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Surprisingly, Google is going to do evil,

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: IT Message (IT资讯) Time: 2014/5/27 8:48:18 Browse times: 386 Comment times: 0

Surprisingly, Google is going to do evil,(想不到,谷歌们会如此作恶,)

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Surprisingly, Google is so evil-Google, Amazon, Facebook-IT information Surprisingly, Google is so evil

Foreign media recently said, the big three tech giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon this week prove once again to the people, why set the platform monopoly status, privilege and secret algorithm for Internet users is a dangerous thing, because it makes people around them to see, know and buying things on the Internet.

Following is the article content:

The Internet is a wonderful thing--with the vastness of the content, products and information, and at your fingertips. It is unfortunate, that a large part of the world is actually controlled by the monopolistic power, their selfish choices, and black box algorithm to an extent defines us to be able to see things online, things you can search for and be able to buy things.

This week, Google, Amazon and Facebook have taught us a lesson in their respective fields. Following is a summary of the platform that we use the latest abuse of:

Amazon's abuse of power

Amazon recently further escalation of the dispute with supplier of books and Hachette, which not only did not show the latter part of the book also rigged Hachette Books collation, and therefore more difficult to be found by consumers. As journalist LaOla·ouwen (Laura Owen) said, apparently the online retail giant is using its dominant position to do some criticism that a monopoly means.

IT columnist Dan·jiermo (Dan Gillmor) Tweet said, "if it were true, it is time for Amazon book business antitrust investigation. ”

Why is this issue worthy of attention: anyone think Amazon the Act amounts to a lot of retailers are pressuring suppliers – mortar retailers like Wal-Mart can often squeeze suppliers for better trading terms. And Amazon in the eBook market share cannot be shaken, hidden vendor of books or that they have become difficult to find in reality is to get them off the shelves, this is the store that is not possible.

Response: to be honest, there's no good solution. Search the purchases from other retailers is a way to counter Amazon's behavior, but a lot of online retailers like Barnes was not attractive at all, in part because competition forced them to reduce the supply of books from Amazon.

Google's black box algorithm strikes again

Mysterious algorithms of the search giant in a private area is the undisputed king, it once again proved that the algorithm changes this week the terrible--Metafilter, founder mate·haoyi (Matt Haughey) that he had 15 years of history, is noted for its high quality content online traffic declined sharply after the community update for Google indexing algorithm. Because of traffic and advertising revenue primarily rely on Google, Metafilter has to cut nearly half of its staff to stay afloat.

Why at this point worthy of attention: Google in search and search-related advertising market has be untouchable status. If your site does not have to enter a specific word for the first five pages of Google search results, that is equivalent to the total absence. Because Google's algorithm is proprietary technology, its Web site's search ranking fluctuation and no specific description-Danni·suliwen (Danny Sullivan) experts can't explain why Metafilter flow suddenly fell 40%, also not give the revision proposal.

Response: you can use Microsoft's search engine Bing, DuckDuckGo and others, but this is Google's dominance will not affect nor site like Metafilter about destiny. You can petition Congress or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), but in terms of correcting such conduct, seeking antitrust litigation is not wise, because reviews rolling until the case is over, you would have been out of business.

About Facebook content to stay

Facebook Director of product Maike·hadake (Mike Hudack) recently wrote an article criticizing the media focus on recommending content of some scratching their heads. That article has aroused intense media reaction, a large number of journalists criticized Facebook itself is to help decide what content is shared, which get traffic, so it has to bear some responsibility for the problems. The social network have also been deleted for no good reason and Syria war-related posts.

Why is this something to be concerned about: Facebook on a dominant position in the market probably achieve much less than Amazon or Google, in part because the whole concept of social platforms compared to search, and e-books is vague, difficult to define, because it is difficult to go against monopolies in the market. But it does play an important role in the guides the user flow to a specific content, it uses correlation algorithm similar to Google, people don't know it works and more context-specific reasons.

Response: you can stop using Facebook, but this does not prevent large numbers of other people to use, so you cannot stop them clicking on Facebook thinks something newsworthy, so do not help decide the fate of content sites. Contrast with Google and Amazon, it means Facebook's claim to be a monopoly, because cannot be Facebook ruled the market.

Companies that have this bad habit and is more than the above three companies: Apple often without notice of any ban on its platform and services. How to stop such behavior? On one hand, we need to figure out consequences that depend on some platforms, or you can put some of your time, attention, or money to other competing platforms, in order to encourage competition in the market. Colombia said Tim Wu, a law professor at the University, scientific and technological communities are often in competition with the duopoly between two forms of swing. The only thing we can do is try to make it speed up the swing. (via:GIGAOM


想不到,谷歌们会如此作恶 - 谷歌,亚马逊,Facebook - IT资讯想不到,谷歌们会如此作恶






亚马逊最近与图书供应商之一Hachette的争端进一步升级,前者不仅仅不展示后者的部分图书,还对Hachette的图书归类动了手脚,因此更难被消费者发现。正如记者劳拉·欧文(Laura Owen)所说的,该在线零售巨头显然是在利用自己的主导地位为所欲为,不少人诟病那是垄断手段。

IT专栏作家丹·吉尔莫(Dan Gillmor)发推表示,“如果一切属实,那是时候对亚马逊的图书业务进行反垄断调查了。”




该搜索巨头在专有的神秘莫测算法方面是无可争议的王者,本周它再一次证明了其算法变动的可怕——Metafilter创始人马特·豪伊(Matt Haughey)称他有15年历史的、以优质内容著称的在线社区在谷歌更新索引算法后流量剧降。由于流量和广告收入都主要依靠谷歌,Metafilter不得不裁减了近半员工来维持运营。

为何此时值得重视:谷歌在搜索和搜索相关广告市场均有着不可撼动的地位。如果你的网站没有进入特定词语的谷歌搜索结果的前五页,那等同于完全不存在。由于谷歌的算法属于专有技术,它对于网站的搜索排名升降并没进行具体的说明——就连丹尼·苏利文(Danny Sullivan)这样的专家也无法解释Metafilter的流量为何突然大跌40%,也无法给出调整建议。



Facebook产品总监迈克·哈达克(Mike Hudack)最近撰文批评媒体专注于推荐一些让人摸不着头脑的内容。那篇文章引起了媒体的激烈反响,大量记者们诟病Facebook本身就是在帮助决定哪些内容被分享,哪些获得流量,因此它要承担该问题的部分责任。该社交网络还被指无缘无故删除与叙利亚战争等有关的帖子。



有这种恶习的公司并不止是上述三家公司:苹果也时常不作任何通知就封杀其平台上的应用与服务。那要如何阻击这类行为呢?一方面,大家要想清楚依赖于某些大平台的后果,或者可以将部分的时间、注意力或者资金转向其它的竞争平台,以期鼓励市场竞争。正如哥伦比亚大学法学教授Tim Wu所说的,科技界往往是在竞争与寡头垄断两种形态之间摇摆。我们唯一能做的是试图使得它加快摇摆。(via:GIGAOM


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