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A Xinjiang official ambiguous attitude to storm events are incorporated discipline

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/27 9:13:14 Browse times: 253 Comment times: 0

A Xinjiang official ambiguous attitude to storm events are incorporated discipline(新疆一名官员因对暴恐事件态度暧昧被纪委立案)

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In Xinjiang, an official event is ambiguous due to storms form discipline ' | | leading cadres ' violation of political discipline _ storms in Xinjiang event news

Tianshan NET, according to reports, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Ma Guowei 27th Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection and the online Exchange. Ma Guowei presentations, in recent years, discipline inspection and supervisory organs to maintain the overall situation of social stability in Xinjiang, Xinjiang needs, seriously investigate and deal with cases of violations of political discipline. 2013, the filing and investigating violations of political discipline discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels a total of 58 cases, party and Government disciplines dispose of 65 people.

Last year July, Aksu wensu County discipline investigated of wensu County ancient Le awati Township armed forces officer Ai He too wood · Heli force, repeatedly in Internet browse and download large airs religious fanatic, and advocates "migration, and St war", and incitement split and the national hatred, content of illegal electronic file, and through Internet spread for others browse, eventually AI collection too wood · Heli force was fired party, and fired public disposition, and transferred justice organ.

More recently, according to the cadres and the masses to report, investigate and deal with yili State Deputy Director of the General Office of the people's Government of party members, batuer·duwamaiti cases of violation of political discipline. Batuer·duwamaiti served as live in Yining city, dulaitibage Street, "three people" activities during the team, distributed in public places is inconsistent with State ethnic policy statements and ambiguous attitude to violent terrorist events, and so on. Batuer·duwamaiti yili State Commission for discipline inspection has to be investigated.

Combined with the Xinjiang's actual condition, this year, the discipline Inspection Committee of the autonomous region set up political discipline inspection, supervise and inspect implementation of the party's political discipline, focus leading cadres ' violation of political discipline cases.

(Edit: SN022)May 27, 2014, at 13:18 The website(新疆一名官员因对暴恐事件态度暧昧被纪委立案|新疆暴恐事件|领导干部违反政治纪律_新闻资讯






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