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Zhejiang lanxi disputes arising between the prosecutors and the foot massage technician had been suspended

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/5 7:50:59 Browse times: 242 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang lanxi disputes arising between the prosecutors and the foot massage technician had been suspended(浙江兰溪检察官与足浴女技师发生纠纷遭停职)

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Lanxi disputes arising between the prosecutors and the foot massage technician had been suspended from duty dispute | prosecutors and technicians _ news

CNS, Jinhua, May 5 (reporter Hu Fengcheng)-the evening of 5th, lanxi municipal government information Office circulars stated that receiving foot massage technician massage at the hotel and disputes with the technician, lanxi city Party Committee on April 30, the city prosecutor's Office party, discipline inspection group made a suspension of the Yangtze River, and asked the public security departments in accordance with law.

The morning of April 27, Attorney members of the party, discipline inspection and supervision group of Changjiang River in lanxi city receiving foot massage technician massage at the hotel and disputes with the technician. A technician said he gave Jiang a massage is sexually violated. Subsequently, the River was the hotel massage Department staff niusong to the police station of the police.

Lanxi says, lanxi city Party Committee on April 30 suspension to the River, asked the public security departments investigated and dealt with according to law.

At present, the local public Security Bureau has been involved in River a mandatory residential surveillance measures have been taken by the parties, the case is under further investigation.

It is reported that the night of the incident, lanxi city prosecutor's Office convened party meeting, clarity, actively cooperate with public security departments to clarify the facts, learn, draw, further strengthen the building of procuratorial staff. (End text)

(Original title: lanxi prosecutors dispute with a hotel massage technician had been suspended)

21:22 May 05, 2014 China News Network(浙江兰溪检察官与足浴女技师发生纠纷遭停职|检察官与技师纠纷_新闻资讯

  中新网金华5月5日电(记者 胡丰盛) 5日傍晚,浙江兰溪市委市政府新闻办公室发通告称,因在酒店接受足浴女技师按摩并与女技师发生纠纷,兰溪市委已于4月30日该市检察院党组成员、纪检组长江某作出停职处理,并要求公安部门依法处理。







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