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Pickup truck into the hundred-metre cliff killing 4 people in Qinghai province, still people trapped

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/3 9:48:16 Browse times: 265 Comment times: 0

Pickup truck into the hundred-metre cliff killing 4 people in Qinghai province, still people trapped(青海皮卡跌入百米山崖致4人遇难,仍有人被困)

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Pickup truck into the hundred-metre cliff, Qinghai province killing 4 people remain trapped | pickup truck fell off a cliff _ news

CNS, Xining, May 2 (reporter Hu Guilong)-reporters learned from the haixi, interested parties, May 2 18:45, delingha, Qinghai Cypress Hill Road, a car with 7 people on the pickup truck more than doubled following more than 100 meters deep under the cliffs, up to now, has been caused by the accident killed 4 people, 2 have been sent to hospital for treatment, 1 people are still trapped inside the vehicle.

According to reports, rescue workers had arrived at the scene after receiving the alarm, but due to the steep slope, terrain, brings to the rescue operation difficult. (End text)

(Original title: haixiyipika fall into the hundred-metre cliff killing 4 people in Qinghai still trapped)

May 02, 2014, 20:48 China News Network(青海皮卡跌入百米山崖致4人遇难 仍有人被困|皮卡坠崖_新闻资讯

  中新网西宁5月2日电 (胡贵龙)记者从海西州有关方面获悉,5月2日18时45分,青海德令哈市柏树山路口一辆载有7人的皮卡车翻下一百多米深的山崖下,截至目前,事故已致4人遇难,2人已被送往医院接受救治,1人仍被困在车内。


(原标题:青海海西一皮卡跌入百米山崖致4人遇难 仍有人被困)


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