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Jiangsu reserve provides enrollment plans must be clear to the general public

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/5 7:48:08 Browse times: 269 Comment times: 0

Jiangsu reserve provides enrollment plans must be clear to the general public(江苏规定高校招生预留计划数须明确向社会公布)

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Reserved Jiangsu provides enrollment plans must be clear to the public | | stop points for college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province _ news

Xinhuanet, Nanjing, May 5 (reporters Ling Junhui and and Yang Yang)-Jiangsu provincial Department of education has released the 2014, college enrollment, compared with last year, admissions policy basically stable, but some new changes caused concern. Among them, the new policies on college admissions plan 1% of the reserve plan expressly provides that ' can only be used to adjust the imbalance of on-line sources, and put an end to "recruit" manoeuvre.

New the views put forward, according to the Ministry of education, colleges and universities around the country within the approved annual enrollment, reserve total number does not exceed the University undergraduate admissions plan 1% plan to regulate ' around the on-line source of imbalance. Universities are required to set aside in the plan and its use in admissions regulations such as principle be clarified and made public.

Experts say that compared with last year, 1% reserve plan "scope" narrowing. New policy cancel set aside plans to recruit specialist candidates under the line "back doors", is expected to block the "point" of operating space.

15:55 May 05, 2014 The website(江苏规定高校招生预留计划数须明确向社会公布|江苏高考|杜绝点招_新闻资讯

  新华网南京5月5日电 (记者凌军辉、杨洋) 江苏省教育厅近日发布《2014年普通高等学校招生工作意见》,和去年相比,招生政策基本稳定,但一些新变化引发关注。其中,新政策对高校招生计划总数1%的预留计划明确作出规定,只能用于调节各地统考上线生源的不平衡,杜绝“点招”的操作空间。




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