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Health Planning Committee: couples can have two kids alone is the population development strategy

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/15 12:53:50 Browse times: 300 Comment times: 0

Health Planning Committee: couples can have two kids alone is the population development strategy(卫计委:单独夫妇可生二胎是人口发展战略决策)

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Health Planning Committee: separate couples second child population development strategy strategic decisions on health planning Commission | | | second _ news

Study and implement the central decision spirit of adhering to the basic State policy of family planning to gradually adjust the sound reproduction policy

The CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision (hereinafter the decision): "stick to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two kids, and gradually perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development. "It's improvement since entering the 21st century, significant adjustments in reproductive policy in China, is the demographic development of the country's important strategic decisions.

In the 1970 of the 20th century, the fast increase in population control, improving population quality, comprehensive family planning in China, will be established as a basic State policy of family planning, and with the changing population and economic and social development situation continues to improve. Practice has proved that national implementation of this policy to ease the pressure of resource and environment, promoting sustainable and rapid economic development and social progress has made an important contribution to actual is entirely correct, in accordance with national conditions. Family planning workers devoted painstaking efforts, has made a significant contribution to the broad masses.

Build a well-off society in the process, in accordance with developments in the population situation, prevailing throughout the country couples who are both only children to have two-child policy based on the launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two children, gradually improve fertility policy, plays a very important role.

First, adjust the perfect maternity policy conform to the masses expect, conducive to the development of social harmony and stability. Along with the economic and social development and improve people's living standards, urban and rural residents in China birth preference change dramatically, "many descendants and good fortune" traditional attitudes gradually fading. In accordance with the requirements of the decision, and to adjust and improve fertility policy towards national unity of will and the will of the masses, narrowing the urban-rural, regional, ethnic differences in fertility policy to promote balanced urban and rural development, promoting the sex ratio at birth to return to normal levels. Gradually perfecting family planning policy will further highlight the human-oriented idea, improve household population structure, significantly enhanced domestic ability for guarding against risks, and old-age care features, better promote family well-being and social harmony.

Second, the adjustment improve the fertility policies conducive to the stabilization of moderately low fertility, population balanced long-term development. Since entering the new century, the national women's total fertility rate steadily falling, which now stands at 1.5 per cent. As economic and social development, national income growth, health care and social security systems tends to sound, especially urbanization has improved continuously, women's total fertility rate could fall further. Gradually perfecting family planning policy, in line with the law on population and development, conducive to the stabilization of moderately low fertility, slow the population peaked too soon after declining momentum conducive to long-term balanced population development and the long-term development of the Chinese nation.

Third, the adjustments improve fertility policies conducive to maintaining a reasonable amount of labor and infrastructure, promote the sustained and healthy development of economy. 2011 15-59 working-age population in China reached 941 million peak, 2012 fell to 937 million, this trend, by 2030 China's working-age population can remain more than 800 million people, but young people among the working-age population decline, international comparative advantage in labor resources has subsided. At the same time, notable acceleration of population ageing, in 2012 the proportion of the elderly population aged 60 and over has reached 14.3%, end of 2013 total elderly population will reach 200 million, 2025, 2030 will reach 300 million and 400 million. To maintain the current family planning policy does not adjust, after decades of sharp decline in the working-age population, the proportion of the elderly population is too large, is bound to seriously affect China's economic and social development and international competitiveness. Gradually perfecting family planning policy was to respond effectively and actively mitigate long-term effects of population structural problems, maintaining a healthy workforce size and structure, delaying the ageing of the population. These decisions transforming the pattern of economic development, promote sustainable and healthy development of economy new advantages, preparing more favourable conditions of the population.

Population problem is a serious problem affecting our national, coordinated and sustainable development, is an important factor affecting economic and social development. China's basic national conditions, many people have no fundamental change, population pressures on the economy, society, resources and the environment will persist. Basic national policy of family planning should be stuck to family planning work must be lasting. State Health Commission will seriously carry out the party's 18 the spirit of the third plenary session, in-depth understanding of the profound connotation and essence of decision, safe and orderly adjustment solidly perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development.

(Edit: SN064)November 15, 2013 People's Republic of China National Commission of health and family planning(卫计委:单独夫妇可生二胎是人口发展战略决策|卫计委|战略决策|二胎_新闻资讯

  学习贯彻中央《决定》精神 坚持计划生育基本国策 逐步调整完善生育政策






  第三,调整完善生育政策有利于保持合理的劳动力数量和结构,促进经济持续健康发展。2011年,我国15-59岁劳动年龄人口达到9.41亿人峰值,2012年下降为9.37亿人,按此趋势,2030年前我国劳动年龄人口仍可保持8亿人以上,但年轻劳动力在劳动年龄人口中比例下降,劳动力资源的国际比较优势有所减弱。同时,人口老龄化明显加速, 2012年60岁及以上老年人口占总人口的比例已经达到14.3%,2013年底老年人口总数将达到2亿,而2025年、2030年将分别达到3亿和4亿。如维持现行生育政策不调整,几十年后劳动年龄人口锐减,老年人口比重过大,势必严重影响我国经济社会发展活力和国际竞争力。逐步调整完善生育政策,就是要有效应对和积极缓解人口结构性矛盾的长期影响,保持合理的劳动力数量和结构,延缓人口老龄化速度。这些决策将为转变经济发展方式、培育经济持续健康发展新优势,准备更为有利的人口条件。



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