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Expert highly recognized a separate new deal for second child

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Expert highly recognized a separate new deal for second child(专家高度肯定单独二胎新政)

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Expert highly recognized a separate second new deal: old and new policies require proper cohesion policy | | | second _ family planning news

CNS, Beijing, November 16 (reporter Kan Feng)-released 15th plenary decision and announced that it would start implementing party policy of one-child couples to have two children. Expert analysis, "separate second" open China policy the first step, of historic significance. While fertility policy change involving the interests of different groups, old and new policies need to be better cohesion and avoid new social contradictions.

  In response to public expectations: historic "first steps"

Published 15th comprehensive reform of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues identified in the decision, "adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two kids, and gradually perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development. "This means that broad concerns of the community," let alone a second child "policy is official positive response.

"Official has stressed the need to improve the family planning policy, now that ' perfect ' had to take the first step, the open second alone is the first step, is also a key first step, has historical significance. ”

Lu Jie hua, a Professor of sociology at Peking University long-term research on population development in China, he told Xinhua reporters that the policy adjustments in response to the social public opinion looks forward to, as well as strategic planning for social development based on China's population situation.

In 1980, China's State-issued documents, began implementing the "one couple, one child" family planning policy, to further control the population growth.

The policy on China's economic development since then has made a positive contribution, but with the changes in economic and social environment, especially the ageing of the population in recent years, voices of the adjustment of current policies often found in newspapers, "let alone a second child" from ordinary people to the academic world wide recognition has been achieved.

"Let alone second child policy is an important event for the development of the Chinese population, although this policy, probably because the actual population numbers are limited, but to see that sends out a signal of this policy change, population development in China at a crossroads when policy adjustments have been made. "The Deputy Director of the China Research Center on aging Dang Junwu said.

  "Adhere to the basic State policy of family planning," can't miss reads

Worth noting is that the OK to start the implementation of the decision, "second child alone" at the same time, with special emphasis on "adhere to the basic State policy of family planning."

It cannot be denied, "family planning" this success since 1982, strictly implement the basic national policy helped China avoid the population out of control. "As a basic State policy, family planning is what we have needed a long, but, after more than 30 years, our family planning policy now could not simply understood to control the population. "The Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of population and labor economics analysis of recent grads still hunting to Xinhua reporters," family planning "is a comprehensive concept based on population and social development, simply cannot understand," even when population growth seriously, we encourage childbearing, family planning. ”

Said Lu Jiehua, current fertility policy adjustments are not changing the basic national policy of family planning, 18 stressed again the decision of the third plenary session, "adhere to the basic State policy of family planning," is based on China's population situation and long-term considerations, this concept cannot be misinterpreted.

"Family planning is not equal to the ' one child policy ' does not mean ' fewer child policy ' and it will be adjusted continuously with the development community, progressive and future ' birth according to the law ' is an important connotation of family planning policy. "Lu Jiehua said.

On November 11 this year, the country's health and family planning Commission at a press conference, spokesman Mao Qunan also emphasized that adhere to the basic State policy of family planning do not waver. He said that "for a long period of history, national population, weak, per capital hold of resources is relatively small, the insufficient capacity of the environment, and unbalanced development, is still the basic national conditions. Population pressures on the economy, society, resources and the environment will persist. ”

Mao Qunan also pointed out that, for more than 40 years, due to low family planning Trojan gave birth to more than 400 million people in China, thus greatly reducing the pressure of too-rapid growth in the population, resource and environment.

  Old and new policies needed immediately for proper cohesion measures to follow up

About the future trend of China's family planning policy, the third plenum of the decision given in the "gradual adjustment improve the reproductive policies, promote long-term balanced population development" formulation.

Analysis of recent grads still hunting, family planning has two important purposes, first of all, on sustainable development, to pursue population itself, growing too much or too little is bad. Secondly, to convince people and coordinated economic and social development, to meet the realities of socio-economic development and population development needs. "Two directions for the purpose of our future policy adjustments," say recent grads still hunting.

In the most populous country in the world, fertility policy adjustment "that gave rise to the" tremendous impact. Experts generally polled said that "second child alone" after you let go of old and new policy convergence, configure the policy to follow up, these issues need more thorough consideration.

"Any policy adjustments and changes, involve different groups, and between the different groups, assess the impact of policies is not the same as, say, after policy adjustment, some reporting system how to cancel, when removed, and so on. ”

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of population and labor economics researcher Wang Guangzhou to Xinhua reporter analysis, "second child alone" after release, some relevant social system should be in place, "if passive-blind, causing some confusion, then it should be conducive to smooth adjustments and policy convergence, instead of facing a lot of problems. ”

"For example, is the only child of a party in the past has condemned, what policy now defined, there must be a lot of new problems, new challenges require clarity and response. "Lu Jiehua, fertility policy adjustment will certainly let the community pay some interest cost, however, in promoting new policies, convergence before and after, the necessary follow-up actions, which require thoughtful design of sound policies to avoid new conflicts. (End text)

(Original title: expert highly recognized "stand-alone" second new deal policy convergence)

(Edit: SN098)November 16, 2013 China News Network(专家高度肯定单独二胎新政:新旧政策需妥善衔接|政策|计划生育|二胎_新闻资讯

  中新网北京11月16日电(记者 阚枫)15日公布的三中全会决定,宣布将启动实施一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策。专家分析,“单独二胎”放开迈出了中国完善生育政策的第一步,具有历史意义。同时生育政策变化涉及不同群体利益,需要做好新旧政策妥善衔接,避免新的社会矛盾。







  “放开单独生二胎政策是中国人口发展的一件大事,虽然可能因为这个政策实际增加的人口数量有限,但是要看到,这个政策的变化传递出一个信号,中国在人口发展处在十字路口的时候,作出了政策调整。” 中国老龄科学研究中心副主任党俊武表示。



  无可否认,“计划生育”这项自1982年被严格执行的基本国策成功帮助中国避免了人口失控。“作为基本国策,计划生育是我们必须需要长期坚持的,只是,30多年之后,我们现在不能简单把计划生育政策理解为控制人口。” 中国社科院人口与劳动经济研究所副所长张车伟向中新网记者分析,“计划生育”是一个基于人口与社会发展的综合概念,不能简单理解,“甚至当人口负增长严重时,我们鼓励生育,这也是在计划生育。”


  “计划生育不等于‘独生子女政策’,也不等于‘少生孩子政策’,它会随着社会发展而不断调整,与时俱进,将来‘依法生育’应该是计划生育政策一个重要内涵。” 陆杰华说。



  新旧政策需妥善衔接 配套措施需及时跟进

  对于未来中国生育政策的走向,三中全会《决定》中给出“逐步调整完善生育政策,促进人口长期均衡发展” 的表述。





  “比如过去一方是独生子女超生了,现在的政策怎么样界定,肯定还有很多新问题、新难题需要明晰和回应。”陆杰华表示,生育政策的调整肯定会让社会付出一些利益成本,但是,新政策的推进过程中,如何前后衔接、配套跟进,这都需要周全妥善的政策设计,避免造成新的矛盾。 (完)

(原标题:专家高度肯定“单独”二胎新政 吁做好政策衔接)


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