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Severe boys urgently needed new heart, multiple relay transported for thousands of miles

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/3 9:48:41 Browse times: 257 Comment times: 0

Severe boys urgently needed new heart, multiple relay transported for thousands of miles(重症男孩急需换心脏,多方接力千里运供体)

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Severe boys urgently needed new heart donor organ donation | | relay transported thousands of miles _ of heart transplantation news

@ CCTV News: April 30, 12 year old boys and congestive heart failure in Beijing, after rescuing rely on ventilators to sustain life. On April 30, Ye Jin, aged 21 in brain death in Guilin, the family donated organs such as the heart. After 4 o'clock in the afternoon the remains today, Ye Jin's heart out, transplanted to the miles small package body continue to beat. Heart isolated period of not more than 6 hours, flights will be 2 hour 40 minute flight ... Time is running out, pray!

@ China Southern Airlines: "relay life flight" 12 year old boy born small packets due to congestive heart failure, needed a heart transplant, went looking for, needed a heart donor will meet on May 2 by the China Southern Airlines flight CZ3287 from Guilin to Beijing. Because of the heart shouldn't be isolated for more than 6 hours, and flying time would require nearly 2.5 hours, China Southern Airlines after receiving the hospital guarantee punctuality of flights request, make every effort to safeguard. This relay is life continues!

@ Beijing peaceful: "a heart of relay life" on April 30, Beijing, 12-year old boy packet of heart failure, after rescuing rely on ventilators to sustain life. On April 30, Ye Jin, aged 21 in brain death in Guilin, the family donated organs such as the heart. May 2 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon after celebrities, will remove the heart, transplantation of miles of small package body continue to beat. Heart isolated time should be less than 6 hours! This relay is life continues! Police will give help!

@ China Southern Airlines: flight CZ3287 was 17:51 closed doors, 17:53 ahead of launch and take off early on the 18:00.

@ News client: "live: a heart of relay life" severe boy Ward waiting miles away in Beijing donated cardiac event update: China Southern Airlines said flight CZ3287 was 17:51 closed doors, 17:53 ahead of launch and take off early on the 18:00; the Beijing police to transport for donation organ to help.

@ Christmas Beijing: family members or hospital as soon as possible and contact the police, sixin gives @ peace @ Beijing traffic police in Beijing, or you can hit 122, is how you want to understand the details of the handover, to determine driving directions, buy time for the kids.

@ Beijing peaceful: "a heart of relay life" now find out the latest news and first aid by helicopter to help children, organ transplant service from the airport to the hospital, so fastest. Blessing for the child with everyone. Thanks a lot friend gives @ peace @ Beijing traffic police in Beijing and relevant information

@ China Southern Airlines: "relay life flight" to enable flight CZ3287 took off smoothly, China Southern Airlines through the civil aviation authority for coordination across the ATC unit priority protection and ready 2 planes back up. Southern clothing sector coordination to handle living donor organ transportation certificate, and contact the airport has opened a green passage, accompanied transport personnel on board as soon as possible. China Southern Airlines also arranged a good unit, arranged in advance to place loads on living donor organ-specific areas of the device. Plane had took off early at 18:00.

@ SINA aviation: "life flight smooth landing" 12 year old boy small packet heart failure, Ye Jin, aged 21 in brain death in Guilin, the family donated heart. Today carrying donated heart @ the China Southern Airlines flight CZ3287 took off from 18:00 in advance, air traffic control, with the direct flight to Beijing, final 45 minutes early, 20:20 Beijing (flight plan 18:15 takes off from Guilin, 21:05 arrived in Beijing). Multiple flights detour flights make life channel, relay for this life saving valuable 45 minutes!

@ News client: "live: latest progress relay of life" @ ping an said Beijing "baton" now in the hands of Beijing 120 Emergency Center helicopter pilots, the traffic police will meet helicopters landing. At that time, North of the West Gate of Beijing anzhen Hospital Road temporary traffic management measures will be taken in advance.

@ Beijing times: "package has been waiting in the operating room for love [heart]" Department of cardio-thoracic surgery, 9 anzhen hospital doctors, to make donor arrived immediately after surgery, around 8 o'clock, small package has been promoting the operating room, for surgery. Surgery is expected to be 5-6 hours. Let us pray together! Jinghua times, Pan Shanju Zhang Jia

@ Christmas Beijing: the "relay of life" to ensure a smooth landing aircraft, as well as the surrounding road traffic safety, @ Beijing traffic police from stopping the hospital door and deployed more police officers to maintain flow, ensuring the route clear. Aircraft has landed, life-saving heart arrived safely. Thank every people lend a helping hand in this relay, all for children, in order to extend the life and blessings! Thanks a lot friend, give us a notification message.

