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Streets of Harbin public security response network shake

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/27 9:20:47 Browse times: 263 Comment times: 0

Streets of Harbin public security response network shake(哈尔滨公安回应网传街头砍人)

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Streets of Harbin public security response network to cut people: ordinary public security case |, Harbin Street chopping people _ news

CNS, Haerbin, May 27 (reporter Jie Peihua)-from May 26 to today, some netizens on a Baidu, micro-network platforms such as tianya Forum, the post said, May 26, at 16 o'clock in Harbin tomb with four street "people from Xinjiang," shake, and posted in the net post multiple pictures at the scene, has triggered netizens and Harbin around the public attention. 11:30 today, the microblog of Harbin Public Security Bureau official said the event only as an ordinary law and order cases.

This morning, Xinhua reporters get in touch exclusively with the public security departments and learned that public security departments yesterday after receiving the instructions of the Harbin Public Security Bureau command center, during the Spring Festival, four cross street and qingtong Street security cases are disposed of in a timely manner. Han and Uighur civilian police brought the parties back to the police station and injured people taken to the hospital.

At present, the case is under further investigation and handling. (End text)

(Original title: nets, Harbin Street cut incidents of denial of public security: general public security cases)

May 27, 2014, at 12:13 China News Network(哈尔滨公安回应网传街头砍人:普通治安案件|哈尔滨街头砍人_新闻资讯

  中新网哈尔滨5月27日电 (记者 解培华) 5月26日至今日上午,有网友在百度贴吧、天涯论坛、微信等网络平台发帖称,5月26日16时,哈尔滨清明四道街发生一起“新疆人”砍人事件,并在网帖中贴出多幅事发现场图片,引发了各地网友和哈尔滨市民的广泛关注。今日11时30分,哈尔滨市公安局官方微博正式发布称,该事件仅为一起普通治安案件。



(原标题:网传哈尔滨街头砍人事件 公安辟谣:普通治安案件)


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