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Ministry of housing: strengthening housing guarantee integrity risk prevention and control work

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/15 12:57:07 Browse times: 276 Comment times: 0

Ministry of housing: strengthening housing guarantee integrity risk prevention and control work(住建部:加强住房保障廉政风险防控工作)

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Ministry of housing: strengthening housing guarantee integrity risk prevention and control of housing security | | | integrity _ the Department of housing news

November 15, according to the Ministry of housing and site news, to implement the CPC Central Commission for discipline inspection of the guidance on strengthening risk prevention and control of the independent Commission against corruption, Ministry of housing and urban-rural development has worked out a guidance calls for enhanced housing security around all aspects of risk prevention and control work of the ICAC.

According to the guidance, against the Housing Authority job duties, combing housing security powers business processes, running programs, self-examination and cross-checked, comprehensive investigation of housing security authorities, the integrity of the internal organization, the workplace risks. In listings raised links, focus around construction, and purchased, and rentals supportability housing project of determines and implementation troubleshooting independent Commission against corruption risk points, its content main including housing guarantees planning plans prepared Executive meet actual needs situation, government investment construction, and purchased, and rentals supportability housing involves of tender bid, and funds using, and price determines, and building materials equipment selection, and engineering quality security management, and completed acceptance record situation, social investment raised supportability housing of project decision-making, and policy implementation situation, Construction and commissioning of facilities. In access round waiting links, focus around access conditions, and audit review, troubleshooting independent Commission against corruption risk points, its content main including access conditions and audit program open sought views, and meet reality, on applicants housing and economic situation audit program of Executive situation, audit information of submitted and review, audit results of publicity open, and audit objections of verification processing situation, round waiting order of determines and change situation,. In the allocation of management, focusing on monetary subsidies allocated for housing placement, troubleshooting, such as the independent Commission against corruption risks, which mainly includes the distribution and allocation of sorting determines the selection and delivery of change, housing, monetary subsidy determination and issuance, distribution, contract fulfillment, distribution of information disclosure. Part in the operation and management, focusing on trading mechanisms, housing and maintenance troubleshooting integrity risks, its main contents include low-income housing construction of operation mechanism and selection of management, property management companies, property standards determined, property services performance of the contract, the property maintenance funds, such as the collection and use of funds, affordable homes and facilities maintenance industry and choice of materials,. At exit management, housing security troubleshooting integrity risk focused exit points, its main contents include the object is no longer in compliance with the conditions of exit, access to housing on account of safeguard or misuse of check and return execution of affordable housing, to exit transition management of affordable housing, affordable homes listing proceeds by such. In the complaint handling process, focusing on violations of verification process to troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, verified its content consists primarily of case acceptance, case, case investigation, case processing result feedback and disclosure.

Guidance required local housing security integrity risk areas and according to the independent Commission against corruption risks, determine the risk level, clear risk job responsibilities, establish and improve risk prevention and control system of the ICAC, housing security operations and throughout the entire process, effectively restricting power running to prevent violations. Strengthen the management of houses raised, strict access waiting list control, regulate distribution management, strengthen management, improve the system of exit, strict complaints handling. To strengthen the Organization, and implementing the system of responsibility for work, and establish a long-term mechanism to strengthen the building, implementation of open government. Provincial housing departments to strengthen the work of the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control, while strengthening classification guidance, supervision and inspection, urged the city housing security departments implementing measures to control responsibility, perfecting system. City housing authorities to improve housing security management procedures, strengthen internal control system, sound regulatory measures, and consciously accept the supervision of discipline inspection and supervision authorities, audit authorities, establishing correction mechanism.

(Original title: Ministry of housing: housing security risk prevention and control work of the ICAC to strengthen each link)

(Edit: SN095)November 15, 2013 China News Network(住建部:加强住房保障廉政风险防控工作|住房保障|住建部|廉政_新闻资讯

  中新网11月15日电 据住建部网站消息,为贯彻落实中共中央纪委《关于加强廉政风险防控的指导意见》,住房和城乡建设部日前出台指导意见,要求各地从各个环节加强住房保障廉政风险防控工作。





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