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Guangzhou power supply Bureau, former Deputy Secretary for taking bribes of more than 3 million court case for trial

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/27 9:16:48 Browse times: 290 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou power supply Bureau, former Deputy Secretary for taking bribes of more than 3 million court case for trial(广州供电局原副局长涉嫌受贿300余万案开庭受审)

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Guangzhou power supply Bureau, former Deputy Secretary for taking bribes of more than 3 million court case on trial, Deputy Director | bribes _ news

Power supply Bureau, former Deputy Secretary Luo Zhenhai taking bribes of more than 3 million cases last session

Reporter (by regulation) of Guangzhou power supply Bureau, former Deputy Secretary Luo Zhenhai, who was in Guangzhou power supply Bureau to undertake projects to provide help for others during his tenure, has received 5 briber who wouldn't $ 2.21 million Yuan and 200,000 yuan of bribes to send cards, 100,000 yuan. Yesterday morning, Luo Zhenhai was charged with taking bribes in the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court trial, he confessed to prosecutors allegations, admit to all amounts in bribes, and said it had returned all the illicit money.

  Advantage facilitate the acceptance of bribes

It is reported that Luo Zhenhai served before the incident in Guangzhou power supply Bureau, who is 45, Deputy General Manager (Deputy Director), Office of Deputy-level treatment, by criminal detention in July last year.

According to prosecutors allegations since 2002 to 2013, Luo Zhenhai served successively as Deputy Director of Guangzhou power supply Bureau production Engineering Department, Director, Director of the development planning department and Deputy Director of Guangzhou power supply Bureau. In the meantime, Luo Zhenhai advantage convenience, Guangzhou power supply Bureau to undertake projects to provide help for others as well as for subordinates for personal benefit.

In 2011, Luo Zhenhai as a technology company in Guangzhou Guangzhou power supply Bureau production management system project to provide help, accepting the company sent a bribe of RMB more than 1.71 million Yuan for personal purchase shops.

In addition to receiving company of bribery, Luo Zhenhai also were charged with receiving bribes under the. From 2011 to 2013, Luo Zhenhai during his tenure as Deputy Director of the Guangzhou power supply Bureau, the Guangzhou power supply Bureau Director Xie advantage benefit received bribe cards sent 90,000 yuan Xie and consumption of 10,000 yuan.

  Claiming lack of law awareness

At yesterday's hearing, Luo Zhenhai no objections to the prosecution charges and the amount of crime. But he also claims to be a man of integrity, and said it was to bribe him several times he refused. Briber who thought that Luo Zhenhai blamed the number is too small, so he gave there are 800,000 Luo Zhenhai one bank card, Luo Zhenhai said he still did not accept bank cards, but returned.

In his closing argument stage, Luo Zhenhai said he never thought today would be sitting in the dock, investigation time, not ready, "all at once into a cocked hat, and until now never crossing."

Luo Zhenhai once cried, he grew up in remote rural areas, from the biggest wish was to read in College, making life so hard for parents to have a stable life. After working lower from the start, people don't want to do things their own efforts to do it, never let up, so quickly is being recognized and rewarded, "when I confidently preparing to mount a new peak, has plunged into an abyss" and now felt very uncomfortable.

Luo Zhenhai says the reason this situation created there may be many reasons, good at business, but lack of law awareness, at the material time did not grasp was one of the main reasons.

It is learnt that in further proceedings in the present case, would review the timing for a sentencing date.

(Original title: 1.71 million in bribes on shops)

(Edit: SN098)May 27, 2014, at 07:20 Ocean excursions, Guangzhou daily(广州供电局原副局长涉嫌受贿300余万案开庭受审|副局长受贿_新闻资讯


  本报讯 (记者章程)广州供电局原副局长罗真海,涉嫌在任职期间为他人承接广州供电局工程项目提供帮助,先后收受5名行贿人贿送的好处费221万元以及20万元美金、10万元购物卡。昨日上午,罗真海被控受贿罪在广州中院开庭,他对检方指控供认不讳,对受贿数额也全部承认,并表示已退清全部赃款赃物。














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