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Yichang, Hubei 1 cars rushed into the crowd to 2 dead and 9 wounded

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/3 9:50:04 Browse times: 281 Comment times: 0

Yichang, Hubei 1 cars rushed into the crowd to 2 dead and 9 wounded(湖北宜昌1辆轿车冲向人群致2死9伤)

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Yichang, Hubei 1 2 dead and 9 wounded caused by cars rushed into the crowd (photo) |-Yichang sedan rushed into the crowd _ news

CNS, Yichang, May 2 (reporters Liu Liangwei and Guo Xiaoying)-reporter on May 2 from Yichang city in Hubei Province Public Security Bureau traffic police detachment was informed that verified by statistics, on May 1, a car rushed into the crowd on the ground, the accident has resulted in 2 dead and 9 wounded, 2 of them were seriously injured, has ruled out suspected drink-driving and drug-driving.

May 1 at 16 o'clock, Yichang city, victory road, Yanjiang Avenue intersection, a car lost control and rushed into the crowd, leaving 2 people dead, 9 injured, 2 seriously, 7 of them were slightly injured. After the traffic accident, accident pilots left so and so had been controlled by police.

According to traffic police sources introduced after the accident, traffic Police Department and the 120 first-aid personnel in a timely manner the injured to hospital for treatment. Prior to this, 3 people had been injured before the police comes to hospital on their own, so at yesterday's statistical errors were made in.

After preliminary investigations in Yichang city traffic police detachment, accident car driver left 45, yiling district of Yichang city, and when the accident occurred, left driving a Chevrolet car, containing their families 2, Wujiagang towards Yichang, from Yanjiang Avenue victory when the three-way intersection, crossed the double yellow lines into the center of the road to the lane, rushed to the casual crowd eventually lead to tragedy.

Blood and urine samples were extracted by the police left for censorship, suspected of drink-driving and drug-driving has been excluded. The cause of the accident is still under investigation. (End text)

(Original title: Hubei Yichang sedan rushed into the crowd to 2 dead and 9 wounded excluding DUI suspected drug-driving)

May 02, 2014, 08:56 China News Network(湖北宜昌1辆轿车冲向人群致2死9伤(图)|宜昌轿车冲向人群_新闻资讯

  中新网宜昌5月2日电(记者刘良伟 郭晓莹)记者5月2日从湖北省宜昌市公安局交警支队获悉,经统计核实,5月1日,当地一辆轿车冲向人群,事故已造成2人死亡9人受伤,其中2人重伤,目前已排除酒驾、毒驾嫌疑。





(原标题:湖北宜昌轿车冲向人群致2死9伤 排除酒驾毒驾嫌疑)


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