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Truth: the rapid rise of China, many people began to reflect on system in the West

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/3 9:49:34 Browse times: 318 Comment times: 0

Truth: the rapid rise of China, many people began to reflect on system in the West(求是:中国迅速崛起,西方不少人开始反思制度)

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Truth: many people in the West of China's rapid rise has been reflecting on Western democracy | system | United States | China dream _ the dream news

In the past few decades, Western countries, especially the United States, has been all over the world to sell your system model. Look closely, they sell mainly to two things: one is the market fundamentalism, another democratic fundamentalism, but the effect seems to be getting worse: the "color revolutions" as Ukraine's separatist unrest has been basically finished fading, the "Arab spring" with Egypt shocks of conflict has become a "Arabs in winter". Doing too many things is probably fooling others, Western many countries they really believe in such things, the results themselves were also hoodwinked. Take a look at today's West, Iceland, and Greece in countries such as insolvent, Portugal, and Italy, and Spain, country on the brink of bankruptcy, and most Western countries mired in a debt crisis, United States economy is not doing well, did not improve the living standards of the majority of 20 years, instead of falling, country is in debt. Such a result is estimated not expect myself in the West.

Contrasted with this is insisted on going his own way, China is never seen in human history scale and momentum of rapid rise of most people's living standards greatly improved. In the face of the fact that, eventually a lot of people began to reflect on the West of the West system. In March this year, Western liberalism's flagship magazine, the Economist, the most influential rare published under cover of a long essay: what's wrong with the democratic issues? (Hereinafter referred to as "the Economist article"), admitted that "the (Western) democracy in the world's development has stagnated, and may even begin to reverse." "From 1980 to 2000, just suffered some setback for democracy, after entering the new millennium, democratic setbacks in more and more". Author blamed the setbacks for two reasons: "first, the financial crisis that began in 2008 and the second is the rise of China". This also leads me to this article explores two themes: reflections on the system of the West and China's road of self-confidence.

  First, the reflections on the system of the West: from the economy to politics

Shortly after the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2008, many people in the West began to reflect on the reason for this financial crisis. United Kingdom Queen asked the academics of the London School of Economics: why did not predict the arrival of the financial crisis. Many heavyweights by foreign scholars and politicians have participated in this reflection. Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman wrote an article why the Economics get it so wrong? That "most economists clung to capitalism is a perfect, or near perfect system in perspective", "close our eyes to many things." Responsible for the crisis, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said he was in "shocked disbelief", because "the whole intellectual building" has been "collapsed", he "can't believe my faith in markets and understanding of how the market works is wrong." United States Economist buladefude·delang that: financier, self-regulation is a disaster, "Although in General, regulated in accordance with the long-term interests of the company, but financiers are too stupid, don't realize this, they just want to make money, and say, ' when I die, even if the flood wall. If this view is right, the United States will have a lot of trouble. ”

United States Pulitzer Prize winner, tangnade·balite, and zhanmusi·sidier in 2012 in the United States published the betrayed by the United States book, dream, caused a sensation. Authors conducted a survey of Americans over the past 20 years of real-life, believing that once inspired so many people "United States dreams" has ceased to exist, because most American incomes over the past 20 years has stagnated or even fell. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz says: "the United States claiming to be ' land of opportunity ', or at least more opportunities than any other region, 100 years ago, it might be appropriate. However, at least more than 20 years, this is not the case. "

For the Western economy has started to recover, he wrote: "if we look at the Western world, despite signs of recovery, but most of the North Atlantic country's real (inflation-adjusted) GDP per capita lower than in 2007 and in Greece, estimated economic contraction of about 23%. Best European country Germany over the past six years, the average annual growth rate of only 0.7%. United States economy is still smaller than pre-crisis 15% ". He also said that "GDP are not good indicators for measuring success. More indicators related to household income. United States the median real income today than in 1989 (25 years ago), lower level; median earnings of full-time male employees than level of more than 40 years ago. "

Reflections on the crisis in the West has also shifted from economic and political dimensions. Betrayed by the United States, author of the dream into the United States dreams betrayed by political reasons, arguing that United States politicians, the wealthy and large corporations, through money and power trading was shaken, "United States dreams" Foundation. United States Government tax cuts for the rich people, expect the wealthy to give United States create a lot of jobs, but this situation did not arise. Rich are not eager to profit repatriation back to the United States, but increased their money to the Cayman Islands and other tax havens. Stiglitz also said President Lincoln said, "the people, by the people and for the people" has evolved into a democratic system, "1% of people there, the rule of man, 1% man". Pope Francis is open to "modern capitalism" is called a "new totalitarian regime". He thought "capitalism will lead to wider social unrest. Capitalism is robbing the poor economy ".

  Second, the Western model of democracy out of the what's the problem?

There is no doubt that the Western model of democracy, particularly United States democracy out of the big problem. Westerners reflection on the Western model of democracy can be summarized as three issues, namely the failure of money politics, polity, debt economy.

