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Global times: China should send warships to Philippine disaster relief

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/15 12:53:03 Browse times: 396 Comment times: 0

Global times: China should send warships to Philippine disaster relief(环球时报:我国应派军舰前往菲律宾救灾)

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Global times: China should send warships to | | | warship Liaoning ship in the Philippines _ Philippines disaster relief news

  Should be presented to the Philippine warships rescue in China

US troops "Washington" on 14th, the aircraft carrier arrived in the Philippine provinces most affected by fleet were shipped to more than 5,000 soldiers and more than 80 aircraft. Another 90 United States Marines as forces 11th into the Philippines. Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 13th decided to dispatch self-defence 1000 players in the Philippine disaster relief, the self-defense forces is the largest overseas rescue operation in history, Japan ACE the frigate "ISE" helicopter carrier, will travel to the Philippines.

Storms brought rare foreign warships gathered in the Philippines. All warships to Philip's declared goal is the undisputed, it is relief. But world opinion of the region around the response of "geopolitical competition" discussion is very active, public from an avalanche of information in making their own understanding and judgment.

In our view, China also sent ships to the Philippines in disaster relief. Chinese army came in relief in the past, to extend their humanitarian work overseas, this is the trend. Chinese warships visited the Philippines at this time on the ground upright, the Philippines should accept China's motion. If rejected Chinese warships visiting Manila for other considerations, only showed the Philippine side not enough atmosphere, China does not have any losses.

If China sent "Liaoning" aircraft carrier to rescue both immature and somewhat sensitive, then the Navy dispatched "peace Ark" hospital ships and warship escorts, you are more likely to be accepted by the parties. And, of course, American and Japanese public opinion will hype it, but those opinions do not come to harm China. Just as American and Japanese warships visiting the Philippine disaster relief also attracted the attention of world public opinion, but that voice into the chorus of expanded US-Japan geopolitical implications.

"Peace Ark" has participated in joint rescue exercises in Southeast Asia, it can with the Chinese warships arrived in the Philippines, rescue is that their unique work. As regards external if saw other significance, receives additional signals, such politically sensitive is not made in China, China didn't need to intentionally walk around it. "There is a reasonable", we should take the attitude of letting nature take its course.

American and Japanese warships visited the Philippines earlier, Chinese warships followed, aid to the Philippines is to strengthen the relationship, if the other interpretation, and US-Japan relations actions cancel each other out.

China to send troops overseas has been very cautious, in addition to the capacity issues, inexperience and worry too much is also an important reason. Times are changing, the Chinese army and surrounding geopolitical circumstances have changed, more decisively when a disaster occurs anywhere in the world, China sent military rescue, it not only big humanitarian moral, responsible powers helped boost China's image, would lead to a natural extension of the military mission in China.

We don't have to pursue military missions overseas to be perfect, in particular shall not be required early on its own. Is to deal with the uncertainty of the army, the Chinese army will gradually evolved into China's strong diplomatic resources and leverage, and any diplomatic at least two traders at home and abroad, precisely in place has never been one of diplomacy's true identity. Troops involved in diplomacy, variables must be ready to face.

Chinese people in the past very heavy face, root cause is lack of power, lack of self-confidence. We are stronger in the future, they would care if we ask the Philippine warships refused to do, and generally subject to public criticism if you go do this kind of detail risks. When the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, Japan proposed sending military aircraft to China to deliver relief supplies, China was rejected, Japan never embarrassed by public opinion.

China will send warships against Philippine rescue it? Might as well let the uncertainty this time are likely to cross began to step up, we accumulated experience and courage.

(Original title: Philip Liaoning of China should send warships aid total can not ship, hospital ship)

(Edit: SN095)November 15, 2013 Global times(环球时报:我国应派军舰前往菲律宾救灾|菲律宾|军舰|辽宁舰_新闻资讯












(原标题:中国应派军舰援菲 辽宁舰不行派医院船总可以)


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