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Guangxi will train high-speed rail as a business tool

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/27 9:16:43 Browse times: 229 Comment times: 0

Guangxi will train high-speed rail as a business tool(广西将动车高铁列为公务出行首选工具)

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Trains high speed rail as a corporate preferred in Guangxi Guangxi Tools | Internet | train _ news

Nanning, people's daily, May 27 (Pang Ge, Huangdi) recently, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region introduced in party and Government organs of travel management practices, trains are classified as business tool of choice in Guangxi.

The methods in the "corporate travel travelling level" project, clearly moving vehicles and high-speed railway, railway trains and other official missions in new rail transport products as the preferred means of transport, and provides for different levels of standard officers ride trains.

It is understood that officially ushered in the end of Guangxi in 2013, "train time". 5 months yilai, Nanning railway company has for has 10 times capacity adjustment, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region within train opened line logarithmic from initially of 9 on, quickly increased for 16.5 on, and 33 trip, carries capacity by initially daily 17,000 passengers upgrade to more than 40,000 more passengers, gradually formed has to Nanning for Center 1 hours arrived around city, and 2 hours arrived regional main city, and 3 hours arrived around capital city of "123" traffic circle. Among them, between Nanning, liuzhou, Guilin, three cities, drive train is more than 20 times a day. 24 times between liuzhou and Nanning to day games operation units, an average of 1 hour, a trip to the motor car driving, the basic realization of train "bus" opening line, offers great convenience for the masses.

Up to now, in the existing 14 prefecture-level city of Guangxi, Nanning, liuzhou, Guilin, Wuzhou and Beihai, qinzhou, fangchenggang, guigang city, guests, 9 cities, opening train runs trains in the region 64.3% per cent coverage. Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway is completed by the end of this year after the opening of hezhou, Guangxi, will be promoted to "train family" the 10th member. After 2015 Guangxi railway built up the cloud, Baise will also pass action. By 2020, Guangxi, Yulin County, hechi and Chongzuo will also be opened high-speed rail. By then, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will be achieved within "city-high iron", greatly facilitating the masses. (End text)

(Edit: SN064)May 27, 2014, at 18:01 People's daily online(广西将动车高铁列为公务出行首选工具|广西公务出行|动车_新闻资讯

  人民网南宁5月27日电 (庞革平、黄帝)近日,广西壮族自治区出台党政机关差旅费管理办法,动车被列为广西公务出行的首选工具。


  据了解,广西于2013年底正式迎来“动车时代”。 5个多月以来,南宁铁路局先后进行了10次运力调整,广西区内动车开行对数从最初的9对,迅速增加为16.5对、33趟, 运载能力由最初每日1.7万人次提升到4万多人次,逐渐形成了以南宁为中心1小时到达周边城市、2小时到达区域主要城市、3小时到达周边省会城市的“123”交通圈。其中,南宁、柳州、桂林三大城市间,每天开行动车组列车已超过20趟。如南宁至柳州间日均运行动车组24趟,平均1个小时左右就有一趟动车开行,基本实现动车“公交化”开行,为群众出行提供了巨大便利。



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