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Henan area decorated in response to tie hundreds of dead butterflies

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/27 9:17:14 Browse times: 280 Comment times: 0

Henan area decorated in response to tie hundreds of dead butterflies(河南景区回应扎死上百蝴蝶做装饰)

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Henan area decorated in response to tie hundreds of dead butterflies: casual fun | temp | tie die butterflies _ news

According to Xinhua on 24th, media said the scenic in baotianman, Henan province in the first "Butterfly" in the launch of the "Butterfly Fairy", is to tie hundreds of live butterflies with wire directly dying on the white feet. The report was described as, at that time, some butterflies also shiver, "saw this scene, scene kid scared to cry. "In baotianman area responded by saying, activity of purchasing goods from Beijing, and the decorated Butterfly had died.

Yesterday, in baotianman area responded by saying by the recent low temperatures, little butterflies, scenic area from procurement plan of thousands of butterflies flying at the opening ceremony in Beijing. Because the road more distant, the effects of differences in climate, purchase butterflies arrived at the scenic phenomenon occurs when a large number of deaths.

Butterfly fairies, butterflies flying at the opening scene when the link, due to a staff member seeking fun, dead Butterfly butterflies on the Butterfly Fairy dress, not on media reports of a butterfly using wire directly tied to death. The staff of scenic casuals but trendy, purely personal behavior, he has been kicked out of area.

(Original title: "Butterfly Fairy Butterfly body decorations for death")

(Edit: SN098)May 27, 2014, at 02:30 The Beijing News(河南景区回应扎死上百蝴蝶做装饰:临时工贪玩|临时工|扎死蝴蝶_新闻资讯

  据新华社电 24日,有媒体称,河南宝天曼景区在首届“蝴蝶节”中推出的“蝴蝶仙子”,是将上百只活蝴蝶用钢针直接扎死在洁白的石榴裙上的。该报道描述称,当时有些蝴蝶还在颤抖,“看到此景,现场的小孩被吓得哇哇大哭。”宝天曼景区对此回应称,活动中用的是从北京采购来的商品蝶,且作装饰时蝴蝶已死亡。





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