"Money politics" in the financial crisis undoubtedly exposed in. The Economist article notes that "money won the United States unprecedented in the history of unprecedented political clout. Thousands of lobbyists (average more than 20 lobbyists per Member of Congress) to make the legislative process more lengthy and complex, and special interest groups also have the opportunity to get involved. " One example is Obama's health care reform bill, more than 2000 pages long, including a variety of additions and exceptions, frankly speaking, that is, execution of transactions resulting from the right to the weakest of the Act. "Money politics" milestones is the 2010 United States Supreme Court ruled that companies and organizations support the no limit on campaign contributions. The Washington Post columnist haluode·maiyesen exclaimed: "this ruling appears to confirm the Chinese United States democratic criticism of United States democracy is a rich man's game." Not long ago, the United States Supreme Court ruling individual campaign contributions have no ceiling, United States democracy really became "money primary", even the United States fears of right-wing Senator McCain to say: "the United States to scandals in the future."

United States conservative scholar Francis Fukuyama believes that "in the United States political system, money has become an electoral trump card, recognized by the Supreme Court was entitled to take advantage of strong economic strength to support candidates and policies favour it operates". "While China, on the contrary, China's system could not sacrifice the needs of the system as a whole, enables the enterprise to participate in Government decision-making, so as to meet their bottom line."

"Failure polity" main performance for Western national governance capacity General sharply fell: Iceland Government national governance incompetence led to has national bankruptcy; Greece and Italy of Government governance extremely chaos, led to has now of deep crisis; Belgium experience has more than 500 days no central Government of situation; EU internal settlement actual problem of efficiency very low; Japan like revolving door as to for Government, ten years nine phase; United States so huge of financial system ills sympodial, but financial crisis to has outbreak Eve, Government no perceived, Results from United States and bring disaster to the world, United States comprehensive national strength has also plummeted.

"Failed democracies" also reflected in United States political "polarization", that is, parties bitter confrontation led to "reject the political" and "treatment of paralysis". Fukuyama wrote that the United States had nothing to teach in China, said China's system can "quickly made major decisions are complex", and "better implementation of the decision. And American constitutional checks and balances while protecting personal freedoms, to involve the private sector dynamism, but it has now become confrontation, Division and rigid ".

Sitaien·Lingen, a professor at the University of Oxford and even warning: British and American democracy may have been repeating the fate of Athenian democracy collapse a "tipping point": "the separation of powers system is designed through the mutual checks and balances between the powers of the Government and ultimately better service to the public. Today, however, power trip over each other to form a stalemate, denied the importance of good governance throughout the country. Any bystander would easily and dismayed to discover that United States ' social inequality and government inaction ' is so inextricably linked. Powers conferred on the constitutional system, such as political action committees, lobby groups, think-tanks, media organizations such as extracting and usurping ". "In ancient Greece, when the rich become billionaires, and refuses to comply with the rules, the destruction of government institutions, sounded the death knell of the collapse of democracy in Athens. In today's Britain and the United States, had reached a precarious point. "

As for the "debt economy", today, almost yinchimaoliang received the most Western economies, debt-dependent economy, through new methods of servicing old debts to address economic and financial problems. From a political perspective, democratic politicians in order to vote in the West are competing to please the voters, cheques from a variety of direct and indirect benefits and depleted the National Treasury. Southern Europe's debt crisis is so formed, United States high levels of debt crisis in some sense is thus formed.

The Economist article acknowledges that "democracy is neither the greatest challenges from above or from below, but from the inside, from the electorate itself. Turns out, Plato that democracy will make citizens ' day to indulge in pleasures ' fears is full of foresight. Under a democratic system of Government had been formed not seriously used large structural deficits. Them to borrow to meet the short-term needs of the electorate, while ignoring long-term investment. France and Italy have been in more than 30 years to break even. Will this financial crisis has no doubt democracy exposed the unsustainability of debt ".

  Third, China road going wide

Going its own way and the rapid development of China, attracted worldwide attention. Today, the Western people to reflect on their own system problems almost all of the frames is China. In October 2012, Spain's former Prime Minister feilipei·gangsaleisi's visit to China later in Spain the national newspaper wrote an article saying "visit China every time, regardless of how long later, reflect the new situation in the world's history would be a surprise: with extraordinary speed, China's rise, while the Europeans are struggling not to sink", "we do not know how to stop this process, much less reverse it."

If the West had been selling around the world, "market fundamentalism" and "democratic fundamentalist", then China's success precisely because China, out of these two myths, boldly explore, out of a line with their own conditions of public success and went wide.

"Market fundamentalism" market is the core of this "invisible hand" can solve all economic and social problems. Actually, "market original taught aims doctrine" of crisis in non-Western world already exposed undoubtedly: Western Shang century 80 generation and 90 generation in African introduced of "economic structure adjustment", results to economic crisis and social crisis ended, Western 90 generation in Russia introduced of "shock therapy" also to failed ended, but market original taught aims doctrine who also is wrong-headed, eventually put Western themselves also drag into has today of financial crisis and economic crisis.

