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Xinjiang police emergency unexpected meetings, and emphasized improving disposal capacity

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/9 7:46:50 Browse times: 305 Comment times: 0

Xinjiang police emergency unexpected meetings, and emphasized improving disposal capacity(新疆警方召开应急处突会议,,强调提升处置能力)

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Xinjiang police emergency unexpected meeting held that enhance the capacity to respond to emergency | unexpected _ news

Legal network news journalist Pan Congwu to seriously implement the Central Government, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Ministry of public security on safeguarding Xinjiang stability of a series of decisions to deploy, especially when XI Jinping visited Xinjiang, General Secretary's important speech and instructions, further enhance the emergency response capacity of public security organs in Xinjiang, on May 8, the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau held the region's public security organs emergency unexpected meeting.

Video communication mode adopted by the Conference, summed up in Urumqi, "4-30" and other major cases (things) disposal work experiences and practices, and an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing terrorism stability to further strengthen comprehensive contingency unexpected deployment. Vice Chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Party Secretary and Director of Public Security Department Zhu Changjie attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

It was pointed out that General Secretary XI Jinping visiting Xinjiang time, steady work in Xinjiang issued instructions and requests that the focus and the focus placed on the social stability and long-term peace and stability. Urumqi "4-30" after the incident, General Secretary XI Jinping made important instructions: it is necessary to deeply understand the long-term nature of the anti-splittism struggle in Xinjiang, complexity, acuteness, improve emergency unexpected ability to enhance preparedness and training, to take decisive measures, resolute arrogance of violent terrorist elements fighting to effectively protect the safety of lives and property of the masses of all ethnic groups and working order. Learn the important instructions of General Secretary for approval, further anti-terrorist direction maintaining the social stability in Xinjiang. Xinjiang District General Secretary of the public security organs must seriously study and deeply understand the acquisition of important instructions instructions, practical ideas to learn the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary for approval, effective instructions to learn the important instructions of General Secretary counter-terrorism powerful engine for maintaining the social stability in Xinjiang.

Meeting request, Xinjiang, the region's public security organs at all levels should adhere to the problem-oriented, grasping the situation accurately, effectively enhance emergency sudden awareness of the importance and urgency of the work, to further improve emergency response command system, improve emergency plans, highlight combat exercises, strengthening emergency powers protection. To focus on counter-terrorism stability, and further processes of perfection, innovation, enhancing the Emergency Department work, optimize command to improve command effectiveness; meticulous precautionary measures to enhance preparedness, and make plans for exercises, ensure work practical disposal process, improve the capability of on-site disposal; linkage mechanism, strengthen the emergency force. To strengthen the emergency response organization, power, and protection of unexpected, ensure that measures implemented, strengthen emergency response platform construction, improve the level of standardization of emergency response organizations; strengthening emergency response team-building, enhance the combat effectiveness of emergency; strengthen emergency communications equipment to improve equipment availability.

(Original title: Xinjiang police held emergency unexpected Conference that improve the ability of on-site disposal)

(Edit: SN098)18:41 May 09, 2014 Legal daily(新疆警方召开应急处突会议 强调提升处置能力|应急处突_新闻资讯

  法制网讯 记者 潘从武 为认真贯彻落实中央、新疆维吾尔自治区、公安部关于维护新疆稳定的一系列决策部署,特别是习近平总书记视察新疆时的重要讲话和指示精神,进一步提升新疆公安机关应急处置能力,5月8日,新疆公安厅召开全区公安机关应急处突工作会议。

  会议通过视频交流的方式,总结了乌鲁木齐市 “4-30”等重大案(事)件的处置工作经验和做法,深入分析了当前反恐维稳工作面临的形势,对进一步加强应急处突工作做出全面部署。新疆自治区副主席、公安厅党委书记、厅长朱昌杰出席会议并发表重要讲话。



(原标题:新疆警方召开应急处突工作会议 强调提升现场处置能力)


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