@ Beijing times: "love donors arrived in the hospital [heart]" 20:50 helicopters landing near the anzhen hospital, in the north side of the road. 120 Emergency Center officers took an incubator, escorts heart organ to the hospital after heart surgery operating rooms of the building. 20:52 helicopter left the scene. Operation successful! Jinghua times, Pan Shanju Zhang Jia Wang Yixuan Tao Ran

@ CCTV News: # heart lives relayed # "helicopter landing operation began smoothly" 120 Emergency Center helicopters landed at the Beijing anzhen hospital, after thousands of "love" has been sent to the surgery, heart transplants began as scheduled. Pray for the kids love to thank all work together! (CCTV reporter Ark)

May 02, 2014, 22:42(重症男孩急需换心脏 多方接力千里运供体|器官捐赠|心脏移植_新闻资讯

  @央视新闻:4月30日,北京12岁男孩小包心力衰竭,抢救后靠呼吸机维持生命。4月30日,桂林21岁男子叶劲脑死亡,家属捐献心脏等器官。 今天下午4点遗体告别后,叶劲的心脏将取出,移植到千里之外小包的身体继续跳动。心脏离体时间不能超过6小时,航班就要飞行2小时40分钟…时间紧迫,祈祷!

  @中国南方航空:【接力生命的航班】12岁的北京男孩小包因心力衰竭,急需进行心脏移植手术,几经辗转寻找,所需心脏供体将于5月2日由南航 CZ3287航班从桂林送往北京。由于心脏离体时间不能超过6小时,而飞行时间就需要近两个半小时,南航接到医院申请保障航班正点的请求后,尽全力进行保 障。这场生命的接力正在继续!

  @平安北京:【一颗心的生命接力】4月30日,北京12岁男孩小包心力衰竭,抢救后靠呼吸机维持生命。4月30日,桂林21岁男子叶劲脑死亡,家属捐献心脏等器官。5月2日下午4点遗体告别后,叶劲心脏将取出,移植到千里之外小包的身体继续跳动。心脏离体时间不能超过6小时!这场生命接力正在继 续!警方将全力给予帮助!

  @中国南方航空 : CZ3287航班已于17:51关舱门,17:53提前推出,并在18:00提前起飞。

  @新闻资讯客户端:【直播:一颗心的生命接力】北京重症男孩病房等待千里之外捐献心脏事件最新进展:中国南方航空称CZ3287航班已于 17:51关舱门,17:53提前推出,并在18:00提前起飞;北京警方表示将为捐赠器官运送全力给予帮助。

  @平安北京: 请家属或医院尽快与警方联系,私信给 @平安北京 @北京交警 ,也可以直接打122,现需了解具体的交接方式,以确定地面行车路线,为孩子争取时间。

  @平安北京:【一颗心的生命接力】目前了解到的最新消息,急救直升机将帮助孩子,把移植器官从机场送达医院,这样的速度最快。大家一起为孩子祝福吧。感谢很多朋友提供给 @平安北京 @北京交警 的相关信息

  @中国南方航空:【接力生命的航班】为了让CZ3287航班顺利起飞,南航通过民航局协调各地空管单位优先保障,并准备2架飞机备份。南航地服部门协调办理活体器官运送证明,并联系机场开通绿色通道,让陪运人员尽快登机。南航还安排了优秀机组,在机上提前安排了放置装载活体器官器械的特定区域。 飞机已经于18:00提前起飞。

  @新浪航空:【生命航班顺利落地】12岁男孩小包心力衰竭,桂林21岁男子叶劲脑死亡,家属捐献心脏。今日搭载捐献心脏的@中国南方航空 CZ3287航班提前至18:00起飞,在空管配合下直飞北京,最终提前45分钟,20:20飞抵北京(航班原计划18:15从桂林起飞,21:05抵达 北京)。多个航班绕路飞行让出生命航道,为这场生命接力节约宝贵的45分钟!

  @新闻资讯客户端:【直播:生命接力最新进展】@平安北京 表示“接力棒”现在交到北京120急救中心直升机驾驶员手中,交警将迎接直升机落地。届时,北京安贞医院西门以北路段将提前采取临时交通管理措施。

  @京华时报 : 【小包已在手术室等待爱心供体[心]】安贞医院心胸外科9科张医生介绍,为了让供体抵达后能够马上手术,晚上8点左右,小包已被推进手术室,准备手术。预计手术将进行5至6小时。让我们共同祈祷!京华时报记者潘珊菊 张思佳

  @平安北京:【一颗心的生命接力】为了确保飞机能够顺利降落,以及周边道路的交通安全, @北京交警 从停机地点至医院门前加派了多名警力维护疏导,确保路线畅通。现在飞机已降落,救命的心脏安全抵达。感谢每一位在这场接力中伸出援手的人们,一切为了孩子,为了生命延续,祈福!感谢很多网友,给我们通报的消息。

  @京华时报:【爱心供体顺利抵达医院[心]】20点50分,直升机降落在靠近安贞医院北边的马路上。120急救中心人员接过保温箱,护送心脏器官前往医院心外大楼手术室。20点52分直升机离开现场。愿手术顺利!京华时报记者潘珊菊 张思佳 王以萱 陶冉

  @央视新闻:#一颗心的生命接力#【直升机顺利降落 手术开始进行】120急救中心直升机降落在北京安贞医院,历经千里的“爱心”已经被送进手术室,心脏移植手术如期开始。一起为孩子祈祷吧爱心感谢所有努力的人们!(央视记者方舟)


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