Judging from the practice of the past decades, China's "socialist market economy" model, this Government "visible hands" and marketing this "invisible hand" combine, combine plans and marketing, combining nongovernmental economy and State-owned economy, which greatly promoted the development of China. This model also continues to improve, but has brought China's rapid rise. Fukuyama admitted: "nearly 30 years ago, reflects the rapid development of China's amazing economic effectiveness of the Chinese model, growth is expected to remain for 30 years is generally considered". "Facts prove that Western liberal democracy may not be the end of the evolution of the human history. With the rise of China, the so-called ' end of history ', need to be further refined and improved. Treasure of the human mind for the Chinese traditions have a place to stay. "

"Democratic fundamentalist" is the core concept is only a Western-style democratic model, in particular, a multi-party system and universal suffrage, were calling for democracy, a country's success depends on whether it adopts this democratic model. But practice has proved that this model in Western and non-Western countries are in great difficulties. In Western countries, the model's biggest dilemma is not "advancing with the times". In non-Western countries, which is the biggest dilemma "acclimatized".

For Western countries, only the times, to push their own political system in order to get rid of difficulties and crises of today. But in many Western democracies, has been kidnapped by highly organized and mobilized vested interests, substantive reform could not be started. In 2011, after more than 500 days after the absence of a central Government, Belgium has published a large number of people a thousand group of the Declaration, which States: "in addition to democracy, world innovation is everywhere. If the company must continue to innovate, scientists must be constantly challenging discipline barriers, players must constantly break the world record, an artist must constantly. But when it comes to the social and political organization, we apparently still satisfied with the programs in the 1830 of the 19th century. Why should we have to cling on for 200 years antiques don't let go? Democracy is a living organism that democracy is not in the form of fixed, unchanging, and should continue to grow with the needs of the times. ”

In non-Western countries, almost all the Western democratic model for "unaccustomed" and fall into despair or hopelessness. Country is a political, economic and social levels of the organism, the Western model of democracy is at best changed the political imagery of this organism, two levels cannot be changed, especially the social dimension of change is very difficult and very slow. "Colour revolution" and the failure of "Arab in winter", explains the issues that arise.

Compared with Western democratic models, the exploration success of China national democratic construction. Western model to focus on the "form" and "procedures" that seemed as long as the correct "form" and "procedures", a country is allowed to end, once and for all, the result is a model of Western democracy today has become "dogma" and "rigidity" synonymous. Chinese democracy to focus on the "content" and "results" on, boldly explore their own democratic "form" and "procedure", the result is a road going wide. It is in this sense that we can better understand Deng Xiaoping's discussion of how to assess the quality of the political system. He considers key to see the three "content" and "results": first look at stability of the political situation in the country, and secondly see if I can enhance the unity of the people, improve the lives of people, the third sustainable development of productivity can be seen.

If these three criteria are used to evaluate the experience "color revolution" and "Arab spring" country, then these countries belong to the inferior performance. Political instability in these countries, split the people, people's life has deteriorated because the tremendous damage to productivity. If you take the three criteria to be judged by Western countries, most of them fairly stable, although as before, which is to a large extent because these countries still have to eat their shirts, over hundreds of years of wealth accumulation (including large amounts of ill-gotten wealth) and the construction of the capital, and two, most countries have not met. Their people are not United, not many people improve the quality of life, their social divisions worse than in the past, their economies have also been caught in the financial crisis, debt crisis or an economic crisis.

Exploration of the road of China has achieved remarkable results. China democratic system of construction increasingly mature, from consultations democratic to "singles + election" of appointing capable people system, from "new democratic centralism" of decision-making mechanism to various modern network representative Government platform,, China Supreme leaders of ordered succession, and China ruling team of excellent quality and capacity, China a received a five years planning of smooth developed and implementation, and China most national on future of optimistic attitude,, are show has China Road and system construction of huge achievements. The Economist cited the year 2013 the Pew Global opinion poll, are very reluctant to admit China's competitiveness. This poll: 85% direction for the development of people in their own countries "very satisfied", while in the United States the ratio for the 31%.

In the long run, with the further rise of China, the whole world will be greater reflection on the problems brought about by the Western model, the chaos and disaster, in particular the "market fundamentalism" and "democratic fundamentalist" absurdity. The historical destiny of China's unique cultural heritage, distinctive and unique local customs of country decided the path of China's own choice, decides the direction of China's future. Exploring on their own path of development, China has achieved decisive success. As early as at the beginning of China's reform and opening up, United Kingdom historian Toynbee predicted: China may be "conscious, controlled fusion," China and the strengths of other civilizations, "might end provides an entirely new cultural starting point of human civilization". China has come a long way, China will continue along this road, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make their own unique contribution to human civilization as a whole.

Author: Zhang Wei

(Author: Socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, Shanghai Research Center)

(Original title: reflections on the system of the West and China's road of self-confidence)

May 02, 2014, 11:40 Qiu Shi(求是:中国迅速崛起 西方不少人开始反思制度|西方民主制度|美国梦|中国梦_新闻资讯





























  作者: 张维为

  (作者单位:上海市中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心 )

(原标题:西方的制度反思与中国的道路自信 )


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