also developing special urgency criteria. For example, China and the South China Sea countries have put in place around the Declaration on conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and these countries are working together to promote the development of "South China Sea code of conduct". We have norm-setting work is very hard, very hard.

Thirdly, in order to prevent accidents, crisis prevention, crisis management, it is very important to build emergency liaison mechanisms between States. That is, to find the person in case of emergency, speaking a Word, it is also very important. Today, time is very short, I cannot go into talks between China and Asia-Pacific countries have established or are establishing emergency contact mechanism, including Japan establish a maritime liaison mechanism.

For the Asia-Pacific arms race problems that may arise, and we may have a worry, is currently the Asia-Pacific region, particularly among the major powers, military developments have accelerated the momentum, it will form an arms race? Ever formed during the cold war atmosphere, even a repeat of the cold war era? I think, now 21st century the situation changed very dramatically. States, both big and small, have to adapt to the current tide of history and the international environment. In the Asia Pacific region, friendly cooperation between China and Russia, but the relationship between China and Russia is not a League, is a strategic partnership, collaboration between China and Russia are committed to safeguarding regional and world peace.

Of particular importance is, China is working with the United States is committed to building a new power relationship, commensurate with this, China is also working with the United States to promote the construction of new military relationship. Between the two countries, including cooperation between the armed forces, first to continuously expand the converging points of common interests, the second to control the conflicts and divisions, the third to eliminate misunderstanding and miscalculation. I think relations between China and the construction of new power and new military ties is conducive to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

Everyone can feel, in this fragrance at the meeting, some controversy going on between Chinese and American representatives and even the debate, I think it is in the process of constructing new power relationships between China and America will exist. China, as two great powers, share broad common interests at the same time, some contradictions and differences. In my opinion, there are contradictions and discrepancies are normal, it is not surprising, nor terrible. It is important, we have reached a consensus on both sides, is to control the contradictions and differences, phasing in and out. Views and opinions about each other with each other openly and frankly, I think it's a good thing, can contribute to reduce differences in the discussion and even controversy. There are not contradictions and differences, is to misunderstand the miscarriage of Justice, can also be discussed in a timely elimination.

On China's views on security issues in Asia, XI Jinping, China's President, in a yaxin Outlook on Asian Security Summit, calling for promoting the construction of Asia's security architecture. Amid some doubts that China advocates Asia security concept, to be excluded from the Asian security architecture other countries? I think such a worry is unnecessary. AsiaInfo is itself an open meeting of the Conference. Countries build the Asian security architecture in Asia, also welcomed and accepted foreign national mechanism for contribution to Asian security.

On the issue of South China Sea section line, due to host only 7 minutes of my time, I can only use the simplest language is the answer. On the issue of South China Sea section line, in fact, since in recent times, led China to clarify the meaning nine-dotted line is the United States. Today's meeting, after I did a lengthy question and answer session, there are so many people asked about nine lines on, has such a background. Many people may feel nine lines on a request made by China to clarify, catch a soft spot on the Chinese in the South China Sea, China is difficult to answer this question. I think this is not true. I don't speak a lot of historical processes, also does not speak a lot of legal and historical basis, because I only have 7 minutes.

I only briefly a few of the most basic facts, please refer me to say a few basic facts to further awareness and understanding of the Chinese position on the South China Sea section line in. First, in the South China Sea sovereignty, sovereign rights, jurisdiction, opinions are formed in the long process of historical development. How long is this historical? There are more than 2000 years. From the Han dynasty, China has discovered and gradually improve from the start, particularly the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea reefs and waters management. When was the Han dynasty? Han was in 200 BC. When was this year? This year is the year after 2014. Historical data and history files in this area are numerous, not only was I couldn't speak out, several days you may not finish.

Second, the Chinese Government is under what circumstances draw section lines? I would like to tell everyone that China's Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, in the development of more than 2000 years, is under the jurisdiction of China, belong to all Chinese. During World War II, Japan imperialism invaded China encroached on China's Xisha and Nansha Islands. In 1946, the Government of China based on the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, Japan the aggressor to recover the sovereignty of the Paracel and Spratly Islands. In the Paracel and Spratly Islands after the reunification with China, the Chinese Government said in 1948 but was announced and now nine-segment lines. A large number of historical documents, as well as published maps are clearly documented, or calibration, you can check.

Thirdly, with regard to including the Xisha Islands and their waters of Nansha Islands, in the course of a long history, and neighboring countries to China does not call into question the sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, this problem does occur only after 1970. An important reason for this is the South China Sea have discovered rich oil resources. History in this area, you can check.

IV, the UN Convention came into force in 1994. China's respect for the Convention, and is a signatory to the Convention. However, note that, as I have said, the Convention is in force since 1994, but China's South China Sea Islands reefs and waters formed by history is the sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the formation of more than 2000 years, and entered into force in 1994 of the Convention cannot be applied with prospective effect. It cannot go back and regrouping historical States ' sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction of waters, while it recognizes the national historic rights of marine and reef.

V, the Convention does not apply to marine reef over the ownership of adjustment. Relating to oceans and the law of the sea is a vast, vast legal system, not just the United Nations law of the Sea Convention. At one point, adjust individual national sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over ocean, also go beyond just on maritime law, contains a vast system of international law, including international law of the sea. Only hold the Convention, is said to fail. China signed the Convention, and also respect for the Convention. But the United States did not sign the Convention. United States, why not sign? Because the United States is in some parts of the Convention for United States adverse. One of the countries that have not signed the Convention, keep coming to China, said of the Convention, it can say it? In that case, the Convention has become some sort of? United States intend to honor it? The Convention into a United States weapons, United States use, when in its favour when picked up, to other countries as a weapon-wielding; when I don't have to take the left side of the Convention. I put a question here: the United States prepared when acceding to the Convention? Preparation for when signing the Convention?

Finally, China's position is consistent and clear. In the settlement of Oceanic Islands and on the question of maritime delimitation disputes, China advocated on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law, consultations with the parties directly through a negotiated settlement. Now some States with China in the South China Sea disputes to international arbitration. In fact, in 2006, China under special, specific provisions of the Convention, ruled out the sovereignty over the territory, including the island dispute, military and other activities to resort to international arbitration of the dispute, China has done an exclusionary statement. This file is kept in the United Nations, we can go to. I said so much, for your reference in the study of China's nine line, to provide a clue. On the Islands and reefs of the Spratly Islands and the delimitation dispute, China has all along advocated, continued to advocate and efforts in this regard in the coming years, stick with the greatest sincerity and patience, by direct negotiation by the parties to solve the problem.

(Original title: China has answered questions at the Shangri-La dialogue [1]-chinadaily)

20:26 on June 01, 2014 The China Daily website(中方:美未加入海洋法公约 无权拿公约指责中国|海洋法公约_新闻资讯



  中国日报新加坡6月1日电 (记者 赵盛楠) 中国人民解放军副总参谋长王冠中6月1日在香格里拉对话会第四次全体会议上发表题为《树立亚洲安全观 共创亚太美好未来》的主题演讲。在王冠中演讲后,与会的外国官员、专家、学者提出了如何避免意外突发事件、增进互信、减少分歧、管控危机、中美关系、中国的亚洲安全观、南海九段线等19个方面的问题,对此,王冠中做了简要回答:















(原标题:中方在香格里拉对话会上回应外界提问[1]- 中国日报网)


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