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Fudan poisoning victim’s father: how is it possible in the side serpent

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/9 7:43:08 Browse times: 239 Comment times: 0

Fudan poisoning victim’s father: how is it possible in the side serpent(复旦投毒受害人父亲:怎么可能在身边养毒蛇)

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Fudan poisoning victim's father: how is it possible in around the Viper | | Fudan students in Fudan poisoning case for clemency _ news

"Fudan poisoning" track

A joint letter requesting exemption from the death penalty, public attention that Fudan poisoning. Recently, by 177 students of Fudan University jointly signed the agreement on not sentenced Lin Senhao classmates "death penalty" request sent to the Shanghai higher people's Court, together with a copy of the deed, 177 students recommended that the Court gave Lin Senhao live, let him out, and in the future to take care of the victims parents of Huang Yang.

Yesterday afternoon, this huaxi city attend father Huang Guoqiang reporter call Huang Yang, Huang Guoqiang made it clear that, never forgave her son's killer, it is impossible to accept each other's care.

  Yellow parent: 177 students are too naive

Huang Guoqiang said that from your phone the first time know Fudan 177 students plead for Lin Senhao news, first of all is very angry, even a bit angry, thought these dolls were naive.

"These students are studying in universities, which even many law school, still believe that murderers sentenced to death is a loss, which I think is ridiculous. "Huang Guoqiang said that" homicide life is a matter of course, one is committing a crime, just like people, not because he would build the aircraft cannons, kill people, you cannot be sentenced to death. ”

177 students make "Huang Yang Lin Senhao care parent" argument, Huang Guoqiang looked very excited: "How is this possible, you want how can we possibly keep a poisonous snake? ”

Huang Guoqiang told a press conference, Huang Yang's death, his family, and loved ones, as well as the entire, combat is great. "Grandmother of Huang Yang, 7th was just cremated, to death we were lying to him, said Huang Yang to the United States, her eyes never closed before we left, just want to see Huang Yang. "Huang Guoqiang said.

  Attorneys: second instance court date undetermined

It is understood that Lin Senhao father twice in rongxian, and went to the tomb of Huang Yang's grave before, but Huang Guoqiang did not meet with him. "He has not contacted me, and I don't want to see him. "Huang Guoqiang said," I'm not going to, and only until the second trial sentencing. "Huang Guoqiang's lawyer said Ye Ping, are currently no information about the ne bis in idem, trial date has not been determined when sentencing less predictable.

Once the message is disclosed, has drawn heated discussions, public outrage with the attendant. Reporters noted that NetEase news discussion thread on the matter last night have reached close to 200,000, most netizens believe the killing must die, and 177 students expressed deep skepticism. Super satin hand Ma Boyong commented on Twitter: "Apart from the victim's parents, did not talk about who is eligible to forgive the killer. ”

There are also netizens who said the clemency was an expression of opinion, these students do not have to be pushed to the public morals on the trial.

West China cities reader reporter Li Qing

  Press review Lin Senhao trial sentenced to death

On February 18 of this year, the Shanghai second intermediate people's Court of "Fudan poisoning" exposes a sentence according to the law, accused Lin Senhao committed voluntary manslaughter were sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life. After the Court ruled, father of Lin Senhao said they will appeal to the Court. "Lin Senhao sentenced to death deserved what he got. "Huang Yang's father, said Huang Guoqiang, Fudan University used to say this is something that two consenting adults, they have no responsibility," that I can absolutely not agree with, followed by Fudan University will be held to account. ”

15:17 May 09, 2014 Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper(复旦投毒受害人父亲:怎么可能在身边养毒蛇|复旦投毒案|复旦学子求情_新闻资讯













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